Lesson 2 Vocabulary
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Click on a Spanish word to hear it pronounced.

Pronouns (reflexive pronouns) [top of page]

me myself
te yourself
se yourself/herself/himself/itself
nos ourselves
se yourselves/themselves

Verbs [top of page]

Note: verbs followed by parentheses are stem changing verbs and the change is indicated in the parentheses
despertarse (ie) to wake up
levantarse to get up
acostarse (ue) to go to bed
bañarse to bathe
afeitarse to shave
vestirse (i) to get dressed
sentarse (ie) to sit down
sentirse (ie) to feel
divertirse (ie) to have fun
enojarse to get angry
preocuparse to worry
dormirse (ue) to go to sleep
quitarse to take off

Others (adverbs, prepositions, adjectives, and phrases) [top of page]

temprano early
tarde late
a las at (for telling time)
después (de) after
antes (de) before
triste sad
feliz happy
de la mañana in the morning
de la tarde in the afternoon
de la noche in the evening/at night
todos los días every day
todas las noches every night

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