THE NAG! ======== "Nag" is exactly what it says it is, and nothing more. It will, at any user-specified interval up to 999 minutes, pop up and remind you to save your work. It will *not* save your work for you, however. Nag will only snap you out of your creative trance; it's up to you to decide what's worth saving. Requirements ------------ 1. Absentmindedness. 2. Microsoft Windows 3.0. 3. VBRUNXXX.DLL. Nag was written in Visual Basic, and thus requires the dynamic-link library file VBRUN100.DLL (or better) to run. The DLL should be located somewhere on your DOS path--preferably in your Windows or Windows/System directory. Being a "Thunderform" also means The Nag will only run in Windows' Standard or Enhanced modes. All there is to it ------------------ Nag will first appear in its full form. The form allows you to change the interval between pop-up reminders, to set the beep on or off, and to save your settings. The settings can be changed any time by clicking on the Nag icon and restoring the form. Changes are saved and subsequently updated in your Win.ini file. If you're so inclined, you can also change settings "manually" by editing the PopMinutes and Beepon numbers in the [TheNag] section of your Win.ini file (1 turns the beep on, 0 turns it off). Note: the section won't be created until you click the "Save Settings" button on the main form (or reposition the pop-up box; see below). If you never click the Save button, the settings will remain at the default 30-minute pop-up interval with no beeps. The main form is minimized when you click the "...nag my day" button. The first pop-up may occur before the first elapsed interval. The reason: the clock is set to start when Nag is first called up. This allows Nag to start ticking immediately if Nag is loaded to start with Windows. The Nag's timer will reset itself and tick a full interval each time you brush its pop-up box away with the "OK, OK..." button. If you do want Nag to load on startup, just add Nag.exe to the Load= line near the top of your Win.ini file. If you have Nag in your main Windows directory, be sure to add its path to the Load line as well. You can move the the Nag pop-up box to any position on your screen. Just grab it by its title bar (or, if you're using the keyboard for such things, key to the Move command in the command box) and slide it someplace else. When you click "OK, OK...", Nag will record its new position in its own Win.ini section and will reappear in its new position until you move it again. Otherwise --------- Though it's not very swift off the mark, The Nag seems to do its job without any serious problems. However, if you do find any glitches or if you have any suggestions, I'd like to hear of them. I'd also like to hear from you if you think The Nag is a worthwhile little item. If it does the trick for you, a dollar or so of encouragement would be much appreciated by this would-be programmer. You can reach me at CompuServe 76207,333 or write: Garry Forbes P.O. Box 60096, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-0096 Disclaimer ---------- User agrees to use this software at his or her own risk. No guarantee or warranty, implied or otherwise, is offered by the author, and user acknowledges that the author cannot and will not be held responsible for any malfunction, loss or damage that may occur as a result of the use or misuse of this product. ------------- THE NAG! V1.0 Dec/91 Copyright (c) 1991 Garry Howard Forbes Microsoft is a registered trademark, and Windows and Visual Basic are trademarks, of Microsoft Corporation.