Simple unix busting
(the microphar dongle galore)

by Dr. Fuhrball
(6 November 1997)

Dongle cracking
Courtesy of fravia's page of reverse engineering

Well, I have received this good essay more than a week ago, yet I bat Dr. Fuhrball to 'deepen' it a little, since many of our readers could be VERY interested in unix cracking, yet may not be very well acquinted with some of the concepts that unix experts give for granted. Dr Fuhrball was so kind to modify and revise his essay. Here it is, I'm sure many of you will find it partiicularly interesting.

Simple unix busting
by Dr. Fuhrball
modified 6 November 1997
I have read all of the student essays, and none refer to unix and only two refer to dongles. This essay refers to both and indicates some techniques. HISTORY: The unix lineage for X86 based architecture goes back to the original Xenix for 286 that microsoft produced back in 1983 with source code bought from AT&T for about 1 Million dollars. About 6 months after the purchase of source code from AT&T, AT&T started selling source code to anyone with 65 to 250 thousand dollars. Billy boy got a bit miffed and split of the Xenix product to Santa Cruz Operation (SCO). SCO has been producing Unix ever since. They have significantly added to the line with networking from Lachman and Sun, and X windows from MIT. SCO openserver 5 is a highly integrated and slick product, but its fairly expensive too. If you are at a University however you can get the product for virtually nothing. MAJOR NOTE: you need root password to do all of this. The product in question is Aries which is a 3d graphics package that runs on Sco openserver5. Similar to autocad in function, its about 100 times more powerful. And about 5 times as expensive. It drives SLA's (stereo lithography aparatus) directly. (argon ion laser writes on nasty chemical which turns solid creating 3d shapes). It also drives my hobby mill in the basement. Anyway this program comes with a microphar (french) dongle which is basically a few gates and a national semiconducor eeprom nmc9306 (32 words). A lot of the dongles out there use this part, because of its extremely low consumption of power. Its serial 2 wire interface and open collector output make it perfect for attachment to a printer port. There are a number of ways to break this thing. Since I have an MSEE (Master of Science, Electrical Engineering), my first inclination is to hook up the logic analyzer and look at whats going on. I have now seen at least 5 different dongles that all use the national semiconductor eeprom, in various creative ways, but its basically the same thing. The logic analyzer trick certainly works, because you can see the entire data stream and if you wanted to you could create a completely compatable device which combined with a small software program would allow you to read out all of the data, and then program it into your own device. However the use of dongles tends to cause other problems, especially with most new bi-directional laser printers. So the desire to remove the device is preferable. The logic analyzer method relys on the fact that there is really only one data output line, one clock line and one data input line. The rest of the lines are either do not care, or held in a high or low state to enable the device. (The new Rainbow technologies software sentinel pro is just a fancied version of same, with the addition of their 8 shift register with adjustable feedback of old), 100% proprietary of course. Of Course I also have a MSCS (Master of Science, Computer Science), and that lends me to the software crack. Which is elegant because it does not touch the origional aries code. And thats good, because the main executable is over 10mb. And with their update of the month club, you could be cracking this thing for the rest of your life. In addition there are 6 different executables that would need cracking. This crack once installed, lasts forever. Back to the story; When you install this program it adds a device driver that talks to the dongle. In all unix's, virtually everything is done with device drivers. hard disk, serial ports, ethernet ports, the video display... You can even access memory through a device driver. Virtually all X86 based unix's today based on AT&T 5.4 code do the following in exactly the same manner. (SCO,Interactive, UHC, Consensys, Novell Unix....) (BSDI and Solaris are different however but these tricks still hold) running strings on Driver.o module in the /etc/conf/pack.d/mp shows among others the following symbols. (all unix drivers are stored in /etc/conf/pack.d/drivername and consist of an object module and possibly a C tunables file called space.c) (also on new unix's, these directorys are actually symbolicly linked to somewhere else) mpopen, mpclose, mpread, mpwrite... So now we have the names to look at in kernel space. Fire up adb on /unix and disassemble starting at mpopen and you get (one of the nice things about unix is that you can always get to kernel space, but be careful patching a live kernel) dumpfile = /dev/mem, namelist = /unix, outfile = stdout &gt; mpopen pushl %ebp mpopen+1 movl %esp,%ebp mpopen+3 subl $0x0,%esp mpopen+9 pushl %ebx mpopen+a pushl %edi mpopen+b pushl %esi mpopen+c testb $0x1,0xd00ee570 [-,valeur_port +1c] mpopen+13 je 0x0c <d0093559> [mpopen+25] mpopen+19 movb $0x10,0xe00010e9 [-,u+10e9] mpopen+20 jmp 0x012 <d009356b> [mpopen+37] mpopen+25 data16 mpopen+26 movw $0x1,0xd00ee570 [-,valeur_port +1c] mpopen+2e data16 mpopen+2f movw $0x0,0xd00ee572 [valeur_port +1e] mpopen+37 popl %esi mpopen+38 popl %edi mpopen+39 popl %ebx mpopen+3a leave mpopen+3b ret mpclose pushl %ebp mpclose+1 movl %esp,%ebp mpclose+3 subl $0x0,%esp mpclose+9 pushl %ebx mpclose+a pushl %edi mpclose+b pushl %esi mpclose+c data16 mpclose+d movw $0x0,0xd00ee570 [valeur_port +1c] mpclose+15 popl %esi mpclose+16 popl %edi mpclose+17 popl %ebx mpclose+18 leave mpclose+19 ret
The rest has been deleted for brievity
Anyway, its obviously C code, virtually
all unix drivers are. So lets dis-compile
the whole thing, which once you get the
knack, goes quite quick.

Also note that good C compilers generate code thats
so obvious that its easy to dis-compile.

Here is the dis-compiled code

It took about 3 hours with my favorite drink
which is 50 year old single malt north highlands
SCOTCH. I did have a bottle of real russian vodka
once, but in the USA, its virtually impossible to find.

Notice that its still in french. They did not even
have the brains to strip the debugging symbols out
of the final Driver.o module which made dis-compilation
that much easier.

One thing that makes this easier is that at any point
you can re-compile and compare to the original object
module. At some point they will both be the same except
for the compile date.
/* original microphar dongle driver */ /* I assume they don't own a copyright on this thing */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/sysmacros.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include <sys/dir.h> #include <sys/seg.h> #include <sys/page.h> #include <sys/user.h> struct valeur_port { unsigned char p; unsigned short p8; unsigned char pa,pb,pc,pd; unsigned short p10,p12,p14,p16,p18,p1a,p1c; short p1e,p20; unsigned short p22; short p24; }valeur_port; extern char fvect; extern struct xnet{ unsigned char p14,p15,p16,p17,p18; }xnet; mpopen(dev,flag) short int dev,flag; { if (valeur_port.p1c &amp; 0x1) u.u_error=EBUSY; else { valeur_port.p1c=1; valeur_port.p1e=0; } } mpclose(dev,flag) short int dev,flag; { valeur_port.p1c=0; } mpwrite(dev,flag) short int dev,flag; { while ((valeur_port.p20 = cpass()) &gt;= 0) { switch (valeur_port.p1e) { case 0 : if(valeur_port.p20 == 'P') { valeur_port.p1e=1; valeur_port.p22=0; } break; case 1 : w1(); default: break; } } } w1() { unsigned int temp; if (valeur_port.p20 != '*') { if (valeur_port.p20 &gt;= '0') { if (valeur_port.p20 <= '9') { valeur_port.p22="valeur_port.p22*10;" valeur_port.p22="valeur_port.p22+(valeur_port.p20-0x30);" return; } } return; } else { valeur_port.p1e="0;" temp="spl5();" valeur_port.p24="valeur_port.p22;" if (valeur_port.p24="=" 0) valeur_port.p24 +="1;" driver(); splx(temp); } } mpread(dev,flag) short int dev,flag; { unsigned int temp; temp="0x2710;" /* 10000 */ valeur_port.p8 +="valeur_port.p22;" valeur_port.p8 ^="0x79b;" /*1947*/ valeur_port.p8 | 0xfedc); passc(0x30); while (temp> 0) { passc((valeur_port.p8/temp)+'0'); valeur_port.p8= valeur_port.p8 % temp; temp=temp/10; } passc('\n'); } sort(number) unsigned char number; { unsigned short temp; temp=valeur_port.p1a; iooutb(temp,number); tempo(); } alimentation() /* this is the one that mixes up the output lines */ { unsigned int temp; valeur_port.p=0; sort(0); for (temp=0;temp <0x28; temp++) alea(); valeur_port.p=";" sort(valeur_port.p); } _fin() { valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pb;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pd;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p="0;" sort(0); } tempo() { short temp; for (temp="0;temp" < 0xa;temp++); } lecturemot(var1,var2) unsigned short var1,var2; { unsigned short temp; char temp1; char temp1a; unsigned short temp2; short temp3; temp2="0;" temp="0;" fvect="ioinb(valeur_port.p1a);" alimentation(); do { operation(0x80,var1); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); temp1="lecture_bit();" valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); lecture_bit(); temp="temp&lt;&lt;1;" if (temp1="=0)" ++temp; ++temp2; } while (temp2 < 0x10); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); _fin(); sort(fvect); return(temp); } operation(oper,oper2) unsigned short oper,oper2; { unsigned short temp1; unsigned short temp; valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pb;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pd;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); switch (oper) { case 0 : case 0x10: case 0x20: case 0x30: oper2="oper;" break; default: oper2 |="oper;" } for (temp="0;temp&lt;8;temp++)" { if (temp1 & 0x80) { valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pd;" sort(valeur_port.p); } else { valeur_port.p |="~valeur_port.pd;" sort(valeur_port.p); } tempo(); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); temp1="temp1&lt;&lt;1;" } valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pd;" sort(valeur_port.p); } lecture_bit() { unsigned char temp1; unsigned char temp2; unsigned short temp3; temp3="valeur_port.p1a;" temp1="0xff;" temp3++; tempo(); temp2="ioinb(temp3);" temp1 &="temp2;" temp1 &="0x40;" return(temp1); } etatci() { unsigned short temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4; temp3="0x3e8;" temp4="0;" valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pb;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pd;" sort(valeur_port.p); tempo(); valeur_port.p|="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &="~valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pb;" sort(valeur_port.p); tempo(); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); do { valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); temp1="(unsigned" char)lecture_bit(); valeur_port.p |="valeur_port.pc;" sort(valeur_port.p); lecture_bit(); if (temp4++>0x10) { if (temp1 ==0) goto more; } } while (--temp3 !=0); more: temp2=0x3e8-temp3; tempo(); valeur_port.p &amp;= ~valeur_port.pb; sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p |= valeur_port.pc; sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &amp;= ~valeur_port.pc; sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p |= valeur_port.pb; sort(valeur_port.p); return(temp2); } ewactif() { operation(0x30,0); valeur_port.p &amp;= ~valeur_port.pb; sort(valeur_port.p); tempo(); } ewinactif() { operation(0,0); valeur_port.p &amp;= ~valeur_port.pb; sort(valeur_port.p); tempo(); } effacemot(oper) unsigned short oper; { unsigned short temp1,temp2; alimentation(); ewactif(); operation(0xc0,oper); temp1=etatci(); if(temp1!=0); ewinactif(); _fin(); return(temp1); } ecritcode(oper,oper1) unsigned short oper,oper1; { unsigned short temp1,temp2; temp2=0x10; alimentation(); ewactif(); operation(0xc0,oper); temp1=etatci(); if (temp1==0) { _fin(); return(temp1); } operation(0x40,oper); do { if ((oper1 &amp; 0x8000)) { valeur_port.p |= valeur_port.pd; sort(valeur_port.p); goto more2; } valeur_port.p &amp;= ~valeur_port.pd; sort(valeur_port.p); more2: valeur_port.p |= valeur_port.pc; sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p |= valeur_port.pc; sort(valeur_port.p); valeur_port.p &amp;= ~valeur_port.pc; sort(valeur_port.p); oper1=oper1<<1; } while (--temp2 !="0);" temp1="etatci();" if (temp1 !="0)" ewinactif(); _fin(); return(temp1); } choixnumero() { valeur_port.p16="0;" calcul_masque(); valeur_port.p1a="0x3bc;" valeur_port.p14="lecturemot(0x3f);" if (valeur_port.p18 !="valeur_port.p14)" { valeur_port.p1a="0x378;" valeur_port.p14="lecturemot(0x3f);" if (valeur_port.p18 !="valeur_port.p14)" { valeur_port.p1a="0x278;" valeur_port.p14="lecturemot(0x3f);" if (valeur_port.p18 !="valeur_port.p14)" valeur_port.p16="1;" } } } alea() { unsigned char temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4; temp2="rnd();" temp3="rnd()" & 3; temp3++; do { sort( & temp2); tempo(); tempo(); tempo(); tempo(); tempo(); temp2="~temp2;" sort( & temp2); tempo(); tempo(); tempo(); tempo(); tempo(); temp2="~temp2;" } while (--temp3 ); sort(valeur_port.p="0);" tempo(); tempo(); tempo(); } calcul_masque() {"1&lt;&lt;(xnet.p14-2);" valeur_port.pb="1&lt;&lt;(xnet.p17-2);" valeur_port.pc="1&lt;&lt;(xnet.p16-2);" valeur_port.pd="1&lt;&lt;(xnet.p15-2);" valeur_port.p18="xnet.p14;" valeur_port.p18*="10;" valeur_port.p18+="xnet.p15;" valeur_port.p18*="10;" valeur_port.p18+="xnet.p16;" valeur_port.p18*="10;" valeur_port.p18+="xnet.p17;" } lecture() { valeur_port.p14="lecturemot(valeur_port.p10);" } ecrit(oper) unsigned char *oper; { unsigned short temp1; unsigned char temp2,temp3; unsigned short temp4; temp1="valeur_port.p12;" temp2="valeur_port.p10;" valeur_port.p10="valeur_port.p10">&gt;2; valeur_port.p10 +=0x20; temp4=ecritcode(valeur_port.p10,temp1); valeur_port.p14=lecturemot(valeur_port.p10); if (temp1==valeur_port.p14) if (temp4==0) valeur_port.p16=1; if (valeur_port.p16==1) { *oper=1; return; } valeur_port.p12=temp1; valeur_port.p10=temp2; temp4=ecritcode(valeur_port.p10,temp1); if (valeur_port.p16!=1) if (temp4==0) { *oper=0x1; return; } *oper=0x0; } driver() { haltscheduler(); choixnumero(); if (valeur_port.p16==1) { valeur_port.p8=0; goto more3; } valeur_port.p14=lecturemot(0x1f); valeur_port.p8=valeur_port.p14; more3: freescheduler(); } haltscheduler() { int temp2; for (temp2=0;temp2<0x1ffff;++temp2); } freescheduler() { unsigned int temp1; } rnd(number) unsigned short number; { int temp; temp="valeur_port.p24" & 0x2000; if (temp!="0)" valeur_port.p24^="0x1;" valeur_port.p24="valeur_port.p24&lt;&lt;1;" if (temp!="0)" valeur_port.p24|="1;" return(valeur_port.p24); } dec_adjust() { /* not used */ }
Whats going on here. A bunch of mucking around to hide
the real and trivial protection stuff. Also various
ands, ors, and inverts to further hide the data, plus
moving around more than the one data line and clock
line to the eeprom to throw off my Tektronix 7d01/df2
logic analyzer. (NOT)

Before going any further it helps to print out and study
this driver. It shows many things including the required
entry points, and functions that pass strings to and from
kernel space. Device drivers must pay strict attention to
memory and stack usage, as well as calling most intrinsic
functions. Thats why for example in the code below debugging
strings have to be written to the Common Error routine instead
of calling another driver. In virtually all cases one device
driver cannot call another.

Back to the story

Basically you write to the device driver a "P#####*"
and when you issue a read call you get an ascii string as the answer.

The ##### is an ascii number between 0 and 65535

for example P0*   P00*     P1234*

further example

cat >/dev/mp

type in P1234* 

hit a control Z

cat </dev/mp


So now lets write a simple program which when compiled and
run with the output re-directed to the file "datafile"
generates all 64K possible output answers without having
to really figure out the entire thing.

The algorithm part of the software sentinel pro works in
exactly the same fashion. (Until you realize that its just
an 8 bit shift register with tapped feedback, then its easy)

What we are doing here is taking the simple way out. Instead
of figuring out the 32 words of data in the eeprom and then
calculating the masks, we just interrogate every possible
request and tabulate every possible answer. If this was a
32 bit number, this technique would not be practical.

Furthermore, if Aries actually wrote to the eeprom (which it
definitely does not), we would have to do a bunch more work.
The eeproms used in this device have a maximum write capacity
of between 10,000 and 100,000, and since aries interrogates the
device more than once a minute, writing to it is impractical.

/* read data from real microphar dongle */ /* using the real driver and a real key */ #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> FILE *fps,*fopen(); main() { unsigned lvalue,address; fps=fopen(&quot;/dev/mp&quot;,&quot;r+&quot;); printf(&quot;unsigned int data[] = {&quot;); for (address=0; address<=65535; address ++) { fprintf(fps,"P%d*",address); fseek(fps,0L,0); fscanf(fps,"%d",&lvalue); printf("%d , ",lvalue); } printf("}"); fclose(fps); }
which generates int data [] = {#,#,#,#.....}

Pretty simple huh. OH, and yes this takes a while
to run. (about 15 minutes)

Now lets hack the origional device driver removing
lots and lots of useless garbage. We cannot null out the
open and close routines, because they prevent re-entrancy.

#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/sysmacros.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include <sys/dir.h> #include <sys/seg.h> #include <sys/page.h> #include <sys/user.h> #include <sys/cmn_err.h> #include &quot;datafile&quot; struct valeur_port { unsigned char p; unsigned short p8; unsigned char pa,pb,pc,pd; unsigned short p10,p12,p14,p16,p18,p1a,p1c; short p1e,p20; unsigned short p22; short p24; }valeur_port; mpopen(dev,flag) short int dev,flag; { if (valeur_port.p1c &amp; 0x1) u.u_error=EBUSY; else { valeur_port.p1c=1; valeur_port.p1e=0; } } mpclose(dev,flag) short int dev,flag; { valeur_port.p1c=0; } mpwrite(dev,flag) short int dev,flag; { while ((valeur_port.p20 = cpass()) &gt;= 0) { switch (valeur_port.p1e) { case 0 : if(valeur_port.p20 == 'P') { valeur_port.p1e=1; valeur_port.p22=0; } break; case 1 : w1(); default: break; } } } w1() { unsigned int temp; if (valeur_port.p20 != '*') { if (valeur_port.p20 &gt;= '0') { if (valeur_port.p20 <= '9') { valeur_port.p22="valeur_port.p22*10;" valeur_port.p22="valeur_port.p22+(valeur_port.p20-'0');" return; } } return; } else { /* this was added for debugging and is now removed*/ /*cmn_err (CE_NOTE,"!%x,",valeur_port.p22);*/ valeur_port.p1e="0;" valeur_port.p8="data[valeur_port.p22];" } } mpread(dev,flag) short int dev,flag; { unsigned int temp; temp="0x2710;" /* 10000 */ passc(0x30); while (temp> 0) { passc((valeur_port.p8/temp)+'0'); valeur_port.p8= valeur_port.p8 % temp; temp=temp/10; } passc('\n'); }
Now we compile this thing, call it Driver.o, replace their driver
with our own (saving theirs someplace safe), relink and install
the unix kernel, and bye bye dongle.

To compile, install and link the kernel do;

cc mp.c -o Driver.o

mv Driver.o /etc/conf/pack.d/mp

cd /etc/conf/cf.d

./link_unix          (thats dot slash link underscore unix)

after rebuilding the kernel (takes about 5 minutes) it will
ask if you want to install the kernel as default.

Answer yes.

Then it will ask whether you want the environment rebuilt.

The answer here does not matter. But for example if you have
changed major and minor device numbers (which we have not) you
would have to answer yes, because device names in the /dev directory
would no longer be pointing to the right place.

Now reboot    (type init 0)    and you are done.

In addition, all the utilites necessary to break this come as
part of the operating system (use the crippled C compiler or get
GCC). This is unlike Windows95 where you need softice, wdasm,...

What we have seen here is that parallel port dongles used on
unix boxes give virtually worthless protection, far easier
than their dos/windows counterparts. They all fail the
freddy the freeloader part of the fiat-shamir zero knowledge test!

Matter of fact, a lot of things fail the fiat shamir test. Go search
the web, lots of good reading on this topic.

And while we are on the subject of fiat-shamir, the biggest failure
on this so far is the DSS-02 smart cards for the DSS receivers in
the USA market. The pirates are making way too much money selling
solutions that do not work for long. Look people it does not make
sense. Why give a pirate $500 for a T or L or Battery card, which
1.5 years later croaks permanantly, just to buy the latest twiddled
H card for another $500, and then buy the shim card for another 500.
Its way cheaper to legally subscribe (Canada is a different story).
This is something that needs to be brought to the grass-roots level.
The latest card is way to easy to twiddle. Lets put the people that
are strictly in this for the money out of buisness. We know who you
are. I personally do not have a DSS, and because i have a REAL dish,
I am not likely to ever get one. (4dtv is another story). And since
I live in the USA, I will NOT get involved in DSS activities...

Soon will come an essay on the Rainbow Technologies Software
sentinel superpro. Which can also be busted numerous ways.
And just slightly harder. I now have a virtually 100 percent working
programable hardware solution. And yes you can read the algorithm
and time keys out of the device. Although you can certainly crack
this via the software methods, or replace their driver with another,
A downloadable version of a hardware emulator can make this quite
easy to use.

Also an essay on breaking protection on the EESOF (now hp)
touchstone, montecarlo, linecalc and other high priced spreads.
hint( one cmos 8 bit eprom size >128 bytes, 8 diodes, one cap,
one cmos buss transiever). The hardware solution here was just
too simple to ignore.

Other fun targets. The protection DEC uses on their unix that runs
on the alpha motherboards. This one could be fairly tough.

Other fun targets: serial dongles (like netsentinel). Almost as
easy, you have to create a shim between the program and the real
tty driver...

       later            Dr. Fuhrball
(c) Dr. Fuhrball. All rights reversed
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