Macro5 v2.40 ------------ Installation : -------------- + Mandatory files : Install the packages Macro5.sis and Macro5Lib.sis as you do with all SIS files : double-click on them either on the PC or on the Series 5. If you don't already have them, install also SysRam1.sis and SystInfo.sis. + Optional files : If you want to install the examples of macros, copy all the files from to c:\Macros. If you don't want the online help, delete \System\Apps\Macro5\Macro5.hlp If you want to run macros that includes Jason Kneen's Escript commands, install EScript.sis and AppInfo.sis + You should have something like : c:---+---\Macros---+---*.opl | +---*.opo +---\Startup | +---\System---+---\Apps---\Macro5---+---Macro5.aif | | +---Macro5.hlp | +---Macro5.i01 | +---Macro5.i02 | +---Macro5.i03 | +---Macro5.ini | +---\OPL---+---Macro.oph | | +---\OPX---+---Macro5.mcx +---Macro5.opx +---SysRam1.opx +---SystInfo.opx + Then start Macro5 using the Extras bar and that's it. Upgrade : --------- + If you run a version older than 2.30, you cannot upgrade. Delete \System\Apps\SwitchTask and follow the above install procedure. + Otherwise, just install the packages Macro5.sis and Macro5Lib.sis Copy Upgrade.opo to \System\Apps\Macro5\ and run it to upgrade Macro5.ini. Once it's done, delete Upgrade.opo since you will never use it again. + If you upgrade from a version prior to 2.35 : -> Macro.oph has moved to \System\OPL. -> SwtchTsk.opx and the folder \Icons are not needed anymore. + Look at history.txt for the list of the macros that have been updated.