ࡱ;  vtrpnm  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz{|}~Root Entry FCompObjbWordDocument jObjectPool  FMicrosoft Word 6.0 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.6; ࡱ; La( ࡱ;   FMicrosoft WordArt 2.0 MSWordArt.2 MSWordArt.2ࡱ; ࡱ;  ܥe3 e"jj'~~~~$rrrrr".rvPF_D! <XTPv'jo''v'~~''''~\( T~~~~''' vbValet Print1       TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Name: C:\VB\APROJECT\CALCULAT\CALC.DOC  DATE \* MERGEFORMAT 6/14/94  TOC \t "vbVSub,2,vbVTitleNP,1" ABOUT.FRM  GOTOBUTTON _Toc290526895  PAGEREF _Toc290526895 2 Sub Command1_Click ()  GOTOBUTTON _Toc290526896  PAGEREF _Toc290526896 2 Sub Form_Load ()  GOTOBUTTON _Toc290526897  PAGEREF _Toc290526897 3 GRAFCALC.BAS  GOTOBUTTON _Toc290526898  PAGEREF _Toc290526898 3 Summary  GOTOBUTTON _Toc290526899  PAGEREF _Toc290526899 3  ABOUT.FRM VERSION 2.00 Begin Form About BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Double Caption = "About... "  ClientHeight = 3000  ClientLeft = 1452 ClientTop = 1848 ClientWidth = 5196  ControlBox = 0 'False FontBold = -1 'True FontItalic = -1 'True  End End  Sub Command1_Click () 'Cancel About form Unload About End Sub  Sub Form_Load () 'Center form Left = (Screen.Width - Width) / 2 Top = (Screen.Height - Height) / 2 Image4.Left = 440  Image4.Top = 840 End Sub   GRAFCALC.BAS ' The following are general purpose functions Declare Sub dwCopyData XE "Declare Sub:dwCopyData" \b  Lib "dwspydll.dll" (source As Any, dest As Any, ByVal nCount%) Declare Sub dwCopyDataBynum XE "Declare Sub:dwCopyDataBynum" \b  Lib "dwspydll.dll" Alias "dwCopyData XE "Declare Sub:dwCopyData" \b " (ByVal source&, ByVal dest&, ByVal nCount%) Declare Function dwGetAddressForObject& XE "Declare Function:dwGetAddressForObject&" \b  Lib "dwspydll.dll" (object As Any) Declare Function dwGetAddressForInteger& XE "Declare Function:dwGetAddressForInteger&" \b  Lib "dwspydll.dll" Alias "dwGetAddressForObject" (intnum%) 'form array for mdiform Option Base 1 Type FormState XE "Type Statements:FormState" \b  Dirty As Integer Deleted As Integer End Type Global FState() As FormState XE "Type Statements:FormState" \b  'Constants to represent error conditions Global Const Err_DeviceUnavailable XE "Global Constants:Err_DeviceUnavailable" \b  = 68 Global Const Err_DiskNotReady XE "Global Constants:Err_DiskNotReady" \b  = 71, Err_FileAlreadyExists = 58 'default random file specs Type RecordType XE "Type Statements:RecordType" \b  RecordNum As Long Def_FontName As String * 50 Def_FontSize As Integer Def_FontBold As Integer End Type Global RecordVar As RecordType XE "Type Statements:RecordType" \b  Global RecordNumber As Long Summary Project Name: C:\VB\APROJECT\CALCULAT\CALC.DOC   DATE \* MERGEFORMAT 6/14/94 File NameFile SizeABOUT.FRM  5455FRMCALC.FRM  47580FRMPRINT.FRM  7379GRAFMDI.FRM  4206GRAFMOD.FRM  20842ITEMID.FRM  2792COMMON.BAS  1972ERRMOD.BAS  1880FILEMSG.BAS  2042GRAFCALC.BAS  31965    Cross+Reference Declare FunctiondwGetAddressForInteger&;3,4dwGetAddressForObject&;10Declare SubdwCopyData;12dwCopyDataBynum;2Global ConstantsErr_BadFileNameOrNumber;1Err_DeviceUnavailable;1,4,78Type StatementsFormState;122RecordType;125,678  EMBED MSWordArt.2 \s In the upcoming version of vbValet Print, you will find a Code Librarian. With it, you will be able to create a standard Windows Help file of any or all of the forms or routines in a project. You will be able to add, edit or delete them as you wish. Look at it as your own personal "knowledge base" of Subs, Functions etc., etc.,. Coming...Summer '94 ( PAGE  PAGE 3  FILENAME \p C:\WINWORD\BOB\VBVSOR12\SAMPLE.DOC printed  DATE \l 6/14/94 The following W4W project document was prepared using vbValet Print1. It illustrates a number of the built in features of the program and describes the use of the various menu commands. Because the program has only a few operations that are unique to itself, a "full blown" Help file would only take up more space on your hard drive (e.g. bitmap representations of document pages etc.,.) The Visual Basic project in the Word document doesn't do anything. GETTING STARTED: Bring in a valid .MAK file and then click on vbValet Print. Or click on the vbValet Print menu item and choose a MAK file using the FileOpen dialog box. vbValet Print checks the active document for .FRM and .BAS files. If none exist, it will tell you that an invalid .MAK file is the active document. In the unregistered version, a dialog box then appears telling you how many days are remaining in the evaluation period. The next dialog box offers the option of building a Table of Contents (TOC) and including header information. The next dialog box allows you to select the forms you wish to format into a document (on the following page). From this point on, the program takes over. You can watch its' progress in the status bar at the bottom of the W4W screen. Once you have installed the vbVPrint.Dot template into the default template directory in W4W using the vbVPrint.Doc that comes with the package, the vbValet Print item will show up in the Tools menu as the last item in the list. This opening dialog box lets you set the options. The default is NO Table of Contents and NO header information. If you choose not to include a TOC initially, you can with a little effort include one after the document is finished. You do this by specifying the styles that W4W should use to build the TOC. SAMPLE OUTPUT FOLLOWS Use this dialog box to select the forms you wish to be formatted. 1. Select the form and click Copy. 2. Copy All copies all the form names from left to right. 3. To Delete a form from the list box on the right; select it and click the Delete button. 4. Delete All deletes all the form names from the box on the right. 5. Click OK when you are done. 6. Cancel takes you out of vbValet Print. Double click on any page num-ber to "jump" to the item listed. Style: vbVTitleNP (If you are inserting a Table of Contents manually, this is the heading style you use for the form entry in the Table of contents.) This a sample of "header" infor-mation. Note, the highlighted com-ment lines and the style of the form name. You can change the "style" to suit your needs. HOW? Style: vbVComment Find the "style". Click on the item. E.g. clicking on ABOUT.FRM tells you that the style is vbVTitleNP. You can modify the style using the Format/Style menu items. And apply the change to the entire document. Don't change the style name! Style: Normal Style: vbVSub (If you are inserting a Table of Contents manually, this is the heading style you use for the Sub or Function entry in the Table of contents.) Style: vbVEndSub If you choose the Add PageBreak [vbV] option from the File menu, each form will begin on a new page. In a very large document it will take time to repage the document. The default is NO manual page breaks. Once you have added manual page breaks, you can remove them with the Delete PageBreak [vbV] option. Delete PageBreak [vbV] Add PageBreak [vbV] Summary table is standard feature. The KrossReference[vbV] is an item on the Tools menu available after the W4W document has been created. The menu item vbValet Print is replaced by the menu item KrossReference[vbV] USE WITH CAUTION! If you have many Global Constants, Declares, or Type statements that are "obviously" unneeded, remove them from the original .BAS file before carrying out this operation. It takes time to build this index. 1. Select any or all of the items to cross reference. (You loose the option to choose Global Constants if you have not included a .BAS file in your document .) 2. Choose to see the page location of ALL the items or only those that are not referenced in your vbValet Print document. 3. OK gets you started. 4. Cancel aborts the cross reference operation. 5. You can run the Cross+Reference as many times as you like. For example, choose Global Constants and then redo with the Declare Subs etc., etc.. Use the Toolbar to bring up the Cross Reference Dialog box.  .A .A :yy    ** C ****(**8E#:%       -  C --(-0      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrsuvwxyz{|}~P:pl    :  X C XX(XKNO:i*"   f   fC (J      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnoqrstuvwxyz{|}~&: $5  b>  Iu >C IuIu(uI8":0  >  D: C D:D:(:D      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklpqrstuvwxyz{|}~&: $5Q  b>  Iu >C IuIu(uI8"_829313536F礙礙Ole PIC LMETA o)a( FQ E  t  --$>;j;|:}## tb^|nXA"9'+2+AXZZXJXb|n|niin|zxvt =sq o#m:j;j----x$:[ti^OHK$L3d5i?ABBBIIFW@W I3$/3d` ^  m D'$7gpj;EP[fh ba`^[[----8LHHA8+) tFsqPG4/!,006=>tVA3-##'(9C+s+u////13?AHH  ----`$.apu~ji@zz vg[PO   ----$ z+zgdgfQiIk::/Q.g-z+----$XWWI3**(#~utrx| )3AIS]-`K`[``]SIB3 +  !%<952>_v$x(k*Z#6*([; !**3IW----$KJ K K L L .J MG h: : # "  Q Y /  " # : : A G K &L HF : #    x l Q B A > F Z ]   / 6 2 2 &     # : J ----8.  f 4    ! $ 3% e% $ # > Y h p  k k N ,   p \ J = 6 4 3 9 J f p       ----$]  n W A 2 2 A A A A xA `A Z? 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