њ њ - -- A C i D B U R N - P R O D U C T i O N S -- - м њ њ А м А м м м А мА А м м олм м А мллВпплллнмВлппплллнолнолллппплВмоВллпплллмАмВлн пм олллпплллмАВллм олВм лллн АВллнллл Апппп ппп ллл А лллнллл оллВАВлл А ллнолллн оллВ лллплмлллн ВллппплллнлллнА АВлнлллнллл А лллнлллпппллмоллл А лллолллппВллм лллн плллн АВллнА ллл ВллнА лллнлллАВлл Аолллнлллн млллолллнААВллАВллн олллнлллнА лллм олллнА лллолллнА лллоллВоллл АолллАВллнАолллолллн олллнлллнА лллнлллнА ллВпм олллнА лллолллнА лллоллВоллл Аолллоллл Аолллолллн олллнлллнААВлл ВллнА ллн оллВ АоллВпБллмммлллБллВолллммллБпВлллммллллпллллмВлллпВлБм олп АВллл олп п пА п п п п п п А п п п њ њ - -- A C i D B U R N - P R O D U C T i O N S -- - њ њ SRT - CRO Phrozen Crew Trial Crackme 1: Calculation of a valid Serial!! Tutorial by ACiD BuRN [Immortal Descendants] (October 19th, 1999) Introduction: Since , this crackme is expired (PC trial crackme 2 is out) , i can writte a tut on the registration part! I will only show how to crack the serial / name part , because i didn't look the rest of the crackme yet and i don't like keyfile though :p Tools needed: - Soft ice 3.2x - Brain (some maths knowledge) - an hexeditor (serial is not typable) - calculator (windows one in scientific mode will do ;) ok , Run the pC crackme , enter name : ACiD BuRN , and serial : 1234 Ctrl+D and u are in soft ice , bpx hmemcpy and then F5... Press the check button , and you are back in soft ice, trace until you are here: //Operations on serial: 025F:004020F9 8A18 MOV BL,[EAX] 025F:004020FB C1C308 ROL EBX,08 025F:004020FE 03D3 ADD EDX,EBX 025F:00402100 40 INC EAX 025F:00402101 803800 CMP BYTE PTR [EAX],00 025F:00402104 75F3 JNZ 004020F9 025F:00402106 8BCA MOV ECX,EDX 025F:00402108 33DB XOR EBX,EBX 025F:0040210A 33D2 XOR EDX,EDX 025F:0040210C B83C2E4000 MOV EAX,00402E3C //Operations on name: 025F:00402111 8A18 MOV BL,[EAX] 025F:00402113 C1CB08 ROR EBX,08 025F:00402116 03D3 ADD EDX,EBX 025F:00402118 40 INC EAX 025F:00402119 803800 CMP BYTE PTR [EAX],00 025F:0040211C 75F3 JNZ 00402111 025F:0040211E C1CA08 ROR EDX,08 025F:00402121 663BD1 CMP DX,CX 025F:00402124 7520 JNZ 00402146 well , i think this asm code it easy enough to understand what 's going on , so when u are tracing , at 402113 you see: AA5C0993 in EDX. Trace a bit until u pass the second ROR EDX,8 (40211E) , and you will see : 93AA5C09 in EDX 025F:00402121 663BD1 CMP DX,CX this compare the value calcultated from your name and the one from your fake serial! Now , the question is how to get a valid serial ?!! Easy , hehe.. Lemme explain what's going on! i entered: 1234 as serial so during the loop on my serial (same loop than for the serial) it is doing something like this. 1st: loop on serial: 00 00 31 00 + 00 31 32 00 + 31 32 33 00 + 32 33 34 31 ----------- 63 96 CA 31 <> AA5C093 so it is not good Lets call X3, X2, X1, X0, the 4th ascii values of our entered serial... so it is like this : 00 00 X3 00 + 00 X3 X2 00 + X3 X2 X1 00 + X2 X1 X0 X3 ----------- 93 AA 5C 09 <---- The Good value we saw in memory Here comes the maths!! : Par identification, on obtient: X3 = 09 X2 = 93 - X3 = 93 - 09 = 8A X1 = AA - X3 - X2 = AA - 09 - 8A = 17 X0 = 5C - X3 - X2 - X1 = 5C - 09 - 8A - 17 = FFFFFFB2 (just take B2) So, the serials is : 09 8A 17 B2 this are the ascii values of the good serial for: ACiD BuRN but the serial si not typable with the keyboard!! how to enter it so ?? well , make a new text file for exemple , enter 1234 and save it. open this file with an hex editor , u will see: 31 32 33 34 this are the ascii of 1234 , we entered in the file. replace them with our calculated serial : 31 becomes 09 32 becomes 8A 33 becomes 17 34 becomes B2 and save! If you hexedit this file you must see : 09 8A 17 B2 ok it is good , now open the file selects all the text (crapy text though coz serial is not typable) press ctrl+c to copy the text in Clipboard and then go in the serial field of the Crackme! Paste the serial from clipboard , for this press ctrl+d and the serial appears in the crackme! it looks like this: " ŠВ" the good serial is between the " Name: ACiD BuRN serial: ŠВ Enter this information , and you get the message: "Well Done , you have passed The Name / Serial Strainer! Well done! =)" Another one cracked :p Ending: i hope you have understood all this essay , and if you got any comments , or questions , just mail me to : ACiD_BuRN@nema.com or acid2600@hotmail.com you can find all of my tuts at : Web page URL: http://acidburn2000.cjb.net Greetings: group greetings : ID - ECLiPSE - CiA - ODT - EXEC - TiTaNe - PWA - PC - UCF- CORE Also greetingz to: (no specific order) R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, TORN@DO, T4D Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , Fire Worx , CrackZ , neural_en , WarezPup , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN Lazarus , Eternal_Bliss , Magic Raphoun , DEZM , Bisoux , Carpathia , K17 , theMc , noos , Xmen , TeeJi , JB007 , Arobas , T0AD ,ytc , Kwai_lo , Killer_3K, TaMaMBoLo , gizmo , Gota , ExtaBrain , Alpine , WarezPup, zoltan , [yAtes], TarGon , Icecream , Punkguy2 , Sortof, TRDdonjuan, Lord Soth, Judged, G-Rom, Quantico... eheh , i bet i forget some peoples :-/ , sorry !!! Copyright (c) ACiD BuRN and the Immortal Descendants. http://www.immortaldescendants.com/