Multiple-Pane Splitter Bar by lord lucifer August 12, 1999 This bit of code will show you a very easy way to implement a vertical splitter (as in explorer). Using this method, the parent window handles all of the resizing. The child windows are positioned so that only the space between them shows through. This space (which is part of the parent) is the splitter bar. When you create the main window's class, you may want to change the hCursor member to IDC_SIZEWE or something similar so it changes when the mouse is put over it. The iSeparatorPos variable holds the current x-position of the splitter bar. Of course, this is not the only (or best) way to implement these splitter bars. For instance, this method may have difficulty with more than 2 panes, or when there are horiontal and vertical splitters... Note this is only a sample of how it might be implememnted, and is not an actual, working implementation. ; These go into the MainWindow Procedure: mov eax, uMsg cmp eax, WM_MOUSEMOVE je wmmousemove cmp eax,WM_LBUTTONDOWN je wmlbuttondown cmp eax,WM_LBUTTONUP je wmlbuttonup ... ; mouse is moved wmmousemove: test wParam, MK_LBUTTON jz return ; left button is down, move the splitter mov eax, lParam and eax, 0000FFFFh ;LOWORD(lParam = xpos) mov iSeparatorPos, eax ; get the dimensions of the application window invoke GetWindowRect, hWndMainApp, addr rect ; re-size the left pane mov eax, iSeparatorPos dec eax invoke MoveWindow, hWndLeftPane, 0, 0, eax, rect.bottom, TRUE ; now re-size the right pane mov eax, iSeparatorPos inc eax invoke MoveWindow, hWndLRightPane, eax, 0, rect.right, rect.bottom, TRUE jmp return ; Left mouse button is pressed wmlbuttondown: invoke SetCapture, hWnd jmp return ; Left mouse button is released wmlbuttonup: invoke ReleaseCapture jmp return