====================================================================== MICROSOFT EXCEL CUSTOM HELP FILE CONVERSION UTILITY ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- | INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT AND ANY SOFTWARE THAT MAY | | ACCOMPANY THIS DOCUMENT (collectively referred to as an | | Application Note) IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY | | KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO | | THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A | | PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The user assumes the entire risk as to the | | accuracy and the use of this Application Note. This Application | | Note may be copied and distributed subject to the following | | conditions: 1) All text must be copied without modification and | | all pages must be included; 2) If software is included, all files | | on the disk(s) must be copied without modification (the DOS | | utility DISKCOPY is appropriate for this purpose); 3) All | | components of this Application Note must be distributed together; | | and 4) This Application Note may not be distributed for profit. | | | | Copyright 1990 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. | | Microsoft and the Microsoft logo are registered trademarks of | | Microsoft Corporation. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Please copy and distribute this utility as per the guidelines, stated above.) Background ---------- Microsoft Excel version 3.00 for Windows no longer offers internal support for the use of custom Help files in the text (ASCII) format. Instead, Microsoft Excel 3.00 for Windows uses the Windows 3.00 Help engine for custom Help. The Windows 3.00 Help engine requires Help files in the Help-file format. By using the Windows 3.00 Help engine, you can create powerful custom Help for your Microsoft Excel applications. You can set jump topics and glossary items and take advantage of the Help-window interface. It is recommended that you use the Windows 3.00 Software Development Kit (SDK) for extensive Help file development. About This Utility ------------------ If you've created custom Help files in Microsoft Excel version 2.00 or 2.10 for Windows, you can use the Microsoft Excel Custom Help File Conversion Utility to convert your text files into Help-format files so they can be accessed by Microsoft Excel 3.00. This utility consists of two files: HELPCONV.EXE and HC.EXE. HELPCONV.EXE is the conversion utility. HC.EXE is the Help compiler, which is needed for the conversion process (HC.EXE is also available in the Windows 3.00 SDK). To convert a text-format file to a Help-format file, run HELPCONV.EXE. This program converts the text file to a rich text format (.RTF) file and creates a Help project (.HPJ) file. Then HELPCONV.EXE calls HC.EXE, which uses the .HPJ file to compile the .RTF file into a Help- format file. The Help-format file is given the name of your original text-format file, and your original text file is saved with the extension .BAK. The intermediate files are deleted. To Run This Utility ------------------- You can run the Microsoft Excel Custom Help File Conversion Utility from the DOS prompt, or you can choose Run from the File menu in the Program Manager. If you want to run the program from the DOS prompt, make sure you have set a path to HELPCONV.EXE and HC.EXE, or that the files reside in the current directory. The form of the DOS command is as follows HELPCONV [/T "help_title_text"] [/U] [/L] [/D] where [ ] indicates an optional parameter Please note that there is a space between each parameter on the command line and that you should include the drive and pathname of HELPCONV.EXE if you are running the command from the Program Manager. Parameter Description --------- ----------- The DOS filename, including extension, of the text-format file you want to convert /T "help_title_text" Required to insert the Help-window title (will default to "Excel Macro" if no entry is made) /U An optional switch to prevent HC.EXE from being executed /L An optional switch to prevent deletion of intermediate .RTF and .HPJ files /D An optional switch to delete the .BAK file when finished For example, assume you want to convert the Excel 2.10 Help file "MACROHLP.TXT", and you want to delete the .BAK file when finished. The command line should appear as follows: HELPCONV MACROHLP.TXT /T "Sample Macro" /D In this example, you will have a Help-format file with the title "Sample Macro" and with the same name as your original text-format file; thus, you will not need to make any changes to your macro sheet.