Lesson 1 Vocabulary
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Click on a Spanish word to hear it pronounced.

Nouns [top of page]

mentira lie
verdad truth
frase phrase/sentence
regla rule
mesero waiter
mesera waitress
cliente customer
comida food
enchiladas enchiladas
burrito burrito
taco taco
papas fritas french fries
hamburguesa hamburger
queso cheese
ensalada salad
bebidas drinks
leche (fem) milk
agua (masc) water
refresco soft drink
batido shake
pedido order
calle street
camino pathway

Verbs [top of page]

decir to tell/say
pedir to ask for
repetir to repeat
seguir to follow/continue
servir to serve

Others [top of page]

siempre (adverb) always
importante (adj) important

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