How to defeat a three-folded protection
(semi-advanced cracking)

by TheChineese

Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering
Well, this essay is indeed interesting... just read it straight on, and you'll get a lot of info at first glance, you'll understand even more when you delve inside it.

Note the hyperlinked listing...
I wish all people sending contributions would work html like this! (Take note, +HCUkers! :-)

HOW TO CRACK EUDORA PRO 3.01 (AND 3.0) TRIAL VERSION By TheChineese (jun 97)


(English is not my mother tongue , so please  be indulgent ...)

I was working on Eudora Pro 3.0 and plan to send it to +ORC... but 
+RCG made it before me :-( 
So i downloaded the Eudora Pro 3.0.1 French version and worked on it.
(International version available at
First of all it seem that in this case removing the keys in the register 
doesnt works. So i searched all the proctection routines in Eudora
and made a patch.

- Eudora Pro 3.0.1 French version (Eudora.exe 1 116 712 bytes)
- Softice 3.1 (3.0)
- Windasm 8.0
- Psedit or Hwork
We have to understand and to find all the protection schemes.
When we execute Eudora there is the first proctection scheme

1	Checksum routine 
2	"Last bits" routine
3	Date encryption routine	
4 	"How many day left" routine 

(as described by +RCG in his lesson)

But after that we have several places in eudora where we found the proctection

In fact, after using Eudora a little bit, we realize
that there is a call to the protecion each time we try to:

	-  Read the mail
	-  Send the mal
	-  Remove a mailbox
	-  Read the mail with Personalities (Dominant) 
Sometimes there is even a double call to the protection 

This is the summary of the second protection scheme:

	- "How many day left" routine
	Wich calls:
		- Last bits ok ?
		- Checksum ?

	- and the routine compares the actual date to the "limit date" and 
        to the "install" date

For the first Protection 
We have to :
0) fire softice
1) set the system date after limit date
2) bpx messageboxa
3) use F10 or F12 (for backtracing)
4) in order to find the piece of code at :00441C49

For the other proctection
0) use  windasm 
1) Read the snippet of code of the first protection, find
   the value 29D7AB54 (which is the initial value of the checksum)
2) Search all the code using the same value 29D7AB54 
3) bpx at the piece of code using the Value 29D7AB54
4) use Eudora (read, send, remove mailbox etc ) and pop into Softice

This is the summary of all the location of the protection code

I	:00441C49 First call to the protection when firing Eudora

II	:004A5BC0 When we try to Read or Send Mail 

III	:004A95F0 When trying to read mail (Personnalities Dominant ...)

IV	:004AA1A0 Double protection ( called sometimes ...)

V	:00432D70 Removing mailbox

VI 	For The Patch

First Proctection
When firing Eudora
:00441C49 FF153C275000            Call dword ptr [0050273C]
:00441C4F 85C0                    test eax, eax
:00441C51 741F                    je 00441C72
:00441C53 8D8560FCFFFF            lea eax, [ebp+FFFFFC60]
:00441C59 B9B89F4F00              mov ecx, 004F9FB8
:00441C5E 50                      push eax
:00441C5F E8CC970500              call 0049B430		<---- first call	checksum
:00441C64 85C0                    test eax, eax			
:00441C66 740A                    je 00441C72			bad guy if eax=0 (to nop) 90 90
:00441C68 B9B89F4F00              mov ecx, 004F9FB8
:00441C6D E87E980500              call 0049B4F0		<---- 2nd call	date decryption
* Referenced by a Jump at Addresses:00441C51(C), :00441C66(C)
:00441C72 B9B89F4F00              mov ecx, 004F9FB8
:00441C77 E8949C0500              call 0049B910		<---- 3rd call how many days left?
:00441C7C 8BF8                    mov edi, eax		<-- edi= numbers of day
:00441C7E 85FF                    test edi, edi		if  edi=0 bad guy
:00441C80 0F85CC000000            jne 00441D52		<--- TEST DAY >7  change : jmp 441d52
:00441C86 8D4DC8                  lea ecx, [ebp-38]
:00441C89 BEFFFFFFFF              mov esi, FFFFFFFF
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0924, Ord:01E6h
:00441C8E E805F10800              Call 004D0D98
:00441C93 68FEFF0000              push 0000FFFE
:00441C98 8D4DC8                  lea ecx, [ebp-38]
:00441C9B C745FC00000000          mov [ebp-04], 00000000
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0881, Ord:0E48h
:00441CA2 E8E1F10800              Call 004D0E88
:00441CA7 C745FC01000000          mov [ebp-04], 00000001
:00441CAE 6A00                    push 00000000
:00441CB0 8B45C8                  mov eax, [ebp-38]
:00441CB3 6A00                    push 00000000
:00441CB5 50                      push eax
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0400, Ord:0425h
:00441CB6 E86FFB0800              Call 004D182A
:00441CBB 8975FC                  mov [ebp-04], esi
:00441CBE E887000000              call 00441D4A
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses: :00441C2E(C), :00441D55(C), :00441DB0(U)
:00441CC3 B930A04F00              mov ecx, 004FA030       <  here good guy **************
:00441CC8 E8E37D0200              call 00469AB0           <--no limitation message
:00441CCD 8B45EC                  mov eax, [ebp-14]
:00441CD0 05D4040000              add eax, 000004D4
:00441CD5 50                      push eax
:00441CD6 C70094000000            mov dword ptr [eax], 00000094
* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetVersionExA, Ord:0138h
CHECKING IF EDI >7  FOR MESSAGE                              

* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:00441C80(C)
:00441D52 83FF07                  cmp edi, 00000007
:00441D55 0F8368FFFFFF            jnb 00441CC3		<-- TEST DAY >7 good guy ( change : jmp 441CC3)
:00441D5B 8D4DCC                  lea ecx, [ebp-34]	
:00441D5E BEFFFFFFFF              mov esi, FFFFFFFF
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0924, Ord:01E6h
:00441D63 E830F00800              Call 004D0D98
:00441D68 68FDFF0000              push 0000FFFD
:00441D6D 8D4DCC                  lea ecx, [ebp-34]
:00441D70 C745FC02000000          mov [ebp-04], 00000002
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0881, Ord:0E48h
:00441D77 E80CF10800              Call 004D0E88
:00441D7C 57                      push edi
:00441D7D 8D8D60FDFFFF            lea ecx, [ebp+FFFFFD60]
:00441D83 C745FC03000000          mov [ebp-04], 00000003
:00441D8A 8B45CC                  mov eax, [ebp-34]
:00441D8D 50                      push eax
:00441D8E 51                      push ecx
* Reference To: MSVCRT40.sprintf, Ord:0448h
:00441D8F FF1560375000            Call dword ptr [00503760]
:00441D95 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:00441D98 8D8D60FDFFFF            lea ecx, [ebp+FFFFFD60]
:00441D9E 6A00                    push 00000000
:00441DA0 6A00                    push 00000000
:00441DA2 51                      push ecx
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0400, Ord:0425h
:00441DA3 E882FA0800              Call 004D182A
:00441DA8 8975FC                  mov [ebp-04], esi
:00441DAB E80D000000              call 00441DBD
:00441DB0 E90EFFFFFF              jmp 00441CC3
:00441DB5 8D4DCC                  lea ecx, [ebp-34]
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0799, Ord:02C2h
:00441DB8 E9CFEF0800              Jmp 004D0D8C
1st call Checksum
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:00441C5F   
:0049B430 53                      push ebx
:0049B431 56                      push esi
:0049B432 57                      push edi
:0049B433 33F6                    xor esi, esi
:0049B435 55                      push ebp
:0049B436 8BF9                    mov edi, ecx
:0049B438 8B442414                mov eax, [esp + 14]
:0049B43C 6800800000              push 00008000
:0049B441 50                      push eax
* Reference To: MSVCRT40._open, Ord:0322h
:0049B442 FF150C375000            Call dword ptr [0050370C]
:0049B448 83C408                  add esp, 00000008
:0049B44B 8BD8                    mov ebx, eax
:0049B44D 83FBFF                  cmp ebx, FFFFFFFF
:0049B450 0F848C000000            je 0049B4E2
:0049B456 6A02                    push 00000002
:0049B458 6AD8                    push FFFFFFD8
:0049B45A 53                      push ebx
* Reference To: MSVCRT40._lseek, Ord:02DEh
:0049B45B FF15DC375000            Call dword ptr [005037DC]
:0049B461 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:0049B464 8BE8                    mov ebp, eax
:0049B466 83FDFF                  cmp ebp, FFFFFFFF
:0049B469 746D                    je 0049B4D8
:0049B46B 6A28                    push 00000028
:0049B46D 57                      push edi
:0049B46E 53                      push ebx
* Reference To: MSVCRT40._read, Ord:0333h
:0049B46F FF1510375000            Call dword ptr [00503710]
:0049B475 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:0049B478 83F8FF                  cmp eax, FFFFFFFF
:0049B47B 745B                    je 0049B4D8
:0049B47D 8B4710                  mov eax, [edi+10]
:0049B480 8BCF                    mov ecx, edi
:0049B482 50                      push eax
:0049B483 E808050000              call 0049B990
:0049B488 8BCF                    mov ecx, edi
:0049B48A 894710                  mov [edi+10], eax
:0049B48D 8B4714                  mov eax, [edi+14]
:0049B490 50                      push eax
:0049B491 E80A050000              call 0049B9A0
:0049B496 8BCF                    mov ecx, edi
:0049B498 894714                  mov [edi+14], eax
:0049B49B 8B4718                  mov eax, [edi+18]
:0049B49E 50                      push eax
:0049B49F E80C050000              call 0049B9B0		<-- manip data
:0049B4A4 8BCF                    mov ecx, edi
:0049B4A6 894718                  mov [edi+18], eax
:0049B4A9 8B471C                  mov eax, [edi+1C]
:0049B4AC 50                      push eax
:0049B4AD E83E050000              call 0049B9F0		<-- manip data
:0049B4B2 55                      push ebp
:0049B4B3 8BCF                    mov ecx, edi
:0049B4B5 53                      push ebx
:0049B4B6 89471C                  mov [edi+1C], eax
:0049B4B9 E8F2060000              call 0049BBB0 	<-- checksum file
:0049B4BE 394724                  cmp [edi+24], eax	if equal
:0049B4C1 740C                    je 0049B4CF		jmp -->here
:0049B4C3 897710                  mov [edi+10], esi
:0049B4C6 897714                  mov [edi+14], esi
:0049B4C9 897718                  mov [edi+18], esi
:0049B4CC 89771C                  mov [edi+1C], esi
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:0049B4C1(C)
:0049B4CF 8BCF                    mov ecx, edi		<-- here
:0049B4D1 E85A020000              call 0049B730		<-- lasts bit ok
:0049B4D6 8BF0                    mov esi, eax
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:0049B469(C), :0049B47B(C)
:0049B4D8 53                      push ebx
* Reference To: MSVCRT40._close, Ord:0251h
:0049B4D9 FF1504375000            Call dword ptr [00503704]
:0049B4DF 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:0049B450(C)
:0049B4E2 8BC6                    mov eax, esi
:0049B4E4 5D                      pop ebp
:0049B4E5 5F                      pop edi
:0049B4E6 5E                      pop esi
:0049B4E7 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B4E8 C20400                  ret 0004

2nd call: date decryption  (and KEYS in REGITER )
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B4F0 64A100000000            mov eax, fs:[00000000]
:0049B4F6 55                      push ebp
:0049B4F7 8BEC                    mov ebp, esp
:0049B4F9 6AFF                    push FFFFFFFF
:0049B4FB 687FB64900              push 0049B67F
:0049B500 50                      push eax
:0049B501 64892500000000          mov fs:[00000000], esp
:0049B508 81EC5C010000            sub esp, 0000015C
:0049B50E 53                      push ebx
:0049B50F 56                      push esi
:0049B510 57                      push edi
:0049B511 8BF1                    mov esi, ecx
:0049B513 8D8D98FEFFFF            lea ecx, [ebp+FFFFFE98]
:0049B519 E8A294FEFF              call 004849C0
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Notepad" <-- RΘfΘrence α Regiter for  limit date and instal date
:0049B51E 68A07C4F00              push 004F7CA0
:0049B523 8D8D98FEFFFF            lea ecx, [ebp+FFFFFE98]
:0049B529 C745FC00000000          mov [ebp-04], 00000000
:0049B530 E8AB94FEFF              call 004849E0
:0049B535 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0049B537 0F8426010000            je 0049B663
:0049B53D 6A50                    push 00000050
:0049B53F 8D45A4                  lea eax, [ebp-5C]
:0049B542 50                      push eax
:0049B543 8D8D98FEFFFF            lea ecx, [ebp+FFFFFE98]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"lfWindowPos"		<-- 1st KEY
:0049B549 68947C4F00              push 004F7C94
:0049B54E E8DD95FEFF              call 00484B30
:0049B553 8BF8                    mov edi, eax
:0049B555 8D45A4                  lea eax, [ebp-5C]
:0049B558 50                      push eax
* Reference To: MSVCRT40.atol, Ord:03D4h
:0049B559 FF15CC375000            Call dword ptr [005037CC]
:0049B55F 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:0049B562 8D8D98FEFFFF            lea ecx, [ebp+FFFFFE98]
:0049B568 89462C                  mov [esi+2C], eax
:0049B56B 6A50                    push 00000050
:0049B56D 8D45A4                  lea eax, [ebp-5C]
:0049B570 50                      push eax
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"lfIconPos"		<-- 2nd KEY
:0049B5EA 894630                  mov [esi+30], eax
:0049B5ED 52                      push edx
:0049B5EE FFD7                    call edi
:0049B5F0 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:0049B5F3 8D4DA4                  lea ecx, [ebp-5C]
:0049B5F6 51                      push ecx
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"lfWindowPos"
:0049B5F7 68947C4F00              push 004F7C94
:0049B5FC 8D8D98FEFFFF            lea ecx, [ebp+FFFFFE98]
:0049B602 E86995FEFF              call 00484B70
:0049B607 8B4630                  mov eax, [esi+30]
:0049B60A 8D4DA4                  lea ecx, [ebp-5C]
:0049B60D 50                      push eax
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%ld"
:0049B60E 6878694F00              push 004F6978
:0049B613 51                      push ecx
:0049B614 FFD7                    call edi
:0049B616 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:0049B619 8D4DA4                  lea ecx, [ebp-5C]
:0049B61C 51                      push ecx
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"lfIconPos"	                                  |
:0049B61D 68887C4F00              push 004F7C88
:0049B622 8D8D98FEFFFF            lea ecx, [ebp+FFFFFE98]
:0049B628 E84395FEFF              call 00484B70
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B58F(C), :0049B597(C)
:0049B62D 8B462C                  mov eax, [esi+2C]
:0049B630 8BCE                    mov ecx, esi
:0049B632 50                      push eax
:0049B633 E878030000              call 0049B9B0
:0049B638 8BCE                    mov ecx, esi
:0049B63A 89462C                  mov [esi+2C], eax
:0049B63D 8B4630                  mov eax, [esi+30]
:0049B640 50                      push eax
:0049B641 E8AA030000              call 0049B9F0
:0049B646 894630                  mov [esi+30], eax
:0049B649 8B4610                  mov eax, [esi+10]
:0049B64C 8D0C80                  lea ecx, [eax + 4*eax]
:0049B64F 8D14C9                  lea edx, [ecx + 8*ecx]
:0049B652 8D0452                  lea eax, [edx + 2*edx]
:0049B655 8D0480                  lea eax, [eax + 4*eax]
:0049B658 C1E007                  shl eax, 07
:0049B65B F7D8                    neg eax
:0049B65D 03462C                  add eax, [esi+2C]
:0049B660 894628                  mov [esi+28], eax
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B663 C745FCFFFFFFFF          mov [ebp-04], FFFFFFFF
:0049B66A E81A000000              call 0049B689
:0049B66F 8B45F4                  mov eax, [ebp-0C]
:0049B672 5F                      pop edi
:0049B673 64A300000000            mov fs:[00000000], eax
:0049B679 5E                      pop esi
:0049B67A 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B67B 8BE5                    mov esp, ebp
:0049B67D 5D                      pop ebp
:0049B67E C3                      ret

3dr call How many days left ? (time ! money ...)

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B910 53                      push ebx
:0049B911 56                      push esi
:0049B912 57                      push edi
:0049B913 8BF1                    mov esi, ecx
:0049B915 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:0049B917 E814FEFFFF              call 0049B730 	<-- last  bits  ok?
:0049B91C 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:0049B91E 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0049B920 7464                    je 0049B986		<-- if eax=0 bad guy
:0049B922 57                      push edi
* Reference To: MSVCRT40.time, Ord:0466h
:0049B923 FF1558375000            Call dword ptr [00503758]
:0049B929 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:0049B92C 8BC8                    mov ecx, eax		<-- actual date
:0049B92E 817E10E8030000          cmp [esi+10], 000003E8
:0049B935 7207                    jb 0049B93E
:0049B937 BFE8030000              mov edi, 000003E8
:0049B93C EB23                    jmp 0049B961
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B93E 8B462C                  mov eax, [esi+2C]
:0049B941 394630                  cmp [esi+30], eax
:0049B944 751B                    jne 0049B961
:0049B946 3BC1                    cmp eax, ecx
:0049B948 7617                    jbe 0049B961
:0049B94A 394E28                  cmp [esi+28], ecx
:0049B94D 7712                    ja 0049B961
:0049B94F 2BC1                    sub eax, ecx
:0049B951 BF80510100              mov edi, 00015180	<-- 3600*24h=15180=1 Day
:0049B956 057F510100              add eax, 0001517F	<-- compensate
:0049B95B 2BD2                    sub edx, edx
:0049B95D F7F7                    div edi
:0049B95F 8BF8                    mov edi, eax		<-- days left
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B93C(U), :0049B944(C), :0049B948(C), :0049B94D(C)
:0049B961 8B4618                  mov eax, [esi+18]
:0049B964 3BC1                    cmp eax, ecx
:0049B966 7612                    jbe 0049B97A
:0049B968 2BC1                    sub eax, ecx
:0049B96A 2BD2                    sub edx, edx
:0049B96C B980510100              mov ecx, 00015180
:0049B971 057F510100              add eax, 0001517F
:0049B976 F7F1                    div ecx
:0049B978 8BD8                    mov ebx, eax
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B97A 8BC7                    mov eax, edi
:0049B97C 3BDF                    cmp ebx, edi
:0049B97E 7708                    ja 0049B988
:0049B980 5F                      pop edi
:0049B981 8BC3                    mov eax, ebx
:0049B983 5E                      pop esi
:0049B984 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B985 C3                      ret

	Routine checksum file

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049BBB0 B804100000              mov eax, 00001004
:0049BBB5 E806680300              call 004D23C0
:0049BBBA 53                      push ebx
:0049BBBB 56                      push esi
:0049BBBC 8BB42410100000          mov esi, [esp + 00001010]
:0049BBC3 57                      push edi
:0049BBC4 55                      push ebp
:0049BBC5 BF54ABD729              mov edi, 29D7AB54		<-- initial value
:0049BBCA 56                      push esi
* Reference To: MSVCRT40._tell, Ord:0369h
:0049BBCB FF15E4365000            Call dword ptr [005036E4]
:0049BBD1 89442414                mov [esp + 14], eax
:0049BBD5 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:0049BBD8 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:0049BBDA 6A00                    push 00000000
:0049BBDC 6A00                    push 00000000
:0049BBDE 56                      push esi
* Reference To: MSVCRT40._lseek, Ord:02DEh
:0049BBDF FF15DC375000            Call dword ptr [005037DC]
:0049BBE5 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:0049BBE8 399C241C100000          cmp [esp + 0000101C], ebx
:0049BBEF 742F                    je 0049BC20
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BBF1 8BEB                    mov ebp, ebx
:0049BBF3 81E5FF0F0000            and ebp, 00000FFF
:0049BBF9 7514                    jne 0049BC0F
:0049BBFB 8D442414                lea eax, [esp + 14]
:0049BBFF 6800100000              push 00001000
:0049BC04 50                      push eax
:0049BC05 56                      push esi
* Reference To: MSVCRT40._read, Ord:0333h
:0049BC06 FF1510375000            Call dword ptr [00503710]
:0049BC0C 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BC0F 0FBE442C14              movsx byte ptr eax, [esp + ebp + 14]
:0049BC14 03F8                    add edi, eax
:0049BC16 43                      inc ebx
:0049BC17 3B9C241C100000          cmp ebx, [esp + 0000101C]
:0049BC1E 72D1                    jb 0049BBF1
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BC20 8B442410                mov eax, [esp + 10]
:0049BC24 6A00                    push 00000000
:0049BC26 50                      push eax
:0049BC27 56                      push esi
* Reference To: MSVCRT40._lseek, Ord:02DEh
:0049BC28 FF15DC375000            Call dword ptr [005037DC]
:0049BC2E 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:0049BC31 8BC7                    mov eax, edi
:0049BC33 5D                      pop ebp
:0049BC34 5F                      pop edi
:0049BC35 5E                      pop esi
:0049BC36 5B                      pop ebx
:0049BC37 81C404100000            add esp, 00001004
:0049BC3D C20800                  ret 0008


(send ou get mail)
1st routine

::004A5BC0 64A100000000            mov eax, fs:[00000000]
:004A5BC6 55                      push ebp
:004A5BC7 8BEC                    mov ebp, esp
:004A5BC9 6AFF                    push FFFFFFFF
:004A5BCB 682F604A00              push 004A602F
:004A5BD0 50                      push eax
:004A5BD1 64892500000000          mov fs:[00000000], esp
:004A5BD8 81ECA0010000            sub esp, 000001A0
:004A5BDE 894DF0                  mov [ebp-10], ecx
:004A5BE1 53                      push ebx
:004A5BE2 56                      push esi
:004A5BE3 B9B89F4F00              mov ecx, 004F9FB8
:004A5BE8 57                      push edi
:004A5BE9 E8625CFFFF              call 0049B850		<-- inter1 how many days left ?  
:004A5BEE 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004A5BF0 7445                    je 004A5C37		<-- jmp good guy (if eax=0)
							change into jmp 4a5c37
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0896, Ord:0411h
:004A5BF2 E837B20200              Call 004D0E2E
:004A5BF7 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004A5BF9 B800000000              mov eax, 00000000
:004A5BFE 740C                    je 004A5C0C
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0896, Ord:0411h
:004A5C00 E829B20200              Call 004D0E2E
:004A5C05 8B10                    mov edx, [eax]
:004A5C07 8BC8                    mov ecx, eax
:004A5C09 FF5278                  call [edx+78]
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:004A5C0C 6A00                    push 00000000
:004A5C0E 8B4020                  mov eax, [eax+20]
:004A5C11 6A00                    push 00000000
:004A5C13 682E050000              push 0000052E
:004A5C18 50                      push eax
* Reference To: USER32.PostMessageA, Ord:01A3h
:004A5C19 FF15783A5000            Call dword ptr [00503A78]
:004A5C1F B8FEFFFFFF              mov eax, FFFFFFFE
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:004A5CF7(U), :004A5D80(U), :004A5DD1(U), :004A5E17(U), :004A5EBF(U), 
|:004A5FDD(U), :004A602A(U)
:004A5C24 8B4DF4                  mov ecx, [ebp-0C]
:004A5C27 5F                      pop edi
:004A5C28 64890D00000000          mov fs:[00000000], ecx
:004A5C2F 5E                      pop esi
:004A5C30 5B                      pop ebx
:004A5C31 8BE5                    mov esp, ebp
:004A5C33 5D                      pop ebp
:004A5C34 C21400                  ret 0014

* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:004A5C37 33FF                    xor edi, edi		<-- good guy
:004A5C39 8B4DF0                  mov ecx, [ebp-10]
:004A5C3C 688B280000              push 0000288B
:004A5C41 897964                  mov [ecx+64], edi
:004A5C44 E8B7DCFDFF              call 00483900
:004A5C49 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:004A5C4C 8B4DF0                  mov ecx, [ebp-10]
:004A5C4F 682A270000              push 0000272A
:004A5C54 894170                  mov [ecx+70], eax
:004A5C57 E874DCFDFF              call 004838D0
:004A5C5C 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:004A5C5F 8B4DF0                  mov ecx, [ebp-10]
:004A5C62 0FBFC0                  movsx word ptr eax, eax
:004A5C65 6878280000              push 00002878
:004A5C6A 894140                  mov [ecx+40], eax
:004A5C6D E85EDCFDFF              call 004838D0
:004A5C72 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:004A5C75 8B4DF0                  mov ecx, [ebp-10]
:004A5C78 0FBFD0                  movsx word ptr edx, eax
:004A5C7B 6A08                    push 00000008
:004A5C7D 895144                  mov [ecx+44], edx
:004A5C80 897958                  mov [ecx+58], edi
inter1 et inter1.4 How many day left ?
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00432D75   , :004A5BE9   , :004A9C98   
:0049B850 53                      push ebx
:0049B851 56                      push esi
:0049B852 57                      push edi
:0049B853 8BF1                    mov esi, ecx
:0049B855 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:0049B857 E814FFFFFF              call 0049B770		<-- inter2 last bits ok?
:0049B85C 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:0049B85E 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0049B860 7441                    je 0049B8A3
:0049B862 57                      push edi
* Reference To: MSVCRT40.time, Ord:0466h
:0049B863 FF1558375000            Call dword ptr [00503758]
:0049B869 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:0049B86C 817E10E8030000          cmp [esi+10], 000003E8
:0049B873 7311                    jnb 0049B886
:0049B875 8B4E2C                  mov ecx, [esi+2C]
:0049B878 394E30                  cmp [esi+30], ecx
:0049B87B 750E                    jne 0049B88B
:0049B87D 3BC1                    cmp eax, ecx		*** actual date > limit date ?
:0049B87F 730A                    jnb 0049B88B		yes bad guy
:0049B881 394628                  cmp [esi+28], eax	*** actual date inf instal date ?
:0049B884 7705                    ja 0049B88B		si oui bad guy
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B886 BF01000000              mov edi, 00000001
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B87B(C), :0049B87F(C), :0049B884(C)
:0049B88B 394618                  cmp [esi+18], eax
:0049B88E 7605                    jbe 0049B895
:0049B890 BB01000000              mov ebx, 00000001
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B895 85FF                    test edi, edi
:0049B897 740A                    je 0049B8A3
:0049B899 85DB                    test ebx, ebx
:0049B89B 7406                    je 0049B8A3
:0049B89D 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B89F 5F                      pop edi
:0049B8A0 5E                      pop esi
:0049B8A1 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B8A2 C3                      ret
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B860(C), :0049B897(C), :0049B89B(C)
:0049B8A3 B801000000              mov eax, 00000001
:0049B8A8 5F                      pop edi
:0049B8A9 5E                      pop esi
:0049B8AA 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B8AB C3                      ret

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B770 56                      push esi
:0049B771 8BF1                    mov esi, ecx
:0049B773 E858FFFFFF              call 0049B6D0		<--- inter3 last bits ok?:0049B778 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0049B77A 7504                    jne 0049B780			*** if eax=1 go on 
:0049B77C 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B77E 5E                      pop esi
:0049B77F C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B780 8B4610                  mov eax, [esi+10]
:0049B783 394614                  cmp [esi+14], eax
:0049B786 751B                    jne 0049B7A3
:0049B788 8B461C                  mov eax, [esi+1C]
:0049B78B 394618                  cmp [esi+18], eax
:0049B78E 7513                    jne 0049B7A3
:0049B790 8BCE                    mov ecx, esi
:0049B792 E819030000              call 0049BAB0		<--- inter4 checksum?
:0049B797 2B4620                  sub eax, [esi+20]
:0049B79A 5E                      pop esi
:0049B79B 83F801                  cmp eax, 00000001

:0049B79E 1BC0                    sbb eax, eax
:0049B7A0 F7D8                    neg eax
:0049B7A2 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B786(C), :0049B78E(C)
:0049B7A3 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B7A5 5E                      pop esi
:0049B7A6 C3                      ret
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B6D0 813947382559            cmp dword ptr [ecx], 59253847
:0049B6D6 7521                    jne 0049B6F9
:0049B6D8 817904CBEACFAD          cmp [ecx+04], ADCFEACB
:0049B6DF 7518                    jne 0049B6F9
:0049B6E1 8179085C0E5F8D          cmp [ecx+08], 8D5F0E5C
:0049B6E8 750F                    jne 0049B6F9
:0049B6EA 81790CA4E9F8B6          cmp [ecx+0C], B6F8E9A4
:0049B6F1 7506                    jne 0049B6F9
:0049B6F3 B801000000              mov eax, 00000001
:0049B6F8 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B6D6(C), :0049B6DF(C), :0049B6E8(C), :0049B6F1(C)
:0049B6F9 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B6FB C3                      ret
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049BAB0 83EC10                  sub esp, 00000010
:0049BAB3 B854ABD729              mov eax, 29D7AB54
:0049BAB8 BA01000000              mov edx, 00000001
:0049BABD 53                      push ebx
:0049BABE 56                      push esi
:0049BABF BB03000000              mov ebx, 00000003
:0049BAC4 88542408                mov [esp + 08], dl
:0049BAC8 57                      push edi
:0049BAC9 885C240D                mov [esp + 0D], bl 
:0049BACD 885C240F                mov [esp + 0F], bl 
:0049BAD1 88542410                mov [esp + 10], dl
:0049BAD5 885C2412                mov [esp + 12], bl 
:0049BAD9 885C2414                mov [esp + 14], bl 
:0049BADD 88542415                mov [esp + 15], dl
:0049BAE1 C644240E04              mov [esp + 0E], 04
:0049BAE6 C644241102              mov [esp + 11], 02
:0049BAEB 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:0049BAED 885C2417                mov [esp + 17], bl 
:0049BAF1 C644241304              mov [esp + 13], 04
:0049BAF6 C644241602              mov [esp + 16], 02
:0049BAFB C644241802              mov [esp + 18], 02
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BB00 33F6                    xor esi, esi
:0049BB02 8A543C0C                mov dl, [esp + edi + 0C]
:0049BB06 84D2                    test dl, dl
:0049BB08 7411                    je 0049BB1B
:0049BB0A 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:0049BB0C 8ADA                    mov bl , dl
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BB0E C1E608                  shl esi, 08
:0049BB11 33D2                    xor edx, edx
:0049BB13 8A11                    mov dl, [ecx]
:0049BB15 41                      inc ecx
:0049BB16 03F2                    add esi, edx
:0049BB18 4B                      dec ebx
:0049BB19 75F3                    jne 0049BB0E
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BB1B 03C6                    add eax, esi
:0049BB1D 47                      inc edi
:0049BB1E 83FF0D                  cmp edi, 0000000D
:0049BB21 72DD                    jb 0049BB00
:0049BB23 5F                      pop edi
:0049BB24 5E                      pop esi
:0049BB25 5B                      pop ebx
:0049BB26 83C410                  add esp, 00000010
:0049BB29 C3                      ret

get mail when Personalities (Dominant ..)
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:004A95F0 64A100000000            mov eax, fs:[00000000]
:004A95F6 55                      push ebp
:004A95F7 8BEC                    mov ebp, esp
:004A95F9 6AFF                    push FFFFFFFF
:004A95FB 685D9C4A00              push 004A9C5D
:004A9600 50                      push eax
:004A9601 64892500000000          mov fs:[00000000], esp
:004A9608 81EC04010000            sub esp, 00000104
:004A960E 894DF0                  mov [ebp-10], ecx
:004A9611 53                      push ebx
:004A9612 56                      push esi
:004A9613 57                      push edi
:004A9614 6886270000              push 00002786
:004A9619 E8B2A2FDFF              call 004838D0
:004A961E 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:004A9621 B9B89F4F00              mov ecx, 004F9FB8
:004A9626 663D0100                cmp ax, 0001
:004A962A 1BC0                    sbb eax, eax
:004A962C F7D8                    neg eax
:004A962E 8945E8                  mov [ebp-18], eax
:004A9631 E87A22FFFF              call 0049B8B0		<-- inter1.2 how many days
:004A9636 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004A9638 7437                    je 004A9671		<-- change into  jmp 4a9671
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0896, Ord:0411h
:004A963A E8EF770200              Call 004D0E2E
:004A963F 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004A9641 B800000000              mov eax, 00000000
:004A9646 740C                    je 004A9654
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0896, Ord:0411h
:004A9648 E8E1770200              Call 004D0E2E
:004A964D 8B10                    mov edx, [eax]
:004A964F 8BC8                    mov ecx, eax
:004A9651 FF5278                  call [edx+78]
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:004A9654 6A00                    push 00000000
:004A9656 8B4020                  mov eax, [eax+20]
:004A9659 6A00                    push 00000000
:004A965B 682E050000              push 0000052E
:004A9660 50                      push eax
* Reference To: USER32.PostMessageA, Ord:01A3h
:004A9661 FF15783A5000            Call dword ptr [00503A78]
:004A9667 B8FEFFFFFF              mov eax, FFFFFFFE
:004A966C E9D3050000              jmp 004A9C44
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:004A9671 8B4DF0                  mov ecx, [ebp-10]		<-- here good guy
:004A9674 E8C7070000              call 004A9E40
:004A9679 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004A967B 0F8546050000            jne 004A9BC7
:004A9681 6A08                    push 00000008
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0902, Ord:02D9h
:004A9683 E882770200              Call 004D0E0A
:004A9688 8945EC                  mov [ebp-14], eax
:004A968B 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:004A968E C745FC00000000          mov [ebp-04], 00000000
:004A9695 8BF0                    mov esi, eax
:004A9697 B800000000              mov eax, 00000000
:004A969C 85F6                    test esi, esi
:004A969E 740C                    je 004A96AC
:004A96A0 68027F0000              push 00007F02
:004A96A5 8BCE                    mov ecx, esi
:004A96A7 E844B6FDFF              call 00484CF0
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B8B0 53                      push ebx
:0049B8B1 56                      push esi
:0049B8B2 57                      push edi
:0049B8B3 8BF1                    mov esi, ecx
:0049B8B5 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:0049B8B7 E8F4FEFFFF              call 0049B7B0		<--- inter2.2 last bits ok ?
:0049B8BC 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:0049B8BE 85C0                    test eax, eax			if eax=o 
:0049B8C0 7441                    je 0049B903			jmp  bad guy
:0049B8C2 57                      push edi
* Reference To: MSVCRT40.time, Ord:0466h
:0049B8C3 FF1558375000            Call dword ptr [00503758]
:0049B8C9 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:0049B8CC 817E10E8030000          cmp [esi+10], 000003E8
:0049B8D3 7311                    jnb 0049B8E6
:0049B8D5 8B4E2C                  mov ecx, [esi+2C]
:0049B8D8 394E30                  cmp [esi+30], ecx
:0049B8DB 750E                    jne 0049B8EB
:0049B8DD 3BC1                    cmp eax, ecx		same as before
:0049B8DF 730A                    jnb 0049B8EB
:0049B8E1 394628                  cmp [esi+28], eax
:0049B8E4 7705                    ja 0049B8EB
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B8E6 BF01000000              mov edi, 00000001
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B8DB(C), :0049B8DF(C), :0049B8E4(C)
:0049B8EB 394618                  cmp [esi+18], eax
:0049B8EE 7605                    jbe 0049B8F5
:0049B8F0 BB01000000              mov ebx, 00000001
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B8F5 85FF                    test edi, edi
:0049B8F7 740A                    je 0049B903
:0049B8F9 85DB                    test ebx, ebx
:0049B8FB 7406                    je 0049B903
:0049B8FD 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B8FF 5F                      pop edi
:0049B900 5E                      pop esi
:0049B901 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B902 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B8C0(C), :0049B8F7(C), :0049B8FB(C)
:0049B903 B801000000              mov eax, 00000001
:0049B908 5F                      pop edi
:0049B909 5E                      pop esi
:0049B90A 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B90B C3                      ret
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B7B0 56                      push esi
:0049B7B1 8BF1                    mov esi, ecx
:0049B7B3 E848FFFFFF              call 0049B700		<--- inter3.2 routine last  bits ok
:0049B7B8 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0049B7BA 7504                    jne 0049B7C0			if eax=1 on go on else bad guy
:0049B7BC 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B7BE 5E                      pop esi
:0049B7BF C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B7C0 8B4610                  mov eax, [esi+10]
:0049B7C3 394614                  cmp [esi+14], eax
:0049B7C6 751B                    jne 0049B7E3
:0049B7C8 8B4618                  mov eax, [esi+18]
:0049B7CB 39461C                  cmp [esi+1C], eax
:0049B7CE 7513                    jne 0049B7E3
:0049B7D0 8BCE                    mov ecx, esi
:0049B7D2 E859030000              call 0049BB30		<--- inter4.2 checksum
:0049B7D7 2B4620                  sub eax, [esi+20]
:0049B7DA 5E                      pop esi
:0049B7DB 83F801                  cmp eax, 00000001
:0049B7DE 1BC0                    sbb eax, eax
:0049B7E0 F7D8                    neg eax
:0049B7E2 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B7C6(C), :0049B7CE(C)
:0049B7E3 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B7E5 5E                      pop esi
:0049B7E6 C3                      ret
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B700 813947382559            cmp dword ptr [ecx], 59253847
:0049B706 7521                    jne 0049B729

:0049B708 817904CBEACFAD          cmp [ecx+04], ADCFEACB
:0049B70F 7518                    jne 0049B729
:0049B711 8179085C0E5F8D          cmp [ecx+08], 8D5F0E5C
:0049B718 750F                    jne 0049B729
:0049B71A 81790CA4E9F8B6          cmp [ecx+0C], B6F8E9A4
:0049B721 7506                    jne 0049B729
:0049B723 B801000000              mov eax, 00000001
:0049B728 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B706(C), :0049B70F(C), :0049B718(C), :0049B721(C)
:0049B729 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B72B C3                      ret

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049BB30 83EC10                  sub esp, 00000010
:0049BB33 B854ABD729              mov eax, 29D7AB54
:0049BB38 BA01000000              mov edx, 00000001
:0049BB3D 53                      push ebx
:0049BB3E 56                      push esi
:0049BB3F BB03000000              mov ebx, 00000003
:0049BB44 88542408                mov [esp + 08], dl
:0049BB48 57                      push edi
:0049BB49 885C240D                mov [esp + 0D], bl 
:0049BB4D 885C240F                mov [esp + 0F], bl 
:0049BB51 88542410                mov [esp + 10], dl
:0049BB55 885C2412                mov [esp + 12], bl 
:0049BB59 885C2414                mov [esp + 14], bl 
:0049BB5D 88542415                mov [esp + 15], dl
:0049BB61 C644240E04              mov [esp + 0E], 04
:0049BB66 C644241102              mov [esp + 11], 02
:0049BB6B 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:0049BB6D 885C2417                mov [esp + 17], bl 
:0049BB71 C644241304              mov [esp + 13], 04
:0049BB76 C644241602              mov [esp + 16], 02
:0049BB7B C644241802              mov [esp + 18], 02
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BB80 33F6                    xor esi, esi
:0049BB82 8A543C0C                mov dl, [esp + edi + 0C]
:0049BB86 84D2                    test dl, dl
:0049BB88 7411                    je 0049BB9B
:0049BB8A 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:0049BB8C 8ADA                    mov bl , dl
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BB8E C1E608                  shl esi, 08
:0049BB91 33D2                    xor edx, edx
:0049BB93 8A11                    mov dl, [ecx]
:0049BB95 41                      inc ecx
:0049BB96 03F2                    add esi, edx
:0049BB98 4B                      dec ebx
:0049BB99 75F3                    jne 0049BB8E
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BB9B 03C6                    add eax, esi
:0049BB9D 47                      inc edi
:0049BB9E 83FF0D                  cmp edi, 0000000D
:0049BBA1 72DD                    jb 0049BB80
:0049BBA3 5F                      pop edi
:0049BBA4 5E                      pop esi
:0049BBA5 5B                      pop ebx
:0049BBA6 83C410                  add esp, 00000010
:0049BBA9 C3                      ret

double check  (send/get mail)( sometimes only ....)
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00460863   , :004766A3   , :00494AE5   , :004C030B   
:004AA1A0 64A100000000            mov eax, fs:[00000000]
:004AA1A6 55                      push ebp
:004AA1A7 8BEC                    mov ebp, esp
:004AA1A9 6AFF                    push FFFFFFFF
:004AA1AB 68C2A34A00              push 004AA3C2
:004AA1B0 B9B89F4F00              mov ecx, 004F9FB8
:004AA1B5 50                      push eax
:004AA1B6 64892500000000          mov fs:[00000000], esp
:004AA1BD 83EC08                  sub esp, 00000008
:004AA1C0 C745EC00000000          mov [ebp-14], 00000000
:004AA1C7 56                      push esi
:004AA1C8 E82316FFFF              call 0049B7F0		<--- inter1.3 how many day left?
:004AA1CD 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004AA1CF 743E                    je 004AA20F		<--- if eax=0 jmp good guy
							 change into jmp 004AA20F
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0896, Ord:0411h
:004AA1D1 E8586C0200              Call 004D0E2E
:004AA1D6 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004AA1D8 B800000000              mov eax, 00000000
:004AA1DD 740C                    je 004AA1EB
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0896, Ord:0411h
:004AA1DF E84A6C0200              Call 004D0E2E
:004AA1E4 8B10                    mov edx, [eax]
:004AA1E6 8BC8                    mov ecx, eax
:004AA1E8 FF5278                  call [edx+78]
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:004AA1EB 6A00                    push 00000000
:004AA1ED 8B4020                  mov eax, [eax+20]
:004AA1F0 6A00                    push 00000000
:004AA1F2 682E050000              push 0000052E
:004AA1F7 50                      push eax
* Reference To: USER32.PostMessageA, Ord:01A3h
:004AA1F8 FF15783A5000            Call dword ptr [00503A78]
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:004AA1FE 33C0                    xor eax, eax
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:004AA200 8B4DF4                  mov ecx, [ebp-0C]
:004AA203 5E                      pop esi
:004AA204 64890D00000000          mov fs:[00000000], ecx
:004AA20B 8BE5                    mov esp, ebp
:004AA20D 5D                      pop ebp
:004AA20E C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:004AA20F 6822270000              push 00002722		<--- good guy
:004AA214 E8B796FDFF              call 004838D0
:004AA219 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:004AA21C 6685C0                  test ax, ax
:004AA21F 7427                    je 004AA248
:004AA221 68C0000000              push 000000C0
:004AA226 E8A534F7FF              call 0041D6D0
:004AA22B 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:004AA22E 3D82040000              cmp eax, 00000482
:004AA233 0F8585000000            jne 004AA2BE
:004AA239 6A00                    push 00000000
:004AA23B 6822270000              push 00002722
:004AA240 E8FB97FDFF              call 00483A40
:004AA245 83C408                  add esp, 00000008
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B7F0 53                      push ebx
:0049B7F1 56                      push esi
:0049B7F2 57                      push edi
:0049B7F3 8BF1                    mov esi, ecx
:0049B7F5 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:0049B7F7 E834FFFFFF              call 0049B730		<--- inter2.3 last bits ok
:0049B7FC 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:0049B7FE 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0049B800 7441                    je 0049B843
:0049B802 57                      push edi
* Reference To: MSVCRT40.time, Ord:0466h
:0049B803 FF1558375000            Call dword ptr [00503758]
:0049B809 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:0049B80C 817E10E8030000          cmp [esi+10], 000003E8
:0049B813 7311                    jnb 0049B826
:0049B815 8B4E2C                  mov ecx, [esi+2C]
:0049B818 394E30                  cmp [esi+30], ecx
:0049B81B 750E                    jne 0049B82B
:0049B81D 3BC8                    cmp ecx, eax
:0049B81F 760A                    jbe 0049B82B
:0049B821 394628                  cmp [esi+28], eax

:0049B824 7705                    ja 0049B82B
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B826 BF01000000              mov edi, 00000001
* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B81B(C), :0049B81F(C), :0049B824(C)
:0049B82B 394618                  cmp [esi+18], eax
:0049B82E 7605                    jbe 0049B835
:0049B830 BB01000000              mov ebx, 00000001
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B835 85FF                    test edi, edi
:0049B837 740A                    je 0049B843
:0049B839 85DB                    test ebx, ebx
:0049B83B 7406                    je 0049B843
:0049B83D 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B83F 5F                      pop edi
:0049B840 5E                      pop esi
:0049B841 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B842 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B800(C), :0049B837(C), :0049B83B(C)
:0049B843 B801000000              mov eax, 00000001
:0049B848 5F                      pop edi
:0049B849 5E                      pop esi
:0049B84A 5B                      pop ebx
:0049B84B C3                      ret

inter2.3  last bits ok? 
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0049B4D1   , :0049B7F7   , :0049B917   
:0049B730 56                      push esi
:0049B731 8BF1                    mov esi, ecx
:0049B733 E868FFFFFF              call 0049B6A0		<--- inter3.3 routine last bits ok?
:0049B738 85C0                    test eax, eax		
:0049B73A 7504                    jne 0049B740			if eax=1 go on else bad guy
:0049B73C 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B73E 5E                      pop esi
:0049B73F C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049B740 8B4610                  mov eax, [esi+10]
:0049B743 394614                  cmp [esi+14], eax
:0049B746 751B                    jne 0049B763
:0049B748 8B461C                  mov eax, [esi+1C]
:0049B74B 394618                  cmp [esi+18], eax
:0049B74E 7513                    jne 0049B763
:0049B750 8BCE                    mov ecx, esi
:0049B752 E8D9020000              call 0049BA30		<--- inter4.3 checksum
:0049B757 2B4620                  sub eax, [esi+20]
:0049B75A 5E                      pop esi
:0049B75B 83F801                  cmp eax, 00000001
:0049B75E 1BC0                    sbb eax, eax
:0049B760 F7D8                    neg eax
:0049B762 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B746(C), :0049B74E(C)
:0049B763 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B765 5E                      pop esi
:0049B766 C3                      ret
inter3.3 final byte
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049B6A0 813947382559            cmp dword ptr [ecx], 59253847
:0049B6A6 7521                    jne 0049B6C9
:0049B6A8 817904CBEACFAD          cmp [ecx+04], ADCFEACB
:0049B6AF 7518                    jne 0049B6C9
:0049B6B1 8179085C0E5F8D          cmp [ecx+08], 8D5F0E5C
:0049B6B8 750F                    jne 0049B6C9
:0049B6BA 81790CA4E9F8B6          cmp [ecx+0C], B6F8E9A4
:0049B6C1 7506                    jne 0049B6C9
:0049B6C3 B801000000              mov eax, 00000001
:0049B6C8 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Addresses:
|:0049B6A6(C), :0049B6AF(C), :0049B6B8(C), :0049B6C1(C)
:0049B6C9 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:0049B6CB C3                      ret

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0049BA30 83EC10                  sub esp, 00000010
:0049BA33 B854ABD729              mov eax, 29D7AB54
:0049BA38 BA01000000              mov edx, 00000001
:0049BA3D 53                      push ebx
:0049BA3E 56                      push esi
:0049BA3F BB03000000              mov ebx, 00000003
:0049BA44 88542408                mov [esp + 08], dl
:0049BA48 57                      push edi
:0049BA49 885C240D                mov [esp + 0D], bl 
:0049BA4D 885C240F                mov [esp + 0F], bl 
:0049BA51 88542410                mov [esp + 10], dl
:0049BA55 885C2412                mov [esp + 12], bl 
:0049BA59 885C2414                mov [esp + 14], bl 
:0049BA5D 88542415                mov [esp + 15], dl
:0049BA61 C644240E04              mov [esp + 0E], 04
:0049BA66 C644241102              mov [esp + 11], 02
:0049BA6B 33FF                    xor edi, edi
:0049BA6D 885C2417                mov [esp + 17], bl 
:0049BA71 C644241304              mov [esp + 13], 04
:0049BA76 C644241602              mov [esp + 16], 02
:0049BA7B C644241802              mov [esp + 18], 02
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BA80 33F6                    xor esi, esi
:0049BA82 8A543C0C                mov dl, [esp + edi + 0C]
:0049BA86 84D2                    test dl, dl
:0049BA88 7411                    je 0049BA9B
:0049BA8A 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:0049BA8C 8ADA                    mov bl , dl
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BA8E C1E608                  shl esi, 08
:0049BA91 33D2                    xor edx, edx
:0049BA93 8A11                    mov dl, [ecx]
:0049BA95 41                      inc ecx
:0049BA96 03F2                    add esi, edx
:0049BA98 4B                      dec ebx
:0049BA99 75F3                    jne 0049BA8E
* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:0049BA9B 03C6                    add eax, esi
:0049BA9D 47                      inc edi
:0049BA9E 83FF0D                  cmp edi, 0000000D
:0049BAA1 72DD                    jb 0049BA80
:0049BAA3 5F                      pop edi
:0049BAA4 5E                      pop esi
:0049BAA5 5B                      pop ebx
:0049BAA6 83C410                  add esp, 00000010
:0049BAA9 C3                      ret

vΘrif lors d'une suppression de boite aux lettres
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0042A44C   , :0043325B   , :004333D2   , :00451C5F   , :00494E1B   , 
:00432D70 B9B89F4F00              mov ecx, 004F9FB8
:00432D75 E8D68A0600              call 0049B850		<-- inter1.4 how many day left?
:00432D7A 85C0                    test eax, eax
:00432D7C 740E                    je 00432D8C		<-- if eax=0 jmp good guy
:00432D7E 6AFF                    push FFFFFFFF		change into jmp 432d8c
:00432D80 6A00                    push 00000000
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00096: "Votre version d'Θvaluation valable 30 jours est expirΘe. Pou"
:00432D82 6A60                    push 00000060
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0248, Ord:0424h
:00432D84 E82FE70900              Call 004D14B8
:00432D89 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:00432D8B C3                      ret

* Referenced by a   Jump at Address:
:00432D8C 833DA0694F0000          cmp dword ptr [004F69A0], 00000000	<-- good guy
:00432D93 751F                    jne 00432DB4
:00432D95 A1006C4F00              mov eax, [004F6C00]
:00432D9A 50                      push eax
* Reference To: MFC40.MFC40:NoName0916, Ord:040Bh
:00432D9B E828E00900              Call 004D0DC8
:00432DA0 8B4804                  mov ecx, [eax+04]
:00432DA3 E898FE0000              call 00442C40
:00432DA8 A3A0694F00              mov [004F69A0], eax
:00432DAD 85C0                    test eax, eax
:00432DAF 7503                    jne 00432DB4
:00432DB1 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:00432DB3 C3                      ret


VI )Make a patch for Eudora Pro 3.0.1( french version)




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 replace by

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OF course there is a lot of way to make a patch...

PS: I think that i found all the piece of code about protection, if  i'm false 
tell me

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