Subject: Meeting on 10-10-1999
Target: Brussels, Morte Subite
Author: BlackB
Date: 1999-10-11
Tools used: Train, good shoes and lots of beer *wink*
Difficulty (scale 1-5): 5
Requirements: Good feet, healthy stomach, good humor, good knowledge of english, french, german, etc... :)
Attendance: Bisoux, noos, knotty, +Malattia, fravia+, sice, smm, BlackB, two guys named Laurant, plexor (order of no importance) + 1 older guy of which I forgot his name/nick (sorry!)
INTRODUCTION was 11h22 mins. when I departed in Ghent (city somewhere in Belgium) to Brussels. At 12 O' clock I was in the central station. The first difficulty of the day had to be conquered: finding the "Warmoesberg"...the street where the cafΘ was. Unfortunately there are two streets in Brussels named like that. So....bad cracker as I am....I took the "bad boy" and fell into a turkish neighbourhood 2 km from where I started. To make a long story short: I asked the way to Mort Subite about a thousand times, I have walked about 10 km and reversed whole Brussels in 1hour and 30 minutes......and at last ("god at last I am free!", quote from M.L. King to express the joy I felt) at last I've found the cafΘ with all those nice crackers in it! :)) It was 13h30 min.
The meeting reversed
The table was already filled with empty glasses (they all contained beer I guess). After giving a short speech *ehem*, fravia treat me on a beer, which I urgently needed. For the short time we would stay in the cafΘ, fravia told us about his future plans: protecting europe from American software, and discussed on how we could possibly hide information from America.

At the other side of the table their was another discussion going on of which I 've had no notice at all, so guys from the other half of the table: write a report too! ;)
Then we left, and went to another cafΘ (don't remember the name), but I was feeling even younger in it then the Mort Subite. Nevertheless it was a nice place and we stayed there for the rest of the time.

Fravia, again, treated everyone on a beer. For the curious ones among you readers: he drank "Kwak", a belgian, quite heavy beer, which would have its consequences on a person whose name I won't tell yet *grin*.
So we started talking again about everything. Not only about cracking :p Until fravia announced he will "freeze" his site (!! NOT stop it !!) because, as he said, he wants to evolve to more important things than reversing software. Time passed and the amount of empty glasses of beer increased while fravia's money went like this:

mov cx, 5000
give_another_round: sub cx, 1000
                    or cx, cx
                    jnz give_another_round

get_new_money: mov cx, 5000
               jmp give_another_round

Btw, don't blame me if I reversed his money expenditure somewhat wrong....but I hope you get my point :) Thank you for this fravia! :) So there was plenty of beer and plenty of fun and plenty of wisdom ...however....where did knotty went?? Fravia told us this cafΘ had real nice toilets so everyone went to check 'em out...but knotty really must 've been doing it REAL thorough! *gna*
Well yea, you can guess: belgian beer isn't for those weak dutch stomaches :p After drinking quite some "Kwaks", the mean stomach of knotty collapsed and he was a very little bit very much sick, hehe. But thanks to the other cracking guys he's now safely home still recovering from the visit to Belgium. Dutch people!!! Be warned!!! *g*
We did also a little test on what browser we use (because every cracker claims he hates M$ IE and adores Opera). Result: only 2 out of 12 use Opera as first choice browser. All the rest used M$ IE or netscape....crackerz....don't ever say again you don't use Explorer :pp

Well, at about 19h00 I said goodbuy to everyone (with tears in my eyes....from all the beer *g*), left and took the train back to Ghent. I don't know how long the meetings lasted after I left...not very long I guess.

Another thing I'd like to give is my opinion on most of the people I spoke to. Don't worry guys, nothing negative :) Firstly fravia. He's a "father-kinda" person, really sympathetic and intelligent man just as he appears on his site. He's certainly not fake and means every word he says on his site and in real life! In my modest opinion he can be a little idealistic...but who am I to judge about that huh :)
Then Malattia. He looks kinda weird (=italian) but's also a nice guy. Most of the time he functioned as fravia's translator *grin* when he couldn't come up with a specific english term :)
Bisoux, real weird guy, smokes cigarettes and sigars (a lot) and let me think of a ..... ah sorry, but I had to remove this line under big pressure of mister Bisoux himself *g* Hope you're happy now :p. But as all the others he seemed nice :)) hehe.
Then my contemporary Knotty. A cheerful and eloquent dutch guy with a weak stomach *g*
Noos being a bit quiet in comparison to IRC, but maybe I was too concentrated on what fravia had to say ;p
Then I also noticed that I wasn't the only Flemish (region in belgium where they speak dutch) guy. I forgot his nick but he sat right to me and his english was....euh....not that good :p
Btw, sice (who sat left to me) thx for the cigar! ;)

*Bleh* sorry for the ones I've forgot.....I probably didn't say much to you then :p

Well, what can I say. It was a REAL great meeting and I enjoyed it very much. I hope everyone else did too and I want to thank all you guys for your presence! I liked each one of you! :)
Some things that come in mind to end this report:
  • Fravia has a GSM (portable telephone)
  • So has +Malattia
  • X-Calibre was ALMOST there, almost :p
  • Dawai also couldn't come, he was sick and "didn't wanted to puke on fravia" as he quoted
  • Volatillity also wanted to come, but had to work...but finally he didn't had to work, but it was already too time better luck ;)
  • Noos drank coca cola in Belgium......again....dutch people don't match beer ;p
  • Knotty's official slogan: "3 Kwaks in a row are evil"
  • Thanks again

If you've read this report and think something is missing. Mail me !! I will add it.
CU all back on another meeting

