Win32ASM - Lucifer's Projects
Here I will list the projects I am currently working on.  Perhaps I will keep the page updated with my last completed versions...
I hope this page doesn't get too big as that means I will be in way over my head heh

File Manager
Right now, my major project is to write a file manager program, similar to explorer.  I hope to add some improvements over explorer eventually, but thats still a bit far off now...
Goto the File Manager page...

Here's another thing i may start working on... perhaps with dezm, though he seems to be frightened by asm hehhe
My idea is to write a grep tool for windows, which will have an interface similar to the windows find utility...  It may also have a simple text viewer, so the found files can simply be clicked on and they will be opened to the correct line...
Version 0.00 July 21, 1999 Project thought of..... No code of anything else worth mentioning yet...  We'll see that in about 2 months this will not change and then i will dump this project heh

[ Tuesday, July 20, 1999 ] [Win32Asm]