Win32ASM - Links
Here are some links to other Windows assembly language resources on the web.

Win32Asm Links
Iczelion's Win32Asm Page Excellent Page containing tutorials, a forum, links and other resources The best win32asm page on the web!!
Hutch's Home Page Contains many freeware tools, assembly info, and is the home of MASM32.
Virogen's NOP Page This page is intended to be a medium for distribution of NOP releases, Win32 assembly language programming, and perhaps some rants and raves. DOWN??!
Stone's Webnote A very fine website with lots of interesting example source codes.  Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be updating it anymore...
Cornsoup A very leet site with a variety of programming info.
Dolphinz Web Page This page is devoted to Windows 32 Bits programming in assembly languaje, and it contains tutorials, articles, tools, resources, and some code for Windows 95/98 using assembly languaje.
Windows 95 Assembly Language Programming Lots of good info about Windows 95 ASM
Visual Assembler Homepage of the visual assembler project (project temporarily on hold)
Protools Get all your programming tools from here.

Assembly Language Links
Learning Assembly:
Art of Assembly Excellent Assembly reference!
Assembly Language Journal Online magazine all about assembly language
Assembly for PC's Lots of good asm info
Assembly Internet Resources Directory of Assembly web pages, books, and other resources
Gaz's Little Web Some Assembly resources
Assembler Miscellaneous page on Assembly
Assembly Tutorials Large source of asm tutorials, newsgroups, and books
Beginner Assembly Assembly language programs and souirce code
Intel Pentium II Developer Manuals for the Pentium processor

Misc Programming Links
_Secret's Programming Page  Contains many examples and essays on C, assembly, windows, graphics, and so on
Programmer's Virtual Library  A searchable collection of various texts on computer programming.
Ice-Digga's World Includes info on graphics & sound programming, assembly, and a message board
DirectX Programming Megasite This homepage is dedicated to all DirectX programmers out there and offers information, source code, and various other stuff, especially for intermediate and advanced game programmers.

[ Wednesday, July 21, 1999 ] [Win32Asm]