If you are upgrading from VBPP 1.0 VBPP 1.1 saves printer settings for each printer while 1.0 kept just one entry. To preserve the settings (and provide for fallback), edit your VBPP.INI file Copy the [Print] section and change the section header to [Print.name] where name is the name in the WIN.INI file. You may have as many [Print.name] sections as you wish. The [Print] section is used by 1.0, the others by 1.1. The resulting file should look like: [Print] FontAttr.Comments=0 -1 0 0 12 FontName.Comments=Courier 10 Pitch etc [Print.HP DeskJet] FontAttr.Comments=0 -1 0 0 12 FontName.Comments=Courier 10 Pitch etc Known Problems Using the Print Setup causes a blank page to be printed and the selected printer to become the system default printer. This is a 'feature' of VB's printer interface. Problem handling Check the README.TXT file in the directory where VBPP.EXE was installed to see if this is a know problem. If not, (or even if it is and you want to make sure we know that it is important to you,) please contact us for technical assistance. The best way is via e-mail on CompuServe at 73173,1137. Or, you may contact our support center by fax at 419-471-9944 or by phone at 419-292-2399. Please let us know how to contact you. Information that would be helpful: DOS release, Windows release, Printer make and model Printer Driver name and release Screen mode (VGA, SVGA, resolution, colors, driver) On GPFs, a Dr. Watson log Please give us your comments, suggestions and bug reports. If you like what we do, please tell your friends. If you don't like what we do, please tell us. Martin Tillinger Aardvark Software Inc. 972 Sheffield Rd Teaneck, NJ 07666 tel 201-833-4355 fax 201-833-1216 CIS 70544,1372