Parameter Passing Conventions in Assembly
By Lord Lucifer
September 2, 1998

Parameter Passing Conventions

C calling convention:
  - Parameters are pushed in reverse order.
  - The function caller adjusts the stack.
  - This allows the usage of a variable number of parameters, because only the caller can readjust the stack properly.

Stdcall calling convention:
  - Most 32-bit Windows programs use this form.
  - Parameters are pushed in reverse order.
  - The called function takes care of stack adjustment.

Pascal calling convention:
  - The 16-bit Windows API uses this form.
  - Parameters are pushed in foward order.
  - The called function takes care of stack adjustment.

Parameters and Local Variables

  The stack frame allows parameters and local variables to be
  easily accessed as offsets of register BP (or EBP).
  Take this example function (which uses the stdcall convention):

      void _stdcall Function(long var1, long var2)
        int local1;
        int local2;

        local1 = var1;
        local2 = var2;

  This is the memory map for the function call.
            ____ ____
      ...  |____|____|
      A104 |____|____| - ESP
      A108 |____|____| - local2
      A10C |____|____| - local1
      A110 |____|____| - EBP
      A114 |____|____| - Function return address
      A118 |____|____| - var1
      A11C |____|____| - var2
      ...  |____|____|
      F000 |____|____| - Bottom of stack

  To access in assembly the parameters or the locals, all
  that is needed is the offset from EBP. Therefore:

      [ebp-4] would be the variable local1
      [ebp-8] would be the variable local2
      [ebp+08] would be the parameter var1
      [ebp+0C] would be the parameter var2

  The disassembly of this simple function would be:

      Function    PROC
          push    ebp                     ; save ebp
          mov     ebp,esp                 ; set ebp to current esp
          add     esp,-8                  ; adjust esp to point beyond
                                          ; the two local variables

          mov     eax,dword ptr [ebp+08]  ; copy var1 into temp eax
          mov     dword ptr [ebp-4], eax  ; copy temp eax into local1

          mov     ebx,dword ptr [ebp+0C]  ; copy var2 into temp ebx
          mov     dword ptr [ebp-8], ebx  ; copy temp ebx into local2

          add     eax,ebx                 ; add local1 and local2 into eax
                                          ; eax is return value

          add     esp,8                   ; adjust esp to boint before the
                                          ; two local variables
                                          ; (point it to saved ebp)
          pop     ebp                     ; restore ebp
          ret     8                       ; return from function call and
                                          ; adjust stack past the 2 parameters
      Function    ENDP

For a plaintext copy: r_tut1.txt

Copyright (C) 1998
Lord Lucifer