- -----=========----- -------==========================================---------- ----------=====_masta_'s tut on win32-ASM-coding part 2 revision 1=====----------- -------==========================================---------- ( I called this revision 1 because it contains new sourcecode without errors _masta_ found when going through it again - fungus ) --==INTRO==-- Hi, since part0 and part1 have been relatively successful, I am happy to present you part2 now. Actually I wanted to do something on GUI, but I was very busy lately so something without GUI-coding for now. I think it will be interesting anyway I hope. Starting from this tutorial I won't explain the easy things like MessageBox anymore, because they have been fully explained in both of the first parts. I don't think it will cause you any problem once you did the ealier parts. --==WHAT IS NEEDED?==-- 1. Texteditor 2. TASM 5.0 with libs, etc. 3. A Windows API reference (WIN32.HLP) 4. Starcraft (ONLY for testing purposes!;]) 5. some Braincells left ;) 6. some basic ASM-knowledge (earlier lessons) 7. Numega Softice 3.xx (not really a must) --==WHAT IS IT ABOUT THIS TIME?==-- Is there any gamer who doesn't apreciate little aids sometimes ... more lives more money more energy more gas more ... What I am talking about is a trainer, very common in C64-/Amiga-/ PC-DOS-times, unfortunately getting less lately, although there are some from time to time. But it is still not like in the "good old times". So my target is Starcraft (Yes I know there are trainers for it!). My reasons were: - the game is very popular - I played it when I got the idea to this tut :) --==LET'S GO==-- Some thought before starting our session. Definition of Trainer: - a little program, that changes parts of memory used by a game to for example gain more money, etc ... Normally it isn't allowed in Windows to access memory addresses of another program. Luckily our dearest friend Billy implemented a couple of functions, which were meant to debug originally. We can use these for our purposes. These functions are OpenProcess, WriteProcessMemory and ReadProcessMemory. With the help of these we can read (and write) from (into) memory addresses of another program. Basically our program acts like a debugger, accessing other programs memory and changing it. --==STRUCTURE==-- 1. Intro (little introduction shown using a MessageBox) 2. Get Process_ID of the program to be "trained" (find main window of Starcraft; get process with the help of the window) 3. OpenProcess 4. Change values 5. Close Handle to process, end (Cleanup) --==IMPORTANT API-FUNCTIONS==-- The handle of the main window we can get with FindWindowA, where we gotta get the name of the windowclass ("SWarrClass") and the name of the window ("Starcraft"). We can do this with the help of Softice (TASK->HWND). With the windowhandle we can get the corresponding process, or rather PID by using GetWindowThreadProcessId. Now we take a handle of the memory area of the process with the help of the PID -> OpenProcess. Everything is getting easier now. Like in "normal" fileoperations we can write into the memory of a running program with the handle and the function WriteProcessMemory. Last but not least we call CloseHandle, to close our handle to the process, which is not really important in Win95, but who trusts software coming from Redmont ;-)? And very last the known function ExitProcess. --==THE MEMORY ADDRESSES==-- We can easily get the adds of for example the minerals by using a debugger and searching for the hex-values of the decimal-values shown on the screen. In my version it it like the following: Minerals = 04EFE08h Gas = 04EFE38h --==THE SOURCE==-- This time not very long and as usual not very good structured, but should be easy to understand anyway ... ;This is a slightly edited source to my tutorial (Part 2) ;I did a mistake while searching the informations for the memory locations ;not taking care, that starcraft uses different locations ... ;Only change is that the million-value is written 2 times ;and 8 bytes instead of 4 ; Set some params for the assembler .386P Locals jumps .Model Flat ,StdCall PROCESS_VM_WRITE equ 020h ; Flags for the write-access PROCESS_VM_OPERATION equ 008h ; to the process mb_ok equ 0 minerals_pos equ 04efe08h gas_pos equ 04efe38h ; declaration of used API-functions extrn MessageBoxA : PROC ; Show a Messagebox extrn FindWindowA : PROC ; Find Window with the name extrn GetWindowThreadProcessId :Proc; Find PID with the HWND extrn OpenProcess : PROC ; Procedure to access the process extrn WriteProcessMemory: PROC ; Write into memory of the running ; program extrn CloseHandle : PROC ; Close the handle again ; Cleanup, after use ;) extrn ExitProcess : PROC ; Procedure to exit the program ; here begins our Data .Data caption db "_masta_'s essay on Win32-ASM-Coding, part 2",0 ;Captionstring, 0-terminated text db "Hi, here we are at part 2",13,10 db "This tut will describe you how to make",13,10 db "Win32-ASM Trainer",0 ; Introtext , 0-terminated err_cap db "ERROR",0 ; Caption for Errormessages notrun db "Sorry, Starcraft is not running",0 ; Error if SC isn't running no_write db "Mmmhhhh, a problem, by writing",13,10 db "to Starcrafts memory",13,10,0 readycap db "Ready",0 ; Caption for "ready" readytxt db "Ok, now you have 1000000 Minerals and Gas",0 ; Text for "ready" million dd 1000000 ; How much do you want??? ;] dd 1000000 wnd_name db "Starcraft",0 ; Name of the Starcraft-window cls_name db "SWarClass",0 ; Class of the Starcraft-window pid_sc dd ? ; Here we save the PID ... p_hand dd ? ; and here the handle to the ; process ; And here we start with our code .Code Main: push mb_ok push offset caption push offset text push 0 call MessageBoxA ;Startmessage is_SC_RUN: push offset wnd_name push offset cls_name call FindWindowA ; Find Window handle with Windowclass and ; -name cmp eax,0 ; if 0, window is not existing jz SC_isnt_run_end; --> Starcraft is not launched push offset pid_sc ; Where to save the PID ? push eax ; PUSH Windowhandle call GetWindowThreadProcessId ; Determine PID with Windowhandle open_the_process: push pid_sc ; PUSH PID push 0 ; only used when ; building new ; processes push PROCESS_VM_WRITE OR PROCESS_VM_OPERATION ; activate write-access call OpenProcess ; Get handle of Starcraft mov p_hand,eax ; Save handle to p_hand change_Minerals: push 0 ; Can be zero mostly push 8 ; Write 8 Bytes (2 Dwords) push offset million ; How much ? (1 Million) push minerals_pos ; 1st Memoryaddress push p_hand ; Handle to the process call WriteProcessMemory; write minerals cmp eax,0 jz error_on_write ; If any error while writing (eax=0) -> end change_gas: ; the same again for gas, but this time ; the memory address of the gas is PUSHed push 0 push 8 push offset million push gas_pos push p_hand call WriteProcessMemory cmp eax,0 jz error_on_write Trainer_ready: push mb_ok push offset readycap push offset readytxt push 0 call MessageBoxA ; Everything OK close_the_PID_Handle: push p_hand Call CloseHandle ; CloseHandle jmp end_ ; Go to End error_on_write: push mb_ok push offset err_cap push offset no_write push 0 call MessageBoxA ; Mmmhhh, Error while writing jmp close_the_PID_Handle ; Close handle before quit SC_isnt_run_end: push mb_ok push offset err_cap push offset notrun push 0 call MessageBoxA ; nothing there to train =( end_: CALL ExitProcess ; Exit program End Main ; End of Code Determination of Jump-point (Main) ;--------------------------==END OF SOURCE==---------------------------- ;--------------------------------START---------------------------make.bat @echo off echo assembling your trainer tasm32 /mx /m3 /z /q w95asm_2 tlink32 -x /Tpe /aa /c w95asm_2,w95asm_2,, import32.lib del *.obj del *.map ;---------------------------------END----------------------------make.bat --==FINAL WORDS==-- OK, as I told you before this was a little tutorial, but I think very interesting anyway. I guess there is not much to optimize (sorry fungus), maybe the routine for writing into memory (use of a procedure). I hope my mailbox (masta_t@usa.net) is flodded soon (CRITICS ARE WELCOME) and you are all here next time. I promise the next one will be about GUI, because many people told me to do so. BTW, I am trying to build an IRC channel (EFNET) on this (#win32asm) and finally there is a project-page 'HTTP://fungus.home.pages.de'! If anyone is interested, any contribution to this subject is very welcome, we are waiting for it ... I really hope there are enough people, who spend their time on this subject and who are willing to give their knowledge to others, too. --==GREETINX==-- VucoeT (Translator and Designer), scut (You are GREAT, why not code in Win32?), |caligo| (bad news about you :(), fravia (best on the web), +Aescalapius (i hope to break Brainbreaker), not4you (wir Ossis muessen zusammenhalten ;)), fungus (something to optimze), CyberBobjr (for translating to frensh), DASavant, mornings, i_magnus, Quest, Silvio, TheDoctor, everyone on #LAC and #cracking4newbies and to every cracker around the world. --==WISE WORDS==-- ------===========================================================------- -----=====A hardcoded serial is as common as a 25-year-old virgin=====------ ------===========================================================------- -----=========----- -