Have you ever looked at a beautiful quilt and wondered who made it, where the quiltmaker lived, what her life was like and even what she was thinking as she sewed? Well, future generations may also wonder about you and your quilt. So think about keeping a special quilt diary, or journal. It’s fun!

Start by considering what you might like future generations to know about you or your quilt. You may want to include notes about how you designed the quilt, why you chose the colors or fabrics you did, and what the quilt means to you. Don’t forget to add your daily thoughts, record current events and general everyday experiences. You can also add printouts from Quilt Design Wizard™, fabric samples and photographs of your quilt in progress. If you continue journaling as you make quilt after quilt, you’ll be able to see your quilting progress.

A journal can also be a useful document in case you make a special “masterpiece” quilt that should happen to be lost or stolen. If you have your quilt appraised, you would want to keep this appraisal document with your quilt in your journal.