This .ZIP file contains two utilities for use with Microsofts Visual Basic. These utilities are called VBCOPY.EXE and VBDEL.EXE. They are used to copy or delete Visual Basic projects. Visual Basic stores information about the project in the .MAK file. VBCOPY and VBDEL read the .MAK file and determine which forms and/or other files belong to the project. VBCOPY will copy the .MAK file and the other files for the project to another directory. VBDEL will DELETE the .MAK file and ALL the other files for the project. These utilities will tell you if it doesn't think the .MAK file is a Visual Basic .MAK file. The error messages out of these utilities are simple. Most of the time any error message indicates that the .MAK file or path is incorrect or that the destination path is incorrect. VBDEL will prompt you before it deletes any project. The format for the utilities are: VBCOPY source .MAK file can contain a path and you can also specify *.MAK or *.* (which defaults to *.MAK) destination path is where you want the .MAK file and the other files to go. If you don't specify the destination it will copy them to the current directory VBDEL <.MAK file to delete> This will delete the .MAK file and ALL releated files found in the .MAK file. You can specify a path for this also. I have used these utilities many times without any problems. I determined the format of the .MAK file on my own so I cannot guarantee that it will always find the correct forms even though is has so far. Please report any bugs found with this utilities to me so I can fix them and upload a new copy. Thank You. George M. White Compuserve ID 71511,1072