




Mexelite is a new cracking group which differs from the other groups in the scene today.

We share knowledge about modern cracking in order to build up the next generation of crackers.

We produce and collect cracking-tutorials and hand them out to you.

We provide as well the tools that are necessary to start off.

Mainly our task is to help newbies
but if you ask nicely we might also take some requests. ;)

*** You can find us on Efnet , #cracking4newbies ***

Our channel advisors and tutors will help you in learning various cracking techniques

ranging from old DOS games, patches & CD checks to serial numbers and key generators.

In the last few months MEX has become more known in the cracking scene -

not at least because of some usenet posting made by some other ppl - THANX !! :)

In the first six month of official existence in 1997

MEX produced over 300 cracks

and the quality of our releases is growing continuously.

Not bad for a bunch of 'newbies' , eh ? ;)

One thing on the name 'MEXELiTE' -

It's just a name ! It doesn't mean we are mexicans nor does it mean

we feel special or elite in any way !

You can get our latest NFO file here as well as our NFO_VIEWER.
Before you visit us you should also read the #cracking4newbies faq and the #cracking4newbies rules
before 'accidentally' getting kicked by someone ...

... but don't worry - WE DON'T BITE


C4N stands for Cracking4Newbies.

That's the division of mexelite that runs #cracking4newbies - the public channel

of MEXELiTE in Efnet. You can get help , tutorials , links and tools from there

and you have the chance to meet some really nice people.

Before visiting us please take some time to read the
FAQ and the RULES.


Last Updated [09/26/97]


The Official #C4N FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ) by Corn2 [Me'97]


Hey, and welcome to #Cracking4Newbies...

Topics covered in this faq are:

1 ...... #Cracking4Newbies?! wtf?!
2 ...... What is cracking anyway?
3 ...... Can I crack?
4 ...... How do I crack?
5 ...... Softice vs the world
6 ...... Whats all this 'MOV AX,' crap?
7 ...... Softice won't work with my video card!
8 ...... Why can't I BPX on xxxxxxx ?!
9 ...... I'm looking for a crack for xxxxx
10 ..... I need help to crack xxxxx
11 ..... WaRez
12 ..... Hey! I got kicked from #Cracking4Newbies?!
13 ..... Mexelite'97

:::: 1 :::::::::::::: #Cracking4Newbies?! wtf?! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::->UP

#Cracking4Newbies is a channel on EFNET aimed at teaching 'newbies' how to crack.
Discussion is apparently about the 'art' of cracking, tho' I've never seen it
discussed yet... ;)
If you have any questions about cracking just ask, there's usually someone about
who's bored enough to answer...

:::: 2 :::::::::::::: What is cracking anyway? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ->UP

Cracking is basically the removal of any nasty parts of a program that tend
to get in the way of our work/play. These consist of nagscreens, registration
keys, 30 day trials etc. that are put there by the evil authors to make us pay
lots of money. pah! :)

NOTE: Cracking is not hacking which consists mainly of obtaining unauthorized
access to other peoples computers, try #Hacking instead...
NOTE2: Creating ,downloading ,collecting and analyzing cracks is NOT illegal
in any way - but if you use a crack to unlock a copyrighted program it's highly
illegal. If you like a program and want to use it you may buy it !!!

:::: 3 :::::::::::::: Can I crack?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ->UP

NO! well, I suppose you can, its not that difficult to learn the basics, and
you can build from there. The only skills you need are patience and practice.
If you get stuck, ask! :)

:::: 4 :::::::::::::: How do I crack? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::->UP

You need three basic tools, a debugger, a hex-editor, and a disassembler. The
debugger will be your favourite tool, and the one you'll use the most, the best
available is SoftIce ( it rocks! ) The hex-editor is used to edit the program
you want to crack, and the disassembler is used for getting a basic breakdown
of the program ( in assembler, hence the name I suppose )

The easiest way to get started is to find yourself some tutorial cracks, there
are quite a few about now, and follow them through, making sure you understand
each step as you go. Ask in the channel and there'll be someone to give you
an URL or two.

:::: 5 ::::::::::::: SoftIce vs the world :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::->UP

I don't know how many times I've answered this question:
"Is Softice the best debugger??"

The answer is simply YES! everyone I've ever talked to uses it, use
something else if you want, but Softice is the best... simple.

:::: 6 ::::::::::::: Whats all this 'MOV AX,' crap? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::->UP

Assembly. In the case of the PC, x86 assembly. This is as close as you get to
all those 1's and 0's that make your computer work- its also as close as you
get to seeing how a program works, so get used to it! ;)

A basic knowledge of assembly is a must to start cracking... if you don't know
whats going on, how do you expect to crack it?

To get you started, there are tutorials available from our webpages.

:::: 7 ::::::::::::: Softice won't work with my video card! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ->UP

This is another popular complaint. I was in the same boat until I found out
about the video-driver update. This should be available from Numega's web site
or ftp-server, www.numega.com and ftp.numega.com respectively.

The update consists of a few files which should be decompressed into your Softice
directory. The file VSETUP.EXE lets you choose between a couple of hundred drivers,
yours should be there.

If this fails still you could always try using the basic windows VGA.DRV file...

:::: 8 ::::::::::::: Why can't I BPX on xxxxxxx ?! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::->UP

When you install Softice/Windows you may find that you are unable to put a breakpoint
on some of the API ( Applications Programming Interface ) calls, such as GETWINDOWTEXTA,
or GETDLGITEMTEXTA. This is easy to fix.

Load up the file WINICE.DAT in your favourite text-editor ( notepad will do
) and find the lines near the end of the file that start with:


If you remove the semi-colon ';' from the start of the above two lines, most
of the calls with be available- if not just remove them from other lines. Save
WINICE.DAT and restart windows/softice

You can also use the symbol loader to edit the these settings.

:::: 9 ::::::::::::: I'm looking for a crack for xxxxxxx :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ->UP

Although #Cracking4Newbies isn't a channel to ask for cracks, if you ask nicely
enough ( and offer bribes like beer etc ) there may be someone willing to help
you to crack the program yourself, or crack the program for you.

::: 10 ::::::::::::: I need help to crack xxxxxxx ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::->UP

Just ask. The important thing is that you give full information about the program
you're trying to crack, like: where to get it, version number, type of protection
etc. It makes it easier to help you.

::: 11 ::::::::::::: WaReZ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::->UP

If you want warez try a warez channel, this ain't a warez channel, and won't
ever be. Requesting warez will result in an immediate kick/ban. You have been
::: 12 ::::::::::::: Hey! I got kicked from #Cracking4Newbies?! :::::::::::::::::::: ->UP

This could be for a variety of reasons:

1. You're a take-over bot, but in which case you wouldn't be reading this now would you??!

2. You requested warez. Bit silly now wasn't it??

3. nIabI is trying out one of his scripts/bots. If this happens just rejoin and hope it doesn't happen again... he has quite a few of these and they tend to escape now and again..

4. You didn't wipe your feet.... :P

Basically there isn't very much that you could get kicked for, if you did, it was probably for a good reason, or by accident.

NOTE: discussing 'Hanson' will get you immediately kicked and banned unless your sentence includes various expletives... examples would be:

'Handon? little bastards..' : This could result in ops! ;)

:::: 13 :::::::::::: Mexelite'98 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::->UP

Mexelite'98 is a cracking group founded recently by nIabI and JosephCo, who you'll probably see sometimes on #Cracking4Newbies. Generally speaking, any op's in the channel are members of Mexelite'98.

Mexelite'98 is the group behind #Cracking4Newbies...


Thats it! Wow, you've just spent ten minutes reading that stuff! :) Any questions/comments on the FAQ should be sent to me, Corn2, as long as they're not along the lines of: 'Your FAQ's shite, mate.'

NOTE: I'll kick you if you do :P ;))



In short these are the rules you have to follow ...

DON'T bring any kind of bots to the channel
DON'T use clones in the channel
DON'T ask for any kind of warez
DON'T be unfriendly or rude to anyone
DON'T nuke or ssping anyone
DON'T talk l33t ;)

#Cracking4Newbies claims to be a friendly channel -

if you disrupt discussions or harass people you will

be kick-banned as well if you continuously ask for warez or cracks.

And another thing....

PLEASE don't use COLORS and don't REPEAT yourself.

If you asked something and no one reacts

be patient and wait some time -

sometimes ppl are just busy with other things ;)

If you have any problems with this policies - don't join !!!







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