"Button Factory v4.5"
( 'what a surprise'  )
Win Code Reversing
by The Snake
Code Reversing For Beginners
Program Details
Program Name:Applet45.zip
Program Type: JavaScript utility 
Program Location: Here
Program Size: 1.6mb
Tools Used:
 Softice V3.25 - Win'95 Debugger
W32Dasm V8.93 - Win'95 Dissembler
Easy (X)  Medium (  )  Hard (    )  Pro (    )

Button Factory v4.5
( 'what a surprise'  )
Written by The Snake

The author of  Button Factory v4.5 says :
ò New easy to use Interface !
ò AutoArrange Buttons Horizontally, Vertically or any way you wish !
ò WYSIWYG drag and drop preview control !
ò Fully customize your Button Layout !
ò Use any Image(s) for your buttons !
ò Make .gif Button Images Transparent Instantly !
ò Duplicate any Button with just a click !
ò Use any Color for your Button border, background or text !
ò Use Color Gradients for Button Backgrounds !
ò Make text, sounds, and images change on Load, MouseOver or Click !
ò Put messages in the browser status bar on MouseOver !
ò Easy HTML Preview Window !
ò Browser test your applets in both Netscape and IE.
About this protection system

 This protection routine is based on the user name and a password. This username and password is common
 to all registered users.

 The program keeps its settings at the registry :

   HKLM\Software\Silicon Joy Software\Applet Button Factory\4\mainWindow\lb1 "caption"
The Essay

 This program is protected with a very weak protection, and as so, it can be very good for begginers, even
  if you will not become to a lot of programs beeing protected with this kind.
 As always, play with this program and try to register it. You get message :
  "incorrect username and password".
  Go to w32dasm and create the program dead list. In the String Data Referances, look for this message.
  Double click on it will take you to the location where this message is coming from tn the program.
  You should see now this snippet of code :

 * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0046F4DC(C), :0046F504(C)

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Incorrect username and password."
:0046F592 B890F64600              mov eax, 0046F690
:0046F597 E81839FEFF              call 00452EB4

 Can you see that the program will come here from two different locations, depends on conditional jump
 that will decide to jump here or not. Let take a look at this locations :

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"mk67z"
:0046F4D0 BAC0F54600              mov edx, 0046F5C0
:0046F4D5 E80699F9FF              call 00408DE0                  ; ckecking name/password
:0046F4DA 85C0                    test eax, eax                  ; eax=0 ?? name ok ??
:0046F4DC 0F85B0000000            jne 0046F592                   ; first conditional jump
:0046F4E2 8D55FC                  lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-04]
:0046F4E5 8B8318030000            mov eax, dword ptr [ebx+00000318]
:0046F4EB E86017FCFF              call 00430C50
:0046F4F0 8B45FC                  mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-04]
:0046F4F3 E8784AF9FF              call 00403F70

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"trs98z"
:0046F4F8 BAC8F54600              mov edx, 0046F5C8
:0046F4FD E8DE98F9FF              call 00408DE0                  ; ckecking name/password
:0046F502 85C0                    test eax, eax                  ; eax=0 ?? password ok ??

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0046F504 0F8588000000            jne 0046F592                  ; second conditional jump
:0046F50A A1686B4A00              mov eax, dword ptr [004A6B68]
:0046F50F 8B00                    mov eax, dword ptr [eax]

 What is going on in this program code is kind of typical name/password verification.
 This is the time to test our theory with our beloved debugger.
 Go in the Help/Registration Information, and type in any name and password.
 Before you click on the "Register", fire up softice "Ctrl-d" and set a break point on the API "getwindowtexta".
 Type "x", and "Register".
 Softice break, press "F11" once.  We want to disable this BP and to set a new one where we want to see
 how this  protection checks the data entered.
 Type "bd 00", and then "bpx 46f4d5", and "x" to leave SI. We get the error message.
 Press on "Register" again, and we land on location :

  :0046F4D5 E80699F9FF              call 00408DE0                  ; we land here
 :0046F4DA 85C0                    test eax, eax                  ; eax=0 ?? name ok ??
 :0046F4DC 0F85B0000000            jne 0046F592                   ; jump if not

 At this point i can tell you that if we force the two jumps not to jump, the program will be registered, but
 since we want to learn out of this tutorial, let go into this call and see how the check goes.
 Press "F8" in SI. This will take you inside this call :

:00408DE0 57                      push edi                        ; we land here
:00408DE1 56                      push esi
:00408DE2 89D7                    mov edi, edx
:00408DE4 89C6                    mov esi, eax
:00408DE6 B9FFFFFFFF              mov ecx, FFFFFFFF
:00408DEB 31C0                    xor eax, eax
:00408DED F2                      repnz
:00408DEE AE                      scasb
:00408DEF F7D1                    not ecx
:00408DF1 89D7                    mov edi, edx
:00408DF3 31D2                    xor edx, edx

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408DF5 F3                      repz                       ; begin of loop
:00408DF6 A6                      cmpsb    ; this will check the string, if equal means *real*
:00408DF7 7424                    je 00408E1D             ; name/password and will jump here
:00408DF9 8A46FF                  mov al, byte ptr [esi-01]   ; first char of "fake* to al
:00408DFC 80F861                  cmp al, 61                 ;
:00408DFF 7208                    jb 00408E09                ; the program checks if the
:00408E01 80F87A                  cmp al, 7A                 ; characters entered are between
:00408E04 7703                    ja 00408E09                ; the hex value of "a" to "z"
:00408E06 80E820                  sub al, 20                 ; converst to uppercase

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:00408DFF(C), :00408E04(C)
:00408E09 8A57FF                  mov dl, byte ptr [edi-01]   ; first char of "real* to dl
:00408E0C 80FA61                  cmp dl, 61
:00408E0F 7208                    jb 00408E19                ; the same check as above
:00408E11 80FA7A                  cmp dl, 7A
:00408E14 7703                    ja 00408E19
:00408E16 80EA20                  sub dl, 20

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:00408E0F(C), :00408E14(C)
:00408E19 29D0                    sub eax, edx              ; if eax will be "0" means the
:00408E1B 74D8                    je 00408DF5               ; chars equal, jmp to top loop

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408E1D 5E                      pop esi
:00408E1E 5F                      pop edi
:00408E1F C3                      ret

  Press "F10' until you are on location 00408E0C,  at this time, al holds the hex value of your first character
 of the "fake" name, and dl holds the hex value of another hex value.
 Type "? al" and you'll see the first char of your name. Type "? dl" and you'll see that it is "m".
 Now, go to correct the first character to "m", and do again the above steps. You can see that your second
 character of "name" is beeing compared to "k"...
 At this point, i said to my self how can it be that i can't use my name to register this program,  where did
  the "m" and the "k" came from ???
  That reminds me that i saw in the "String Referances" some wierd string starting with "mk" :

 * Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"mk67z"
:0046F4D0 BAC0F54600              mov edx, 0046F5C0
:0046F4D5 E80699F9FF              call 00408DE0                  ; ckecking name/password
:0046F4DA 85C0                    test eax, eax                  ; eax=0 ?? name ok ??
:0046F4DC 0F85B0000000            jne 0046F592                   ; first conditional jump

 ------  snip  snip --------

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"trs98z"
:0046F4F8 BAC8F54600              mov edx, 0046F5C8
:0046F4FD E8DE98F9FF              call 00408DE0                  ; ckecking name/password
:0046F502 85C0                    test eax, eax

 Is this making you thinking of something ???
 Type this values in the name and password field, is the program registered now ?

 Yes, it is !!  job done.
The Patches

 Nothing needed...

 REMEMBER, i'm doing my cracks as a hobby and challenge, so please, if you like
 this utility and want to keep using it, support the author and pay for it.
Final Notes

 More then a year ago, when i start to learn now to crack and i read on +Sandman's site a tutorial  about
 hard-coded serials/codes in the program.
 I couln't belive that i'll see this kind of protection again, but here we have one, and i can tell you that some
 other  softwares from this author that i checked, uses the same method, but with other strings ...:)

My thanks and gratitude goes to:-

The Sandman for all what he is doing for us, newbies.

Rhayader for helping me with Reverse Code Engineering and useful tips

Essay by:       The snake
Page Created: 9th October 1999