by FraVia

  I think this small exercise (shamelessly abducted from
Schulman's book -> see  bibliography) could be very helpful for
all the future crackers trying to get some bearings during their
difficult disassembly of Windows programs.
  One of the problems in reverse engineering, is that nobody
teaches you how to do it, and you have mostly to learn alone the
relevant techniques, loosing an enormous amount of time.
  Disassembling Windows with a reverse engineering approach is
*very* useful for actual cracking purposes, and it's time to form
a new generation of Windows crackers, since the ghastly Microsoft
domination will not easily be crushed without many more good
crackers to help us. What +ORC writes and teaches in his lessons
is fundamental, but unfortunately he does not teach the
"elementary" side of cracking Windows (for DOS cracking, on the
contrary, the Crackbook of Uncle Joe is a good primer for
beginners and intermediate alike), so I'll try to help here to
form a strong generation of little strong crackers... as +ORC
wrote to me: "we are all throwing seeds in the air, some of them
will land astray, but some of them will grow".
  Remember that cracking Windows is *very* different, in approach
and in techniques, from cracking DOS. The older ones (that I
unconditionally respect) do not seem to grab it totally... they
are probably so experienced that they can use more or less the
same techniques in cracking all OSs... but in my (humble)
opinion, that's not necessarily the best approach... you see,
cracking Windows is "puzzle solving", cracking DOS is "playing
chess"... you'll understand what I mean if you read what follows.
  Please do excuse my shortcomings both in the techniques I teach
(I am an autodidact) and in the language I use.
  If at any time you feel you should need more references, check
the Windows 3.1. SDK Programmer's Reference, Volume 1: Overview,
Chapter 22, Windows Application Startup.
  A little knowledge of the C language is required in order to
understand a part of the following (you better understand it
right now: the only existing programming language is C, most
applications are written in C, "real" programmers use C... you
may dislike it, but that's the reality, so you better get a
little knowledge of C programming as soon as you can, if you want
to crack more effectively... you'll find enough C tutorials on
the net). This said, most of the following can be used even if
you do not know C.
  As example for this introduction, I have chosen Taskman.exe,
the small program you'll find inside your C:\WINDOWS directory...
you can invoke it anytime typing CTRL+ESC in Windows 3.1.
  I have done it because Schulman has already (very well) worked
on it, and therefore he spares me a lot of work, and also because
I agree totally with him in his choice: Taskman it's a very good
example for all newbys to Windows cracking. Actually it's a pity
that you cannot ⌡yet) find Schulman's books on the net... I
believe they should be indisputably there! (Anybody with a good
scanner reading this?).
  Let's start from the beginning... by looking at TASKMAN's
startup code. Taskman is a very small win 3.1 program, but it's
rich in surprises, as you'll see. After you disassembly
taskman.exe with WCB (see below) and *after* you have printed the
listing, you may use the "Loader" utility to pop out inside
winice at the beginning of Taskman:

1FBF:4B9 33ED              XOR     BP,BP     ;begins
1FBF:4BB 55                PUSH    BP        ;save BP
1FBF:4BC 9A8D262701        CALL    KERNEL!INITTASK

  So we are set for snooping around "live", but first (and that's
very important for Windows programs) we have to prepare a good
disassembled listing of our target. You see, in DOS such a work
does not make much sense, because the disassembled listing would
not differ much from what you get on screen through softice, but
in Windows, on the contrary, we can get quite a lot more out of
all the information that is already present inside our target.
The following explains this point:
You can use any good disassembler (like Winsourcer, from V
communication, a good version, cracked by the ubiquitous Marquis
de Soiree, is available on the web) but i'll use the disassembled
listing of WCB (Windows CodeBack -> download version 1.5. from
my "tools" page:
 WCB is a very good Win 3.1. disassembler, created by the
ungarian codemaster Leslie Pusztai (,
and, in my modest opinion, it's far better than sourcer. If you
use it, remember that it works from DOS: the main rule is to
create first of all the *.EXL files for the necessary
"mysterious" *.dll with the command
    wcb -x [mysterious.dll]
and you'll be able, afterwards, to disassemble the *.exe that
called them.
   But all this is not necessary for humble Taskman.exe, where
we get following header information:

Filename:            TASKMAN.EXE
Type:                Segmented executable
Module description:  Windows Task Manager 3.1
Module name:         TASKMAN
Imported modules:
  2: USER
Exported names by location:
Program entry point:   1:04B9
WinMain:               1:03AE
and we can get straight the entry point code:
  1.04B9                           ;  Program_entry_point
  1.04B9 >33ED                     xor     bp, bp
  1.04BB  55                       push    bp
  1.04BC  9AFFFF0000               call    KERNEL.INITTASK
  1.04C1  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  1.04C3  744E                     je      0513
  1.04C5  81C10001                 add     cx, 0100
  1.04C9  7248                     jb      0513
  1.04CB  890E3000                 mov     [0030], cx
  1.04CF  89363200                 mov     [0032], si
  1.04D3  893E3400                 mov     [0034], di
  1.04D7  891E3600                 mov     [0036], bx
  1.04DB  8C063800                 mov     [0038], es
  1.04DF  89163A00                 mov     [003A], dx
  1.04E3  33C0                     xor     ax, ax
  1.04E5  50                       push    ax
  1.04E6  9AFFFF0000               call    KERNEL.WAITEVENT
  1.04EB  FF363400                 push    word ptr [0034]
  1.04EF  9AFFFF0000               call    USER.INITAPP
  1.04F4  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  1.04F6  741B                     je      0513
  1.04F8  FF363400                 push    word ptr [0034]
  1.04FC  FF363200                 push    word ptr [0032]
  1.0500  FF363800                 push    word ptr [0038]
  1.0504  FF363600                 push    word ptr [0036]
  1.0508  FF363A00                 push    word ptr [003A]
  1.050C  E89FFE                   call    WinMain
  1.050F  50                       push    ax
  1.0510  E890FF                   call    04A3

  This is similar to the standard startup code that you'll find
in nearly *every* Windows program. It calls three functions:
InitTask(), WaitEvent(), and InitApp().
  We know jolly well about InitTask(), but let's imagine that we
would have here a more mysterious routine than these, and that
we would like to know what for items are hold in the CX, SI etc.
register on return from InitTask() without disassembling
everything everywhere... how should we proceed?
  First of all let's see if the locations [0030] - [003A] are
used elsewhere in our program... this is typical when you work
with disassembled listings: to find out what one block of code
means, you need most of the time to look first at some other
block of code. Let's see.. well, yes! Most of the locations are
used again a few lines down (1.04F8 to 1.0508).
  Five words are being pushed on the stack as parameters to
WinMain(). If only we knew what those enigmatic parameter were...
but wait: we do actually know what those parameters are!
WinMain(), the function being called from this code, always looks
     int  PASCAL WinMain(WORD hInstance, WORD hPrevInstance,
          LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow);
  And we (should) know that in the Pascal calling convention,
which is used extensively in Windows because it produces smaller
code than the cdecl calling convention, arguments are pushed on
the stack in the same order as they appear inside the function
declaration. That's a good new for all little crackers!
  Thus, in our example, [0034] must be hInstance, [0032] must be
hPrevinstance, [0038]:[0036] are segment and offset of lpcmdline
and [003A] must be nCmdshow.
  What makes this important is that we can now go and replace
*every* occurrence of [0034] by a more useful name such as
hInstance, every occurrence of [0032] by hPrevInstance and so on.
This clarify not just this section of the listing, but every
section of the listing that refers to these variables. Such
global substitutions of useful names for placeholder names or
addresses is indispensable when working with a disassembled
listing. After applying these changes to the fragment shown
earlier, we end up with something more understandable:

  1.04CB  890E3000                 mov     [0030], cx
  1.04CF  89363200                 mov     hPrevInstance, si
  1.04D3  893E3400                 mov     hInstance, di
  1.04D7  891E3600                 mov     lpCmdLine+2, bx
  1.04DB  8C063800                 mov     lpCmdLine, es
  1.04DF  89163A00                 mov     nCmdShow, dx
  1.04E3  33C0                     xor     ax, ax
  1.04E5  50                       push    ax
  1.04E6  9AFFFF0000               call    KERNEL.WAITEVENT
  1.04EB  FF363400                 push    word ptr hInstance
  1.04EF  9AFFFF0000               call    USER.INITAPP
  1.04F4  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  1.04F6  741B                     je      0513
  1.04F8  FF363400                 push    word ptr hInstance
  1.04FC  FF363200                 push    word ptr hPrevInstance
  1.0500  FF363800                 push    word ptr lpCmdLine
  1.0504  FF363600                 push    word ptr lpCmdLine+2
  1.0508  FF363A00                 push    word ptr nCmdShow
  1.050C  E89FFE                   call    WinMain

  Thus if we didn't already know what InitTask() returns in
various register (our Taskman here is only an example for your
later work on much more mysterious target programs), we could
find it out right now, by working backwards from the parameters
to WinMain().
Windows disassembling (and cracking) is like puzzle solving: the
more little pieces fall into place, the more you get the global
picture. Trying to disassemble Windows programs without this aid
would be unhealthy: you would soon delve inside *hundreds* of
irrelevant calls, only because you did not do your disassemble
homework in the first place.
  It was useful to look at the startup code because it
illustrated the general principle of trying to substitute useful
names such as hPrevInstance for useless labels such as [0034].
But, generally, the first place we'll look examining a Windows
program is WinMain(). Here the code from WCB:

  1.03AE                           ;  WinMain
  1.03AE >55                       push    bp
  1.03AF  8BEC                     mov     bp, sp
  1.03B1  83EC12                   sub     sp, 0012
  1.03B4  57                       push    di
  1.03B5  56                       push    si
  1.03B6  2BFF                     sub     di, di
  1.03B8  397E0A                   cmp     [bp+0A], di
  1.03BB  7405                     je      03C2
  1.03BD  2BC0                     sub     ax, ax
  1.03BF  E9CC00                   jmp     048E

  1.03C2 >C47606                   les     si, [bp+06]
  1.03C5  26803C00                 cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 00
  1.03C9  7453                     je      041E
  1.03CB  897EF2                   mov     [bp-0E], di
  1.03CE  EB1E                     jmp     03EE

  1.03D0 >26803C20                 cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 20
  1.03D4  741E                     je      03F4
  1.03D6  B80A00                   mov     ax, 000A
  1.03D9  F72E1000                 imul    word ptr [0010]
  1.03DD  A31000                   mov     [0010], ax
  1.03E0  8BDE                     mov     bx, si
  1.03E2  46                       inc     si
  1.03E3  268A07                   mov     al, byte ptr es:[bx]
  1.03E6  98                       cbw
  1.03E7  2D3000                   sub     ax, 0030
  1.03EA  01061000                 add     [0010], ax

  1.03EE >26803C00                 cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 00
  1.03F2  75DC                     jne     03D0

  1.03F4 >26803C00                 cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 00
  1.03F8  741B                     je      0415
  1.03FA  46                       inc     si
  1.03FB  EB18                     jmp     0415

  1.03FD >B80A00                   mov     ax, 000A
  1.0400  F72E1200                 imul    word ptr [0012]
  1.0404  A31200                   mov     [0012], ax
  1.0407  8BDE                     mov     bx, si
  1.0409  46                       inc     si
  1.040A  268A07                   mov     al, byte ptr es:[bx]
  1.040D  98                       cbw
  1.040E  2D3000                   sub     ax, 0030
  1.0411  01061200                 add     [0012], ax

  1.0415 >26803C00                 cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 00
  1.0419  75E2                     jne     03FD
  1.041B  8B7EF2                   mov     di, [bp-0E]

  1.041E >6A29                     push    0029
  1.0420  9AF9000000               call    USER.GETSYSTEMMETRICS
  1.0425  50                       push    ax
  1.0426  1E                       push    ds
  1.0427  681600                   push    0016
  1.042A  9AFFFF0000               call    KERNEL.GETPROCADDRESS
  1.042F  8946F4                   mov     [bp-0C], ax
  1.0432  8956F6                   mov     [bp-0A], dx
  1.0435  0BD0                     or      dx, ax
  1.0437  7407                     je      0440
  1.0439  6A01                     push    0001
  1.043B  6A01                     push    0001
  1.043D  FF5EF4                   call    far ptr [bp-0C]

  1.0440 >68FFFF                   push    selector 1:0000
  1.0443  687B00                   push    007B
  1.0446  FF760C                   push    word ptr [bp+0C]
  1.0449  9AFFFF0000               call   KERNEL.MAKEPROCINSTANCE
  1.044E  8BF0                     mov     si, ax
  1.0450  8956FA                   mov     [bp-06], dx
  1.0453  0BD0                     or      dx, ax
  1.0455  7426                     je      047D
  1.0457  FF760C                   push    word ptr [bp+0C]
  1.045A  6A00                     push    0000
  1.045C  6A0A                     push    000A
  1.045E  6A00                     push    0000
  1.0460  8B46FA                   mov     ax, [bp-06]
  1.0463  50                       push    ax
  1.0464  56                       push    si
  1.0465  8976EE                   mov     [bp-12], si
  1.0468  8946F0                   mov     [bp-10], ax
  1.046B  9AFFFF0000               call    USER.DIALOGBOX
  1.0470  8BF8                     mov     di, ax
  1.0472  FF76F0                   push    word ptr [bp-10]
  1.0475  FF76EE                   push    word ptr [bp-12]
  1.0478  9AFFFF0000               call   KERNEL.FREEPROCINSTANCE

  1.047D >8B46F6                   mov     ax, [bp-0A]
  1.0480  0B46F4                   or      ax, [bp-0C]
  1.0483  7407                     je      048C
  1.0485  6A01                     push    0001
  1.0487  6A00                     push    0000
  1.0489  FF5EF4                   call    far ptr [bp-0C]

  1.048C >8BC7                     mov     ax, di

  1.048E >5E                       pop     si
  1.048F  5F                       pop     di
  1.0490  8BE5                     mov     sp, bp
  1.0492  5D                       pop     bp
  1.0493  C20A00                   ret     000A

  Let's begin from the last line: ret 000A. In the Pascal calling
convention, the callee is responsible for clearing its arguments
off the stack; this explains the RET A return. In this particular
case, WinMain() is being invoked with a NEAR call. As we saw in
the startup code, with the Pascal calling convention, arguments
are pushed in "forward" order. Thus, from the prospective of the
called function, the last argument always has the *lowest*
positive offset from BP (BP+6 in a FAR call and BP+4 in a NEAR
call, assuming the standard PUSH BP -> MOV BP,SP function
prologue, like at the beginning of this WinMain().
  Now write the following in your cracking notes (the ones you
really keep on your desk when you work... close to your cocktail
glass): function parameters have *positive* offsets from BP,
local variables have *negative* offsets from BP.
  What does all this mean... I hear some among you screaming...
well, in the case of WinMain(), and in a small-model program like
Taskman, which starts from BP+4, you'll have:
     int  PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance,
          LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow);
nCmdShow       =         word ptr [bp+4]
lpCmdLine      =         dword ptr [bp+6]
hPrevInstance  =         word ptr [bp+0Ah]
hInstance      =         word ptr [bp+0Ch]

  Yeah... let's rewrite it:

  1.03B6  2BFF                 sub     di, di
  1.03B8  397E0A               cmp     hPrevInstance, di
  1.03BB  7405                 je      03C2
  1.03BD  2BC0                 sub     ax, ax
  1.03BF  E9CC00               jmp     048E

  1.03C2 >C47606               les     si, dword ptr lpCmdLine
  1.03C5  26803C00             cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 00

  We can now see, for example, that WinMain() checks if
hPrevInstance is zero (sub di,di); if it isn't, it immediately
jump to the pops and exits (jmp 048E).
  Look at the code of WinMain() once more... notice that our good
Taskman appears to be inspecting its command line... funny: the
Windows documentation says nothing about command line arguments
to Taskman... Look around location 1.03D0 above, you'll see that
Taskman appears to be looking for a space (20h), getting a
character from the command line, multiplying it by 10 (0Ah),
subtracting the character zero (30h) and doing other things that
seem to indicate that it's looking for one or more *numbers*. The
code line 1.03E7 SUB ax,30h it's a typical code line inside many
routines checking for numbers. The hex ascii code for numbers is
30 for 0 to 39 for 9, therefore the transmutation of an ascii
code in hex *number* is pretty easy: mov al, your_number and sub
ax,30... you'll find it very often.
  Rather than delve further into the code, it next makes sense
to *run* taskman, feeding it different numbers on the command
line, and seeing what it does (it's surprising how few crackers
think of actually going in and *running* a program before
spending much time looking at its code).
  Normally Taskman runs when you type CTRL+ESC in Windows, but
its just a regular program, that can be run with a command line,
like any other program.
  Indeed, running "TASKMAN 1" behaves differently from just
running "TASKMAN": it positions the Task List in the upper-left
corner of the screen, instead of in the middle. "TASKMAN 666 666"
(the number of the beast?) seems to position it in the lower
right corner.
  Basically, the command line numeric arguments seem to represent
an (x,y) position for our target, to override its default
position in the middle of the screen.
  So you see, there are hidden 'goodies' and hidden 'secrets'
even behind really trivial little programs like Taskman (and
believe me: being able to identify this command line checking
will be very useful ;-) when you'll crack applications and/or
games that *always* have backdoors and hidden goodies).
  Back to the code (sip your favourite cocktail during your
scrutinies... may I suggest a Traitor? -> see the legendary
FraVia's cocktail page at,
/homepages/FraVia/cocktail.htm)... you can see that the variables
[0010] and [0012] are being manipulated. What are these for?
  The answer is *not* to stare good and hard at this code until
it makes sense, but to leave this area and see how the variables
are used elsewhere in the program... maybe the code elsewhere
will be easier to understand (for bigger applications you could
in this case use a Winice breakpoint on memory range, but we'll
remain with our WCB disassembly listing).
  In fact, if we search for data [0010] and [0012] we find them
used as arguments to a Windows API function:

  1.018B >A31200           mov     [0012], ax
  1.018E  FF760E           push    word ptr [bp+0E]
  1.0191  FF361000         push    word ptr [0010]
  1.0195  50               push    ax
  1.0196  56               push    si
  1.0197  57               push    di
  1.0198  6A00             push    0000
  1.019A  9AFFFF0000       call    USER.MOVEWINDOW

This shows us *immediately* what [0010] and [0012] are.
MoveWindows() is a documented function, whose prototype is:
  void FAR PASCAL MoveWindow(HWND hwnd, int nLeft, int nTop, int
nWidth, int nHeight, BOOL fRepaint);

  1.018B >A31200          mov     [0012], ax
  1.018E  FF760E          push    word ptr [bp+0E] ;hwnd
  1.0191  FF361000        push    word ptr [0010]  ;nLeft
  1.0195  50              push    ax                ;nTop
  1.0196  56              push    si                ;nWidth
  1.0197  57              push    di                ;nHeight
  1.0198  6A00            push    0000              ;fRepaint
  1.019A  9AFFFF0000      call    USER.MOVEWINDOW

  In other words, [0010] has to be nLeft and [0012] (whose
contents have been set from AX) has to be nTop.
  Now you'll do another global search and replace on your WCB
disassembly, changing every [0010] in the program (not just the
one here) to nLeft, and every [0012] to nTop.
  A lot of Windows cracking is this easy: all Windows programs
seem to do is call API functions, most of these functions are
documented and you can use the documentation to label all
arguments to the function. You then transfer these labels upward
to other, possibly quite distant parts of the program.
  In the case of nLeft [0010] and nTop [0012], suddenly the code
in WinMain() makes much more sense:

1.03C2 >C47606      les     si, dword ptr lpCmdLine
1.03C5  26803C00    cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 00 ; no cmd line?
1.03C9  7453        je      041E        ; go elsewhere
1.03CB  897EF2      mov     [bp-0E], di
1.03CE  EB1E        jmp     03EE

1.03D0 >26803C20    cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 20 ; if space
1.03D4  741E        je      03F4        ; go elsewhere
1.03D6  B80A00      mov     ax, 000A
1.03D9  F72E1000    imul    nLeft       ;nleft *= 10
1.03DD  A31000      mov     nLeft, ax
1.03E0  8BDE        mov     bx, si
1.03E2  46          inc     si
1.03E3  268A07      mov     al, es:[bx]
1.03E6  98          cbw                 ; ax = char
1.03E7  2D3000      sub     ax, 0030    ; ax='0' (char-> number)
1.03EA  01061000    add     nLeft, ax   ; nleft += number

1.03EE >26803C00    cmp     byte ptr es:[si], 00 ;NotEndOfString
1.03F2  75DC        jne     03D0        ;next char
 In essence, Taskman is performing the following operation here:
   static int nLeft, nTop;
     if (*lpCmdLine !=0)
     sscanf(lpCmdLine, "%u %u, &nLeft, &nTop);
 Should you want 3.1. Taskman to appear in the upper left of your
screen, you could place the following line in the [boot] section
     taskman.exe=taskman.exe 1 1
 In addition, doubleclicking anywhere on the Windows desktop will
bring up Taskman with the (x,y) coordinates for the double click
passed to Taskman on its command line.
 The USER!WM_SYSCOMMAND handler is responsible for invoking
Taskman, via WinExec() whenever you press CTRL+ESC or double
click the desktop.
 What else is going on in WinMain()? Let's look at the following
block of code:

1.041E >6A29         push    0029
1.0420  9AF9000000   call    USER.GETSYSTEMMETRICS
1.0425  50           push    ax
1.0426  1E           push    ds
1.0427  681600       push    0016
1.042F  8946F4       mov     [bp-0C], ax
1.0432  8956F6       mov     [bp-0A], dx
1.0435  0BD0         or      dx, ax
1.0437  7407         je      0440
1.0439  6A01         push    0001
1.043B  6A01         push    0001
1.043D  FF5EF4       call    far ptr [bp-0C] ;*1 entry

 The lines push 29h & CALL GETSYSTEMMETRICS are simply the
assembly language form of GetSystemMetrics(0x29). 0x29 turns out
to be SM_PENWINDOWS (look in WINDOWS.H for SM_).
 Thus, we now have GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS). If we read
the documentation, it says that this returns a handle to the Pen
Windows DLL if Pen Windows is installed. Remember that 16-bit
return values *always* appear in the AX register.
 Next we can see that AX, which must be either 0 or a Pen Window
module handle, is pushed on the stack, along with ds:16h.
 Let's immediately look at the data segment, offset 16h:

2.0010  0000000000005265  db  00,00,00,00,00,00,52,65 ; ......Re
2.0018  6769737465725065  db  67,69,73,74,65,72,50,65 ; gisterPe
2.0020  6E41707000000000  db  6E,41,70,70,00,00,00,00 ; nApp....

2.0016  db 'RegisterPenApp',0

Thus, here is what we have so far:

  GetProcAddress() returns a 4 bytes far function pointer (or
NULL) in DX:AX. In the code from WinMain() we can see this being
moved into the DWORD at [bp+0Ch] (this is 16-bit code, so moving
a 32-bit value requires two operations).
  It would be nice to know what the DWORD at [bp-0Ch] is. But,
hey! We *do* know it already: it's a copy of the return value
from GetProcAddress(GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS),
"RegisterPenApp)! In other words, is a far pointer to the
RegisterPenApp() function, or NULL if Pen Windows is not
installed. We can now replace all references to [bp-0Ch] with
references to something like fpRegisterPenApp.
 Remember another advantage of this "dead" Windows disassembling
vis-a-vis of the Winice approach "on live": here you can choose,
picking *meaningful* references for your search and replace
operations, like "mingling_bastard_value" or "hidden_and_-
forbidden_door". The final disassembled code my become a work of
art and inspiration if the cracker is good! Besides, *written*
investigations will remain documented for your next cracking
session, whereby with winice, if you do not write everything down
immediately, you loose lots of your past work (it's incredible
how much place and importance retains paper in our lives).
 After our search and replaces, this is what we get for this last
block of code:
     FARPROC fpRegisterPenAPP;
     fpRegisterPenApp = GetProcAddress(

Next we see  [or dx, ax] being used to test the GetProcAddress()
return value for NULL. If non-NULL, the code twice pushes 1 on
the stack (note the PUSH IMMEDIATE here... Windows applications
only run on 80386 or higher processors... there is no need to
place the value in a register first and then push that register)
and then calls through the fpRegisterPenApp function pointer:

1.0435  0BD0         or      dx, ax
1.0437  7407         je      0440
1.0439  6A01         push    0001
1.043B  6A01         push    0001
1.043D  FF5EF4       call    dword ptr fpRegisterPenApp

  Let's have a look at the Pen Windows SDK doucmentation (and
     #define RPA_DEAFULT
void FAR PASCAL RegisterPenApp(UINT wFlags, BOOL fRegister);

Simply by looking up API calls in the Windows documentation (get
it, you'll need it continuously to crack successfully), we can
turn the whole block of assembly language code into this:

void (FAR PASCAL *RegisterPenApp) (UINT,BOOL);
RegisterPenApp = GetProcAddress(
 if (RegisterPenApp != 0)
     (*RegisterPenApp) (RPA_DEFAULT, TRUE);

 We can continue in this way with all of WinMain(). When we are
done, the 100 lines of assembly language for WinMain() boild own
to the following 35 lines of C code:

// nLeft, nTop used in calls to MoveWindow() in TaskManDlgProc()
 static WORD nLeft=0, nTop=0;
    wParam, LPARAM lParam);
   int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance,
    LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
  void (FAR PASCAL *RegisterPenApp) (UINT,BOOL);
  FARPROC fpDlgProc;
  if (hPrevhInstance != 0)
     return 0;
  if (*lpCmdLine !=0 )
     _fsscanf(lpCmdLine, "%u %u, &nLeft, &nTop); // pseudocode
 RegisterPenApp = GetProcAddress(GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS),
 if (RegisterPenApp != 0)
     (*RegisterPenApp) (RPA_DEFAULT, TRUE);
 if (fpDlgProc = MakeProchInstance(TaskManDlgProc, hInstance))
     DialogBox(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(10), 0, fpDlgProc);
 if (RegisterPenApp != 0)
     (*RegisterPenApp) (RPA_DEFAULT, FALSE);
   return 0;
In this lesson we had a look at WinMain()... pretty interesting,
isn't it? We are not done with TASKMAN yet, though... we'll see
in the next lessons wich windows and dialog procedures TASKMAN

(-> lesson 2)