ۥ-  6~p>4Infnffofofofofototototo o o o5ooooooooo4pp~p~pThank you for downloading VBBK07.DOC, the list of books, publications, conferences, and electronic information sources for Visual Basic/Windows 3.0/4.0; Visual Basic/DOS 1.0; Visual Basic, Applications Edition (VBA); and Access 2.0. You can now order many of these books at a 10% to 20% discount directly from Fawcette Technical Publications. More information is available by dialing 800-848-5523 or 415-917-7650. This list of Visual Basic and Access books, publications, information services and conferences is provided to you as a service of Visual Basic Programmer's Journal . If you have any corrections or additions please send them to Robert Scoble, associate editor at Fawcette Technical Publications via CompuServe or America Online (his numbers are listed below). All space in this listing is FREE of charge. This listing does not constitute an endorsement of any of the listed products by Fawcette Technical Publications, Microsoft or Visual Basic Programmer's Journal. The product listings herein are NOT to be considered objective journalistic reviews. These materials were gathered from advertising materials, press releases and looking over the table of contents of some of the books. Fawcette Technical Publications, while making every attempt to ensure accuracy, does not assume responsibility or liability for errors or omissions anywhere in this data file. Rather than put a trademark symbol in every occurrence of other trademarked names, we state that we are using the names only in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the trademark. The list is organized alphabetically by publisher name. Visual Basic books are listed first, then Access books. 1994 Visual Basic Programmer's Journal This list was last updated on June 21, 1994 and is valid through August 31, 1994. All rights reserved by Fawcette Technical Publications. Please ask before using this list in any other publication or on any electronic service. Enjoy and thanks in advance for any suggestions or comments. Robert Scoble Associate Editor Fawcette Technical Publications 280 Second Street, Suite 200 Los Altos, California, USA 94022-3603 ELECTRONIC ADDRESSES: OnlCompuServe: Robert Scoble 71732,3233. (Please send messages by e-mail and not in specific forums since I may not get into the forum you're in very often (except for MSBASIC which I visit about once per day).) America Online: ROBERTVBPJ INTERNET:71732.3233@compuserve.com INTERNET:ROBERTVBPJ@aol.com Visual Basic books, publications, information sources, and conferences Addison-Wesley Publishing Company One Jacob Way Reading, MA 01867 800-358-4566 Fax: 800-333-3328 Contact: Order Department Visual Basic Database Programming <> Lets you employ Visual Basic's environment to develop applications allowing easy access to a variety of data sources. The accompanying disk provides a report writer, an open database API for writing add-ons, and a ready-to-run OLE 2.0 library. Written by Karen Watterson. Released January 1994. ISBN 0-201-62661-6. 436 pages. Disk included. $34.95. Advanced Visual Basic: A developer's guide This book by Mark Burgess covers the latest version of Visual Basic, and includes techniques for using Visual Basic and its tools, applications design, and advanced concepts. The accompanying disk include programs that illustrate how to develop applications using both Visual Basic and Windows, and utilities that will be of benefit to the programmer. Disk included. Released January 1994. ISBN: 0-201-60828-6. $39.95. Using Visual Basic 3 <> A hands-on guide to using and mastering Visual Basic by William H. Murray and Chris H. Pappas. The first part of the book teaches the fundamentals of using Visual Basic's programming tools, including creating interfaces, writing code, and placing controls within Visual Basic. These tools are integrated into working examples in the second half, and these examples can serve as templates for program development. Includes disk. $34.95. Windows 3.1 Programming for Mere Mortals <> The book/disk package uses commonly available Windows tools, most notably WordBasic, the programming language in Word for Windows, and Visual Basic, to develop effective utilities from the ground up. You'll discover the power of creating dialog boxes, moving data between applications with Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), client/server links, calling Windows API functions, and using Dynamic Link Libraries. Authored by Woody Leonhard. 537 pages. Beginning/Intermediate. ISBN: 0-201-60832-4. $34.95. Alpha Books Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Visual Basic (Win/3.0) This book helps you make sense of programming so you can get your work done and get on with your life. Beginner/Intermediate. Greg Perry. 350 pages. ISBN: 1-56761-489-8. $19.95. America Online 8619 Westwood Center Drive Vienna, VA 22182-9806 800-827-6364 ext. 7430 703-448-8700 Visual Basic forum An active forum for Visual Basic programmers to meet and download files. Easy to use attractive interface. Many other services in addition to Visual Basic forum. Links to Internet. Must call for free hookup software kit before trying to use. $CALL Brady Publishing Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 Peter Norton's Visual Basic for Windows, Third Edition <> This book shows how to use Visual Basic through hands-on examples that explore the natural course of Microsoft Windows operating system-based programming development. It helps programmers learn programming techniques for Visual Basic, including DDE, OLE and the integration of C code into programs. Written by Steven Holzner and the Peter Norton Computing Group. Says it covers VB 3.0, but doesn't cover variants and some other key features of 3.0. Updated in June 1993. 800 pages, includes a 3.5-inch disk. ISBN: 1-56686-093-8. $39.95. Peter Norton's Visual Basic for DOS This book leads readers through the development of a wide range of fully functional Visual Basic programs. Text includes: Practical pointers, time saving tips, expert tricks and creative solutions to programming and interface problems. 512 pages. Includes disk. ISBN: 1-56686-026-1. $39.95. Bruce Smith Books 106 Smug Oak Centre Lye Lane, Bricket Wood, Herts, AL2 3UG Tel: 44 (0) 923 893493 Fax: 44 (0) 923 894366 Visual Basic Beginners Aimed at new users of Visual Basic. Sensibly paced for beginners. Biased toward programming for business. Based on VB 2 but compatible with 2, 3, and Professional versions. ISBN: 1-873308-23-X. 320 pages. 17.95. The Cobb Group 9420 Bunsen Pkwy, Suite 300 Louisville, KY 40220 502-491-1900 800-223-8720 Fax: 502-491-4200 Inside Visual Basic for Windows Inside Visual Basic provides 16 pages of tips and techniques each month. U.S. $59 per year/International $79 per year. CompuServe (MSBASIC forum) P.O. Box 20212 Columbus, OH 43220 United States: 800-848-8990 614-457-8650 Germany: Free phone: 0130 4643 +49 89 66 55 0 222 United Kingdom: Free phone: 0800 289 458 +44 272 255111 Switzerland: Free phone: 155 3179 MSBASIC forum This is the meeting place for Visual Basic programmers. Go word: MSBASIC. Get questions answered by most of the gurus in the VB community in this active forum. Many files to download from the libraries. It is recommended that you use an off-line editor like Tapcis, Ozcis, or Navigator to keep costs down. $CALL. Sign up a friend and get a usage credit (GO FRIEND). Coriolis Group Books 7721 E. Gray Road, Suite 204 Scottsdale, AZ 95260 Tel: 602-483-0192 Windows Programming Power with Custom Controls This software/book combination shows you how to develop Windows programs faster and smarter using the power of visual programming techniques and custom controls. Book is written for C/C++ programmers, but shows how to create Visual Basic-compatible controls (VBX). 490 pages. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced programmers. Paul Cilwa and Jeff Duntemann. ISBN: 1-883577-00-4. $39.95. DBA Beta V Systems Software c/o William R. Vaughn 2109 Sahalee Drive West Redmond, WA, 98053-6313 206-556-9205 CompuServe: 73353,1157 Internet (preferred): billva@microsoft.com A Hitchhiker's Guide to VBSQL <> A Hitchhiker's Guide to VBSQL is written to provide a comprehensive source of how it works information on SQL Server front-end applications written in Visual Basic. It is not a re-write of the existing Microsoft documentation, but an in-depth coverage of application architecture, philosophy, implementation, and operation. It covers error handling by providing tables of errors and their real meaning, when they are likely to occur and what to do about them. Although focusing on the VBSQL (DBLIB) interface it also contains two chapters on using Visual Basic's Data Access Objects to access the SQL Server. 280 pages. $45, includes surface postage. COD overnight add $18.50. Washington residents add $3.84 tax. EMS Professional Shareware 4505 Buckhurst Ct. Olney, MD 20832-1830 Voice: 301-924-3594 Fax: 301-963-2708 Internet:eengelmann@worldbank.org VBASIC Shareware Library This collection of shareware, the sixth edition, has 534 Visual Basic programs, utilities and other file collections chosen specifically for users of Visual Basic. The directory may be searched by product name, type, vendor, release date or with a free text search. All files are compressed with PKZIP 2.04g and checked for viruses. CD-ROM or floppy disk versions available. $59.50. ETN Corporation RR4 Box 659 Montoursville, PA 17754-9433 USA Sales: 800-326-9273 Info: 717-435-2202 Fax: 717-435-2802 The Thinking Hat newsletter The Thinking Hat newsletter is written by J.D. Evans, Jr. and will concentrate on tips, techniques and strategies to help developers creating Windows operating system-based applications use Visual Basic 3.0 and Access to create integrated relational data base management system (RDBMS) applications quickly and easily. $69.95 per year, 12 issues. VB=mc4: Visual Basic Standards and Practices <> Explains and demonstrates a coherent set of guidelines, rules and templates for use in application designing and programming. Includes standards for event, form, module, object and variable names and uses. Primary example is a complete, generic Xbase I/O form generator (includes Windows DLL for Xbase I/O). By J. D. Evans, Jr. (March 1993). ISBN: 1-881679-44-6. Includes disk. $39.90. VB=mc3: Visual Basic CDK/SDK Programming Explains and demonstrates how to use Windows SDK/C/C++ and Visual Basic CDK to design and program Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) and custom controls (VBX) for Visual Basic. Primary example is a sophisticated edit control that performs complex criteria data validation. Written by J. D. Evans, Jr. $29.95 (book). SC: $9.95 (companion disk). VB=mc2: The Art of Visual Basic Programming, second edition An intermediate/advanced level book on application development and programming techniques and philosophy, written by J. D. Evans, Jr. VB=mc2 provides insights into Windows and Visual Basic design, programming, systems and application behaviors and mechanics. Code examples include a SQL Select Statement Generator tool, a Generic Calculator and an ASCII Text File Browser. ISBN: 1-881679-22-5 includes disk. $39.90. The Visual Basic/SQL Server Primer <> The Visual Basic/SQL Server Primer is a book about how to use Visual Basic to create front-ends for Microsoft SQL Server databases. Explains and describes Visual Basic/SQL Server design and programming. By Heng Tan. $59.95 (book and disk). Released February 1994. 753 pages. Fawcette Technical Publications 280 Second Street, Suite 200 Los Altos, California, USA 94022-3603 Customer service and subscriptions: 303-541-0610 VBITS and Book Orders: 800-848-5523 Editorial Offices (VBITS and Books): Tel: 415-917-7650 Editorial Offices (VBITS and Books): Fax: 415-948-7332 Customer Service Support Online (VBITS and Books): Mike Sturdivant 74601.2631@compuserve.com Visual Basic Programmer's Journal A bimonthly periodical for Visual Basic professionals covering Visual Basic development issues from a how-to angle. Microsoft's Access is also covered, from a programmatical perspective. Provides advertising space for developers of Visual Basic and Access language and add-on products, in addition to regular letters to the editor, how-to articles and features on upcoming technologies, there are product reviews, and sections that cover new VB products, books and upcoming industry events. Regular contributors include Ethan Winer, Carl Franklin, Mark Novisoff, Craig Leach, Kenn Nesbit, Chris Barlow, Jim Lisiak, Tony Elliott, Daniel Appleman, Roger Jennings, Keith Pleas, Deborah Kurata, and Phil Weber. $27.95 per year for U.S. delivery. $65 for three year subscription. (In 1994 there are six regular issues and two extra Free issues). Visual Basic Insiders' Technical Summit (VBITS '94) You'll learn about OLE 2.0, the integrated Access 1.1 database engine, accessing the Windows' API, tips, tricks and techniques for use with both Visual Basic for Windows version 3.0 and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Also, learn about good interface design, client-host development, multiple document interface, graphics and animation, bug-fixes, large application development, and more at the Visual Basic Insiders' Technical Summit (VBITS). The sessions are aimed at the professional developer. Co-sponsored with Microsoft Corporation. Call 800-848-5523 now to get your advance VBITS information kit. New sites announced: Orlando September 22 and 23; Chicago October 31 and November 1; London UK October 3 and 4. Custom Controls and Other Companion Products and Services for Visual Basic for Windows catalog This catalog lists every Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows third-party add-on, book, service, custom control, and more. Updated regularly. One copy is included with every box of Visual Basic for Windows but extra copies may be ordered for $7 directly from Fawcette Technical Publications. ($4 each for orders of 20 or more). Listings in this guide are provided free as a service from FTP and Microsoft. If your third-party add-on, custom control, or conference for Microsoft's Visual Basic for Windows isn't listed, please call. Foxhall Publishing 1718 M Street, N.W., Suite 183 Washington D.C. 20036 202-467-8556 Fax: 202-785-3607 CompuServe: 76702,1605 VBZ electronic journal VBZ is an electronic journal on Visual Basic. The Journal is in Windows Help file format and arrives on disk with all of the samples and source code for the DLLs and custom controls in that issue. By Jonathan Zuck. All of the tools in the journal are supported, updated and version stamped for use in the real world. $99 per year. IDG Books 155 Bovet Road San Mateo, CA 94402 800-762-2974 415-312-0650 Fax: 415-358-1260 Visual Basic 3 for Dummies Book shows nonprogrammers and programmers alike how to cut through intimidating jargon to learn programming in VB right away. Rated by publisher for beginner/intermediate. ISBN: 1-56884-076-4. $19.95. M&T Books, a division of MIS:Press 115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 212-886-9200 Fax: 212-633-0748 Mixed Language Programming for Windows Learn how to combine visual languages with traditional programming languages for quick GUI development. Covers today's GUI development languages including Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Toolbook. 500 pages with disk. Available fourth quarter 1993. Rated by publisher for intermediate or advanced programmers. ISBN: 1-55851-332-9. Includes disk. $39.95. Visual Basic 3.0: A Developer's Guide Fully up-to-date with the new properties, functions and features of the latest version of Visual Basic, this high-level handbook gives software developers all they need to write effective programs that utilize the full power of VB3. Those already familiar with Visual Basic can use the book as a concise guide to new features, while new users will gain confidence from a thorough tutorial that takes them from basics to power functions. Available July 1994. ISBN: 1-55851-392-2. 700 pages. Publisher rated for intermediate programmers. $39.95. Includes Disk. Mixed Language Programming for Windows Learn to combine visual languages with traditional programming languages for faster GUI development. Covers todays GUI development languages including Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Toolbook. ISBN: 1-55851-332-9. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced programmers. Matt Telles. $39.95. Includes disk. 500 pages. Designing GUI Applications for Windows This hands-on guide teaches programmers how to build GUI interfaces for Windows applications. Shows programmers how to convert DOS applications into Windows versions. Teaches how to design display elements such as menues, panels, widgets, and gadgets. Includes disk. Alex Leaven. ISBN: 1-55851-328-0. 500 pages. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced programmers. $39.95. Microsoft Certified Professional Program Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Tel: 800-426-9400 Tel: 206-882-8080 Certified Professional Program Every three months, the Developer Network CD is updated to include the latest Microsoft information on new products and technologies. By joining the Developer Network, you'll receive: four quarterly updates to the Developer Network CD; six bimonthly issues of the Developer Network Newspaper. Twenty percent discount on Microsoft Press books; credit on CompuServe connect charges; discounts on conferences and admission to invitation-only events at shows and a membership kit explaining the Developer Network. $195 per year. Microsoft Developer Network Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Ordering: 800-759-5474, ask for department OAAB3 Questions: 800-227-4679, extension 11771 Canada: 800-563-9048 Outside Canada and U.S.: 206-936-8661 Fax: 303-443-5080 The Developer Network CD Every three months, the Developer Network CD is updated to include the latest Microsoft information on new products and technologies. By joining the Developer Network, you'll receive: four quarterly updates to the Developer Network CD; six bimonthly issues of the Developer Network Newspaper. Twenty percent discount on Microsoft Press books; credit on CompuServe connect charges; discounts on conferences and admission to invitation-only events at shows and a membership kit explaining the Developer Network. $195 per year. Microsoft Press ATTN: Consumer Sales/Dept. KVB P.O. Box 7005 LaVergne, TN 37086-7005 800-MSPRESS (800-677-7377) Fax: 615-793-3915 Code Complete, A Practical Handbook of Software Construction <> Whatever your backgroundexperienced developer, self-taught programmer, or programming studentthis handbook contains information that can help you write better programs in less time with fewer headaches. ISBN: 1-55615-484-4. $35. 857 pages. Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications Reference <> Microsoft Excel Visual Basic is Microsoft's new cross-application macro language that offers a more flexible way to record macros and to program in Excel 5. This volume is the printed version of the Excel reference material contained in the online help system in Microsoft Excel. You'll find functional descriptions, syntax, and code examples for all the Excel Visual Basic objects, properties, methods, functions, and statements. 900 pages. ISBN: 1-55615-624-3. $24.95. Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step <> This book-and-disk package offers the fastest way to master Microsoft's new macro language. The Step by Step method offers modular lessons that allow you to work at your own pace, according to your own personal learning style and experience level. The lessons are supported by disk-based practice files that allow you to put the concepts to work right away. you'll learn to work with Microsoft Excel objects to create a custom user interface, build a data-extraction utility, and more. 350 pages, with one 3.5-inch disk. ISBN: 1-55615-589-1. $29.95. The Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows Workshop, Second Edition (covers 3.0) <> If you have a basic understanding of Windows and Basic programming, you can create Windows-based applications easily with this book and software package. It covers things from creating simple programs to creating Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs), and the disk contains dozens of ready-to-use Visual Basic forms, modules and routines. Readers will learn how to use the new features of Visual Basic 3.0 to: Acquire easy access to favorite data formats; Add popup menus to applications; Boost performance by calling Windows API functions; Decrease development time with common dialogs. 485 pages. Rated by publisher for all levels. Updated July 1993. Written by John Clark Craig. Includes one 3.5 inch disk. ISBN: 1-55615-512-3. $39.95. Running Visual Basic for Windows, Second Edition (covers 3.0) <> Running Visual Basic for Windows, 2nd Edition, by Ross Nelson is an easy to understand guide that helps readers construct interesting projects right away with VB 3.0 for Windows. Readers will learn the fundamentals of the Visual Basic programming environment and write their first applications for Windows with an effective graphical user interface. It also teaches how to develop an application that accesses a database and shows how to incorporate OLE 2.0 into a VB app. Rated by publisher for beginning programmers. 352 pages. Update released August 1993. ISBN: 1-55615-564-6. $22.95. Inside OLE 2 <> Kraig Brockschmidt, an OLE expert, gives the inside scoop on how to build powerful OLE 2 applications from scratch as well as how to convert existing applications. Includes source-code examples on two high-density 3.5-inch disks. ISBN: 1-55615-618-9. $49.95. The Windows Interface: An Application Design Guide, by the Microsoft Corporation <> The Microsoft guidelines for creating well-designed, visually and functionally consistent user interfaces for Windows-based applications. Software includes an interactive style guide, a visual design guid, and buttons and cursors. Includes disk. ISBN: 1-55615-439-9. $39.95. Visual Basic Game Programming for Windows This book/disk package by Michael J. Young is a hands-on course in game programming. It is packed with solid advice and includes 12 ready-to-run Microsoft Windows games complete with playing instructions, source code, on-line help and suggestions for customizing. ISBN: 1-55615-503-4. $39.95. The Microsoft Visual Basic for MS-DOS Workshop <> This reference and tutorial is packed with more than 50 reusable programs and routines that users can incorporate into their own projects. It covers these topics: Useful forms and controls; calendars and time; graphics and screen savers; random number applications; large-project management; MDI programming; BIOS and MS-DOS interrupts; Mixed-language programming; custom controls; professional toolkits. 464 pages. Written by John Clark Craig. Includes disk. ISBN: 1-55615-504-2. $39.95. Miller Freeman Inc. 411 Borel Ave., Suite 100 San Mateo, CA 94402 303-447-9330 CompuServe: 71572,341 Microsoft Systems Journal A monthly periodical for developers for MS-DOS or Windows. $50 per year. MIS:Press 115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 212-886-9200 Fax: 212-633-0748 Building Business Applications in Visual Basic <> Building Business Applications in Visual Basic gives the intermediate programmer usable business decision-making applications by providing advanced programming techniques. Written by Chuck Butkus, this book teaches programming techniques as a natural by-product of designing and programming business decision systems. Rated for intermediate/advanced by publisher. ISBN: 1-55828-283-1. $39.95. Teach Yourself Visual Basic for DOS This book shows you how to design and write programs using real-life examples. Rated by publisher for beginner/intermediate. ISBN: 1-55828-230-0. $29.95. Teach Yourself Visual Basic 3.0 This book is a self-guided instructional tour of Microsoft's hottest programming language for Windows. This book gives users concise, easy-to-follow tutorials for mastering VB. Rated by publisher for beginner/intermediate. Written by John Socha and Devra Hall. 450 pages. ISBN:1-55828-342-0. $24.95. Includes disk. Oakley Publishing Co. 150 N. Fourth St. Springfield, OR 97477 Customer Service: 800-234-0386 Fax: 503-746-0071 Windows Tech Journal Windows Tech Journal is an independent publication for the Microsoft Windows programming community. This monthly publication covers C, Visual C++, object oriented techniques and Visual Basic. Provides advertising space for developers of programming language and associated add-on products, in addition to regular letters to the editor, columnists, product reviews, and upcoming industry event sections. $29.95 (12 issues). Osbourne/McGraw Hill 2600 Tenth Street Berkeley, CA 94710-2586 Orders: 800-227-0900 Tel: 510-549-6600 Fax: 510-549-6603 The Visual Basic 3 for Windows Handbook <> Gary Cornell, a professor of mathematics at the University of Connecticut, introduces the Visual Basic 3.0 for Windows programming system and discusses topics ranging from manipulation of properties to using recursive programming techniques. You'll also find discussions on topics ranging from manipulation of properties to the optimal use of command structures, plus debugging, dynamic data exchange, and object linking and embedding. Includes answers to the top 20 questions asked of Microsoft's technical support. Released July 1993. Rated by the publisher for all user levels. Disk available (through separate order from publisher). ISBN: 0-07-881986-5; 884 pages. $29.95. Making Microsoft Office Work Making Microsoft Office Work shows readers how to control one Office application from within another with Visual Basic for Applications, OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) Automation, and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). Scheduled for release 9/94. 512 pages. ISBN: 0-07-881188-0. $24.95. Byte's Windows Programmer's Cookbook This book provides all the ingredients that Windows programmers need to produce ingenious enhancements for Windows programming. Mixed into each chapter is a blend of shareware, freeware, and code for specific tasks written in C, C++, and Visual Basic. 256 pages. Includes CD-ROM. ISBN: 0-07-882037-5. $34.95. Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 Que, NRP, SAMS, Hayden, Brady and Alpha Books Prentice Hall is a distributor for many different Visual Basic titles from Que, NRP, SAMS, Hayden, Brady and Alpha Books. Que Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 Using Visual Basic 3 <> Using Visual Basic 3, written by Phil Feldman, Roger Jennings, Barry Seymour, Bob Eidson, Pam Palmer, Steve Gillmor, and Jack Pesso, is a step-by-step tutorial and reference that takes the reader from designing a screen to compiling a final program. Coverage of OLE and DDE also provide the programmer using Visual Basic with information about the capability to communicate with other applications. Rated by publisher for all ability levels. Released October 1993. 1,335 pages. ISBN: 0-88022-763-X. $34.95. Using Visual Basic for Applications <> This guide presents all the information programmers need to write Windows programs and create macros using VBA. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced. Scheduled for release June 1994. 800 pages. ISBN: 1-56529-725-3. $29.99. Fun Programming with Visual Basic The Que development group shows programmers how to create fun, interesting programs with Visual Basic. The disk that comes with it is filled with useful tools, utilities and games. All the source code is provided. ISBN: 1-56529-106-9; 300 pages includes disk. $24.95. Visual Basic for Applications, by Example You learn VBA by using it to increase productivity in Excel. Hands-on skill sessions show you how to write macros. Rated at Beginning/Intermediate. ISBN: 1-56529-553-6. $29.99. Visual Basic Programmer's Reference Includes coverage of advanced Visual Basic programming issues including file system controls, Dynamic Data Exchange and Dynamic Link Libraries. ISBN: 0-88022-859-8. 800 pages. $29.95. Visual Basic for MS-DOS By Example The step-by-step approach to learning to program with the latest version of Visual Basic. By D.F. Scott. 750 pages. Beginning. ISBN: 1-56529-036-4. $24.95. Visual Basic for Windows by Example, Second Edition The step-by-step approach to learning to program with the latest version of Visual Basic. By D.F. Scott. 875 pages. Updated February 1993. Rated at beginning/intermediate. ISBN: 1-56529-167-0. $24.95 Visual Basic Graphics and Animation ISBN: 1565291069. $35. Crash Course in Visual Basic 3 Work with forms, events, and properties in little time. Follow expert techniques on variables, operators, and built-in functions. Rated by publisher for beginner/intermediate. 250 pages. ISBN: 1-56529-765-2. $19.99. Random House Electronic Publishing 201 East 50th Street New York, NY 10022 800-733-3000 410-848-1900, extension 3000 Fax: 800-659-2436 Visual Basic 3.0 Programming with Windows Applications <> In this tutorial a number of sample applications are developed, each of which is designed to illustrate one or more features of programming with Visual Basic. VB 3.0 features such as OLE 2.0 and data access are covered. Written by Douglas Hergert. (August 1993). 496 pages, disk included. Updated August 1993. ISBN: 0-679-79149-3. $44.95. Visual Basic for DOS Programming with Applications Douglas A. Hergert covers VB/DOS topics for beginning and experienced programmers. Part one is a tutorial on the Visual Basic environment that deals with creating forms-based applications. Part two presents sample programs and information on creating, modifying and running them. Companion disk includes all example programs used in the book. 496 pages with disk. ISBN: 0-553-37099-5. $44.95. Sams Publishing Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 800-835-3202 Database Developer's Guide with Visual Basic 3.0 <> This book and disk package includes coverage of popular database applications such as Access, dBASE, Paradox, and Btrieve. Written by Roger Jennings, it features coverage of networking methodologies and provides coverage for creating front ends for client/server database systems, establishing security in multi-user databases, and developing custom controls. Covers OLE Automation with Excel and other apps. The disk includes complete Visual Basic applications, utility applications, and sample applications. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced programmers. Released December 1993. 1130 pages. ISBN: 0-672-30440-6. $44.95. Teach Yourself Visual Basic in 21 Days <> This is a beginning tutorial comprised of 21 chapters, develops the novice user's abilities with a logical step-by-step 21 lesson approach. Each chapter's material and exercises, which teach VB 3.0, can be completed in approximately two to three hours or less. Written by Nathan and Ori Gurewich. 750 pages. (August 1993). ISBN: 0-672-30447-3. $29.95. Teach Yourself Visual Basic for Applications in 21 Days. <> This book presents Visual Basic for Applications programming techniques in a logical and easy-to-learn sequence, beginning with simple concepts and moving to more advanced material. Rated by publisher for beginning/intermediate programmers. Written by Matthew Harris. ISBN: 0-672-30447-3. $29.99. 910 pages. Programming Games for Beginners; Visual Basic for Fun and Profit <> Explains techniques for Visual Basic programming for Windows, including joystick and sound. Includes nine games with complete source code. Guides you step-by-step through the main areas of developing games on your computer. You'll see firsthand the secret tricks that only the professionals know. Rated for beginning/intermediate programmers by the publisher. Released September 1993. Written by Chris Howard. ISBN: 0-672-30313-2. $26.95. Secrets of the Visual Basic 3 Masters, Second edition <> Rewritten to cover VB 3.0. Gary Entsminger discusses techniques for use by advanced VB programmers. He covers topics such as avoiding multiple instances of DDE links, developing a dynamic spreadsheet using control arrays, how to use OLE client control, speeding up applications by using the Windows API, when to use static variables and many others. The companion disk includes all source code from the book, a stock market modeler and third-party custom controls and tools. ISBN: 0-672-30437-6. 716 pages. $34.95. Master Visual Basic (3) <> Users learn how to write sophisticated and powerful programs with Visual Basic 3.0. Written in an easy-to-follow format, this book explains each topic in detail through practical programming examples. Examples are task-oriented, real-world applications. Extensive coverage of using OLE 2.0 and OLE Automation, designing games, and writing WAV editor applications and VBX controls. CD-ROM and disk include many software utilities, WAV, MIDI, and BMP files, and projects, forms, and code from programming examples. Nathan and Ori Gurewich. 1,000 pages. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced. ISBN: 0-672-30514-3. Scheduled for release July 1994. Visual Basic Graphics Programming Beyond Imagination Visual Basic can be used to create amazing graphics programs and tools with this comprehensive, full-color guide. Specific advice and illustrations teach the coding techniques behind object-oriented, high-end drawing tools, so designers can add object-oriented graphics tools to Visual Basic applications. 400 pages. Rated by publisher for intermediate programmers. ISBN: 0-672-30509-7. $39.95. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Visual Basic 3 Visual Basic from the beginningthat's the unique mission of this step-by-step tutorial. Readers get introduced to this programming language, discover important features and programming techniques, and program on their own in no time. Greg Perry. Rated by publisher for beginning/intermediate programmers. ISBN: 0-672-30508-9. 500 pages. $22. Extending Visual Basic for Windows D.F. Scott's book is designed for intermediate and advanced programmers who want to add power to VB. Part one deals with using the Windows API with VB. Part two discusses the use of third-party programmer's aids and libraries. Parts three and four address the use of custom controls, graphics, and database add-ons. Companion disk includes vxBASE, a shareware DBMS; VBQuery, a SQL query tool; Novacom, a serial communications program; an icon browse tool; and demo programs. (February 1993) ISBN: 0-672-30100-8. $39.95. Do-It-Yourself Visual Basic for Windows, 2nd Edition William J. Orvis provides beginning VB programmers with an introduction to the VB 2.0 environment and the Basic language. This book provides step-by-step tutorials on creating programs. It also provides extensive information on debugging and error handling and shows with graphics how to get the most out of VB's design tools. 700 pages. ISBN: 0-672-30259-4. $24.95. Visual Basic for Windows Developer's Guide For intermediate to advanced level programmers, comprehensive coverage of Visual Basic for Windows version 1.0 and 2.0. Technical notes and tips that saves you development time. Author: D.F. Scott. 800 pages, includes disk. ISBN: 0-672-30145-8. $34.95. Do-It-Yourself Visual Basic for MS-DOS William J. Orvis targets novice programmers who want to learn about programming in general and Visual Basic for DOS in particular. The book's four main sections include an introduction to windowed interfaces and VB, a VB programming tutorial, a function, statement and method reference, and an appendix containing keycodes and other ancillary information. 818 pages. ISBN: 0-672-30058-3. $29.95 Visual Basic for DOS Developer's Guide Learn how to handle topics such as creating custom controls, porting from Windows to DOS, drawing the Graphical User Interface, designing windows and dialog boxes and more. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced programmers. Includes disk. 542 pages. Printed August 1993. ISBN: 0-672-30321-3. $34.95. Developing Online Help Guide to planning, writing, and building Windows Help. 462 pages. $39.95. Disk included. ISBN: 0-672-30230-6. Steingraeber Fachverlag Iltisstrasse 24 Kiel, Germany D24143 49 431-732916 Fax: 49 431-77796 CompuServe: 100111,3245 Basic Professionell Basic Professionell is the first German Basic magazine. It is published bi-monthly with an optional magazine disk. Basic Professionell contains expert articles on advanced programming with Visual Basic and other common Basic dialects. For the price of only DEM 76,80 (Germany one-year subscription, other countries ask) you get six regular 80+ page issues plus the German companion catalog. Sybex Computer Books 2021 Challenger Drive Alameda, CA 94501 USA 800-227-2346 510-523-2373 Telex: 336311 Fax: 510-523-2373 Learn Programming and Visual Basic 2.0 with John Socha This tutorial shows beginning and experienced programmers how to build Windows applications quickly and easily. Readers develop a full-featured sample program, plus a toolbox of program building blocks. One of few books that assumes the reader has no programming experience before reading. All sample programs are included on disk, along with a library of ready-to-run functions, DLLs and custom controls. Rated for beginning/intermediate. January 1993. 550 pages. ISBN: 0-7821-1215-2. $29.95 Programmer's Introduction to Visual Basic Learn all about programming with Forms, Controls, Properties, Events and Methods. 488 pages. ISBN: 0-7821-1015-0. Secrets of Effective GUI design. Mark Minasi. ISBN: 0-7821-1495-4. $19.99. Ventana Press P.O. Box 2468 Chapel Hill, NC 27515 919-942-0220 Fax: 919-942-1140 Visual Guide to Visual Basic for Windows, 3.0 Edition <> With the aid of more than 730 illustrations, The Visual Guide to Visual Basic for Windows, covers the language literally from A to Z in an encyclopedic examination that makes it a reference for novices and veterans alike. Included is information on how to: Create customized Windows applications; Design animated controls; Make Windows apps communicate with each other; Extend Visual Basic by tapping into the Windows API; master user interface design. Covers VB 2.0 and VB 3.0. Reference. Updated to cover all Visual Basic 3.0-specific features in September 1993. Written by Richard Mansfield. ISBN: 1-56604-063-9; 1,388 pages. $29.95. The Visual Guide to Visual Basic for Applications (1.0) <> Book has an in-depth look at all the features, techniques and tools of VBA. Includes tips and examples for expanding the tools at hand using OLE, DDE, Linking and Embedding and the new Automation technology. An in-depth description of dozens of powerful new Basic commands including With, ForEach, and Group. ISBN: 1-56604-147-3. Includes disk. 350 pages. Written by Richard Mansfield. $27.95. Waite Group Press 200 Tamal Plaza, Suite 101 Corte Madera, CA, 94925 800-368-9369 415-924-2575 Fax: 415-924-2576 Visual Basic How-To, 2E (covers VB 3.0) <> VB How-To provides programmers with a recipe book of expert techniques, tricks, tips, and programmer insights about Visual Basic for Windows, version 3.0. Learn how to create an FLI viewer; write a custom database and utilities; build an editor that searches for text; and more. Written by Zane Thomas, Robert Arnson and Mitchell Waite. Will be released November 1, 1993. ISBN: 1-878739-42-5; 600 pages. Disk included. $36.95. Visual Basic SuperBible, 2E (covers VB 3.0) <> The definitive reference to the Visual Basic language. This is a huge book with too much to cover here. This reference has been fully updated to cover Visual Basic versions 2.0 and 3.0, and Windows 3.1. It provides a reference to every command, function, statement, object, method, event, and property. Covers all new VB controls and features. Released January 1994. ISBN: 1-878739-50-6; 1,620 pages, includes disk. $44.95. John Wiley & Sons 605 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10158-0012 800-CALL-WILEY Canada: 800-263-1599 212-850-6000 Fax: 212-850-6088 Visual Basic for Windows Insider <> Peter G. Aitken has gathered together hundreds of answers, tips and techniques, organized according to user's needs. Updated to cover VB 3.0. It includes: Enhancing the look of a Visual Basic program by creating a graphic toolbar, designing your own 3-D icon buttons, creating floating windows, a library of API functions and more. 508 pages, includes disk. Updated July 1993. ISBN: 0-471-59092-4. $39.95. It's Time to Clean Your Windows-Designing GUI's That Work Not all great application developers are able to design great graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Most developer tools are so powerful and offer so many options that developers tend to use as many as possible. The result is often a cluttered screen with an interface that is unfriendly and functionally useless. This text lays out clear and easy-to-follow guidelines. $44.95. ISBN: 0-471-60668-5. Visual Basic Professional 3.0 Programming This book is for BASICA and GW-Basic programmers who want to make Windows applications, and for users who have used Windows programs and want to write their own programs. The author presents a step-by-step introduction to Visual Basic. He starts with quick and simple programs and progresses to more difficult programs. This tutorial serves also as a handbook for the basics of Visual Basic programming. ISBN: 0-471-60693-6. $29.95. 300 pages. GUI-Based Design and Development for Client/Server Applications Using PowerBuilders, SQL Windows, Visual Basic, Dialog System. The book teaches Graphical User Interface application development in the client/server environment. Scheduled for release July 1994. 448 pages. ISBN: 0-471-30304-6. $39.95. The Icon Book. Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation Step-by-step process for developing icons. Over 500 original icons on disk in Windows files. Disk included. 416 pages. ISBN: 0-471-59901-8. $34.95. Managing Software Maniacs. Finding, Managing, and Rewarding a Winning Development Team Ken Whitaker offers invaluable advice on easing every aspect of programmer management, includeing attracting and keeping developers, office dynamics, building successful development teams, and more. 256 pages. ISBN: 0-471-00997-0. $27.95. Handbook of Usability Testing. How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests This guidebook covers every stage of the usability testing process and coaches the reader on how to ensure that their computer products and documentation meet the ergonomic needs of everyday users. Jeffrey Rubin. ISBN: 0-471-59403-2. $34.95. 416 pages. Windows Multi-DBMS Programming This book focuses exclusively on portable object-oriented DBMS programming, an increasingly popular trend in database programming. The book/disk or book/CD-ROM set explores the use of C++, Visual Basic, and the new Windows interface ODBC as well as multimedia in database programming. 512 pages. Book/disk set: $39.95. ISBN: 0-471-016575-6; Book/CD-ROM set: $59.95. ISBN: 0-471-01676-4. Windcrest/McGraw Hill Inc. Blue Ridge Summit PA, 17294-0850 800-822-8158 Fax: 717-794-2103 Visual Basic: Easy Windows Programming, 2nd Edition Shows programmers of all skill levels how to write professional Windows-based applicationscomplete with mouse support, command buttons, dialog and list boxes, as well as other graphical controls. Covers up to VB 3.0. Rated by publisher at beginner/intermediate level. Released June 1993. Written by Namir C. Shammas. 416 pages. Includes disk. ISBN: 0-8306-4450-4. $32.95. Visualization and Virtual Reality: Programming with Visual Basic for Windows This book opens the door to object and image-based visualization technology. Readers learn how to combine visual thinking and analysis with graphics to produce applications for problem solving, abstract and scientific analysis, multimedia presentation, CAD and more. ISBN: 0-8306-3812-1. 736 pages. Includes disk. Release date September 1993. Written by Lee Adams. Hardback also available. $39.95. Visual Basic Animation Programming <> This book helps you master the PC graphics skills you need to create professional-quality animation on your personal computer. Written by Lee Adams. ISBN: 0-8306-4120-3. 618 pages. $39.95. Visual Basic for DOS Packed with dozens of sample programs, hundreds of clear screen images and helpful icons highlighting special tips and warnings, Visual Basic for DOS provides the hands-on guidance you need to develop DOS applications. Written by Namir Shammas. 342 pages. ISBN: 0-8306-4375-3. $29.95. Windows Information Network for Developers 200 Public Square, Suite 26-4600 Cleveland, OH 44114-2301 Voice: 216-861-0467 Modem: 216-694-5734 (8-1-N) Developer's BBS A new BBS dedicated solely to supporting Microsoft's Visual Basic, Access, C++, and SQL-Server by offering: freeware, shareware, demo programs, tips and tricks. Complete electronic mail system for questions, answers, discussions and comments. VB/Online sells every book on Visual Basic programming and all VB commercial software programs. (14.4K baud, 8/1/N) $39.50 yearly. Available 24-hrs a day. Ziff Davis Press 5903 Christie Avenue Emeryville, CA 94608 Orders: 1 800 688-0448 510-601-2000 Fax: 510-601-2155 PC Magazine Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Windows API <> Visual Basic comes equipped to access hundreds of thoroughly tested functions that are built right into Windows as part of the Application Programmer's Interface (API). This one resource, by Daniel Appleman, covers the API from the Visual Basic programmer's viewpoint. It provides background on fundamental Windows concepts such as event-driven programming, device contexts and device independence. For experienced programmers it includes a comprehensive reference section to more than 700 Windows API functions that are useful with Visual Basic. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced Visual Basic programmers. Updated March 1994 (all changes are available on CompuServe in MSBASIC forum library 5. File name: APIBK2.ZIP). ISBN: 1-56276-073-4; 1076 pages. $34.95 + S&H. Includes disk. PC Magazine Visual Basic Utilities <> You can join Paul Bonner as he creates eight functional utilities in this guide to application development using the newest version of Visual Basic. This book/disk combination gives programmers at all levels access to the many hidden tricks and problem-solving techniques used in designing the utilities. Includes disk. 454 pages. Released October 1993. ISBN: 1-56276-106-4. $29.95. How Computer Programming Works <> By Daniel Appleman. The first full-color guide to break down the mystery of programming into terms that will fascinate and educate even the most computer-shy reader. This innovative book graphically explains fundamental programming concepts. ISBN: 1-56276-195-1. Rated by publisher for beginning programmers. $24.95. PC Learning Labs Teaches Visual Basic 3.0 No information available. ISBN: 1-56276-227-3. $22.95. Windows Rapid Application Development <> Windows application development can be fast and trouble free with MARVEL Programming, a methodology developed by industry experts David E. Y. Sarna and George J. Febish. This book/disk resource shows how to use MARVEL Programming to Windows developers who want to produce applications using Visual Basic. 480 pages. ISBN: 1-56276-088-2. $39.95. Access books, publications, information services and conferences Addison-Wesley Publishing Company One Jacob Way Reading, MA 01867 800-358-4566 617-944-3700 Fax: 800-333-3328 Contact: Order Department Access Basic Cookbook <> The Access Basic Cookbook is a handbook of explanations and problem-solving code for Microsoft Access. It's a guide to accomplishing programming tasks with Access Basic, the language Microsoft includes with Access. It illustrates Access Basic programming fundamentals, and features solutions for common database challenges. Author Chris St. Valentine. Disk included. Rated by publisher for all levels. ISBN: 0-201-62636-5. $34.95. Advisor Communication International, Inc. 4010 Morena Blvd., Suite 200 San Diego, CA, 92117 Orders: 800-336-6060 Customer Support: 619-483-6400 Fax: 619-483-9851 Access Advisor magazine A bimonthly periodical for Access developers covering database development issues including the new Access 1.1 engine that is included in Visual Basic and Access. Provides advertising space for developers of Microsoft Access and add-on products, in addition to regular letters to the editor, guest columnists, product reviews, and database design. $35 per year (six issues). Listings disk available for $120 per year. Alpha Books Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Access 2.0 Beginner's Guide to Access 2.0. Written by Paul McFedries. 290 pages. ISBN: 1-56761-457-4. $14.95. Application Developers Training Company 7151 Metro Blvd. #100 Minneapolis, MN 55439 800-578-2062 Providing training to Access developers in cities throughout the US and Canada, Application Developers Training company leads the industry in quality developer training. Brady Publishing Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 "No Code" Database Design with Access 2.0 This step-by-step guide explains the features and capabilities of Access and teaches readers how to quickly get up to speed in using this database management software for routine tasks. Rated by publisher for beginning/intermediate users. Juanita Mercado-Gardner. 400 pages. ISBN: 1-56686-153-5. $35. Scheduled for release June 1994. The Cobb Group 9420 Bunsen Parkway Suite 380 Louisville, KY 40220 800-223-8720 502-491-1900 Fax: 502-491-4200 Inside Access Inside Access provides 16 pages of timesaving tips and techniques each month. $49 per year U.S., $69 per year international. CompuServe (MSACCESS forum) P.O. Box 20212 Columbus, OH 43220 United States: 800-848-8990 614-457-8650 Germany: Free phone: 0130 4643 +49 89 66 55 0 222 United Kingdom: Free phone: 0800 289 458 +44 272 255111 Switzerland: Free phone: 155 3179 MSACCESS forum This is the meeting place for Access developers. Get questions answered by most of the gurus in the Access community in this forum. Many files to download from the libraries. It is recommended that you use an off-line editor like Tapcis, Ozcis, or Navigator to keep costs down. $CALL. Type at the prompt. Signup a friend and get a usage credit (GO "FRIEND"). EMS Professional Shareware 4505 Buckhurst Ct. Olney, MD 20832-1830 Voice: 301-924-3594 Fax: 301-963-2708 Internet:eengelmann@worldbank.org Access Utility Directory and Library This collection of shareware, is a database and collection of Public Domain and Shareware programs for programmers and database consultants using Microsoft's Access DBMS. The directory may be searched by product name, type, vendor, release date or with a free text search. All files are compressed with PKZIP 2.04g and checked for viruses. CD-ROM or floppy disk versions available. $59.50. Expert Education 1899 Powers Ferry Rd., Ste. 435 Marietta, GA 30067 800-735-9790 404-952-2116 Fax: 404-952-2168 Expert Education provides hands-on Access training delivered by experts. Two and three day classes at the Introductory, Programming, and Advanced Programming levels. Onsite training also available. $595-$695. Fawcette Technical Publications 280 Second Street, Suite 200 Los Altos, California, USA 94022-3603 Customer service and subscriptions: 303-541-0610 VBITS and Book Orders: 800-848-5523 Editorial Offices (VBITS and Books): Tel: 415-917-7650 Editorial Offices (VBITS and Books): Fax: 415-948-7332 Customer Service Support Online (VBITS and Books): Mike Sturdivant 74601.2631@compuserve.com Visual Basic Programmer's Journal A bimonthly periodical for Visual Basic professionals covering Visual Basic development issues from a how-to angle. Microsoft's Access is also covered, from a programmatical perspective. Provides advertising space for developers of Visual Basic and Access language and add-on products, in addition to regular letters to the editor, how-to articles and features on upcoming technologies, there are product reviews, and sections that cover new VB products, books and upcoming industry events. Regular contributors include Ethan Winer, Carl Franklin, Mark Novisoff, Craig Leach, Kenn Nesbit, Chris Barlow, Jim Lisiak, Tony Elliott, Daniel Appleman, Roger Jennings, Keith Pleas, Sam Patterson, and Phil Weber. $27.95 per year for U.S. delivery. $65 for three year subscription. (In 1994 there are six regular issues and two extra Free issues). Visual Basic Insiders' Technical Summit (VBITS '94) You'll learn about OLE 2.0, the integrated Access 1.1 database engine, accessing the Windows' API, tips, tricks and techniques for use with both Visual Basic for Windows version 3.0 and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Also, learn about good interface design, client-host development, multiple document interface, graphics and animation, bug-fixes, large application development, and more at the Visual Basic Insiders' Technical Summit (VBITS). The sessions are aimed at the professional developer. Co-sponsored with Microsoft Corporation. Call 800-848-5523 now to get your advance VBITS information kit. New sites announced: Orlando September 22 and 23; Chicago October 31 and November 1; London UK October 3 and 4. The Accessories Catalog This catalog lists every Microsoft Access third-party add-on, book, service, consultants and more. Updated regularly. One copy is included with every box of Access but extra copies may be ordered for $7 directly from Fawcette Technical Publications. ($4 each for orders of 20 or more). Listings in this guide are provided free as a service from FTP and Microsoft. If your third-party add-on, book, service or consulting business for Microsoft's Access isn't listed, please call. Flash Creative Management 1060 Main St. River Edge, NJ 07661 201-489-2500 Fax: 201-489-6750 IDG Books 155 Bovet Road San Mateo, CA 94402 800-762-2974 415-312-0650 Fax: 415-358-1260 PC World Microsoft Access 2 Bible 1040 pages. Disk included. ISBN: 1-56884-086-1. $39.95. Access 2 for Dummies Fun and easy way to learn Access 2 for Windows. 295 pages. ISBN: 1-56884-090-X. Information Management Group 720 N. Franklin, Ste. 300 Chicago, IL 60610 312-280 1007 Fax: 312-280-8108 Introduction to Microsoft Access This hands-on introduction to Microsoft Access offers a comprehensive review to its interactive features. Highlights include: working with tables, creating queries, basic form development, reports, and macros. $595. Developing Microsoft Access Applications I This course covers techniques for using Microsoft Access' development tools and an introduction to Access Basic. Highlights: functions in queries, data validation, macro groups and modules. $795. Developing Microsoft Access Applications II This course covers the complete Microsoft Access development environment. Highlights include: Access Basic, using object variables, security, advanced form design and error trapping. $695. KeyStone Learning Systems 125 East 300 South, Ste. 205 Provo, UT 84606 800-748-4838 Fax: 801-373-6872 Video Training for Windows Applications KeyStone Video training includes three or more videos per application. Professional trainers who specialize in Windows training. $49.95. Logic Control 21 Bridge Square Westport, CT 06880 (203-454-3663 Fax: 203-454-1668 CompuServe: 72120,1332 Training and Development Logic Control is a Microsoft Consulting Channel Partner specializing in training and the development of mission critical and client-server applications using Access, SQL Server, Excel and Word. McGraw Hill Inc. Blue Ridge Summit PA, 17294-0850 800-822-8158 Fax: 717-794-2103 Ready-Made Access Applications With only a basic knowledge of the program and this book/disk package of Access templates, readers can create quality applications for a variety of essential business functions, including assignment tracking, contact management, product inventory, billing, mailing lists, and order entry. 416 pages. Ed Jones. ISBN: 0-07-032774-2. $36.95. Includes disk. Meliora Systems 95 Allens Creek Road, Bldg 2-302 Rochester, NY 14618 800-388-7332 Fax: 716-461-1989 CompuServe: 70742,3173 Access Developer Training Meliora Systems offers consulting, development and training in Access, Visual Basic, and other Microsoft Office applications. Meliora Systems is a leader in customizing Office applications to improve business performance. Micro Endeavors, Inc. 3150 Township Line Road Drexel Hill, PA 19026 215-449-4680 Fax: 215-449-4757 Training and Development Micro Endeavors, the authors of Microsoft Universities' Microsoft Access training materials, announces Microsoft Access hands-on training. The same hands-on training techniques MEI has used to train thousands of FoxPro programmers are now available to Microsoft Access developers. In its Philadelphia, PA or Grand Rapids, MI training centers, or around the world, MEI is the answer for your Microsoft database training needs. $Price varies with course. Microsoft Developer Network Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Ordering: 800-759-5474, ask for department OAAB3 Questions: 800-227-4679. Ext. 11771 Canada: 800-563-9048 Outside Canada and U.S.: 206-936-8661 Fax: 303-443-5080 The Developer Network CD Every three months, the Developer Network CD is updated to include the latest Microsoft information on new products and technologies. By joining the Developer Network, you'll receive: four quarterly updates to the Developer Network CD; six bimonthly issues of the Developer Network Newspaper. Twenty percent discount on Microsoft Press books; Credit on CompuServe connect charges; Discounts on conferences and admission to invitation-only events at shows; a membership kit explaining the Developer Network. $195 per year. Microsoft Press ATTN: Consumer Sales/Dept. KVB P.O. Box 7005 LaVergne, TN 37086-7005 800-MSPRESS (800-677-7377) Running Microsoft Access 2 for Windows 900 pages. $39.95. Disk Included. ISBN: 1-55615-592-1. Microsoft Access 2 for Windows Field Guide Quickly find accurate information about Microsoft Access 2 for Windows. Rated by publisher for beginners. Stephen L. Nelson. 169 pages. ISBN: 1-55615-581-6. Microsoft University 10700 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98004-1447 800-227-4679 206-828-1507 Fax: 1 206 827-2813 Microsoft Training Partners Microsoft University has several training partners accross the country that provide Visual Basic and Access training on several levels. Call to find a training partner near you. MIS:Press 115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 212-886-9200 Fax: 212-633-0748 Teach YourselfAccess 2.0 From the opening section, "Access the Easy Way" to power techniques for application development, this book takes beginning Access users from the novice stage to the edge of professional program development. Charles Siegel. Rated by publisher for beginning/intermediate users. ISBN: 1-55828-351-X. 464 pages. $21.95. M&T Books A subsidiary of Henry Holt & Company 115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 212-886-9200 Fax: 212-633-0748 Access 2.0: A Developer's Guide A reference and tutorial to programming with Access. Readers get a guided tour through the workings of Access, as well as a rundown of specific solutions for common programming problems. Shows how to extend the functionality of Access with Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) and the Windows API. Includes disk. Michael T. Gilbert. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced users. ISBN: 1-55851-335-3. 500 pages. $39.95. National Education Training Group 1751 W. Diehl Road Naperville, IL, 60563 Orders: 800-323-0377 Microsoft Access Course After using NETG's Microsoft Access training, you'll walk away with a solid understanding and the skills you need to maximize your investment in Microsoft Access. The training package includes three videotapes, a student workbook with exercises and sample solutions, a practice diskette and an online reference diskette. Also available on CD-ROM. $599. NetBase Computing, Inc. 2625 Del Amo Boulevard, Suite 220 Torrance, CA, 90503 Orders: 800-795-6224, Ext. 243 Tel: 310-214-8181, Ext. 243 Microsoft Access Training The NetBase Access course focuses on developing client-server Microsoft Access applications using ODBC with SQL Server, Windows-for Workgroups, LAN Manager and Access Basic. $Call. New Riders Publishing Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 Access 2 Professional Solutions Guide This is the reference for those who need to quickly find solutions to their most common problems. The 100 most often-asked questions were obtained from CompuServe and other support centers. Michael Groh. 350 pages. Scheduled for release June 1994. ISBN: 1-56205-347-7. $24.95. Osbourne/McGraw Hill 2600 Tenth Street Berkeley, CA 94710-2586 Orders: 800-227-0900 Tel: 510-549-6600 Fax: 510-549-6603 The Microsoft Access Handbook (2) From the basics to using Wizards, OLE, Macros, Access Basic, and Networking Access. 758 pages. Mary Campbell. ISBN: 0-07-882014-6. $27.95. Microsoft Access (2) Answers: Certified Tech Support For all those users who want straightforward answers quickly, help is on the way in the latest volume of Osborne's Certified Tech Support series. Scheduled for release 8/94. 352 pages. ISBN: 0-07-882069-3. $16.95. Pinnacle Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 888 Kent, WA, 98035-0888 Tel: 206-251-1900 Orders: 800-788-1900 Smart Access Journal Snart Access is Pinnacle Publishing's monthly journal featuring Microsoft Access. It's packed with tips, tricks, techniques, and workaroundsall from expert authors, and all designed to help you master the high-level features of Access. Each issue comes with a companion disk which contains all the source code, programs and macros discussed in that issueyou won't have to type in a line of code yourself. $139 for 12 issues. Prima Computer Books P.O. Box 1260, Department W593 Rocklin, CA 95677-1260 800-255-8989. Ext. 504 916-789-0426 Que Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 Access 2 Developer's Guide <> Whether you're developing a single-user database or an Access front-end, Access 2 Developer's Guide shows you how to write the Access Basic code for Version 2. Within this book, you'll learn to take advantage of OLE automation to add graphic punch to your applications, and how to manipulate programmable OLE 2.0 objects from Microsoft Excel 5.0, Graph 5.0, and Word 6.0. If you're a DOS-based database developer, this book smoothes your transition from character-based, top-down programming to Windows' graphical, event -driven methodology. Publisher rated user level: intermediate/advanced. Disk included. ISBN:0-672-30453-8. $44.95. Access Programming By Example <> Access Programming By Example helps you gradually learn database programming with Access Basic. (Entire book is focused on Access Basic). This guide also shows how to design your own custom menu bars and pop-up menus; create custom methods and properties and build and maintain time-saving database libraries. Written by Greg Perry. Covers version 1.1. Rated for beginners by publisher. Last update August 1993. ISBN: 1-56529-305-3. 478 pages. $27.95. Using Access 2 for Windows <> Automate applications with effective macros. Use Access seamlessly with other Windows programs like Word and Excel. Add impressive graphics to your reports with Microsoft Graph 5.0. Filled with expert tips, cautions, and troubleshooting advice. Rated by publisher for all user levels. Written by Roger Jennings. 1250 pages. $29.99. Access 2 Power Programming, Second Edition <> This book helps users get the most out of all Access 2.0's features. Addresses the advanced Access user, developer, and network administrator. Covers the User Interface, programming on a network, cross-platform programming, and more. Disk contains sample code from the book. 1,000 pages. ISBN: 1-56529-763-6. $49.99. Creating Access (2) Applications <> Access database programming is made clear with this guide from Que. Users learn the basics and discover advanced secrets for creating multiuser relational database applications. Rated by publisher for intermediate/advanced programmers. ISBN: 1-56529-636-2. 550 pages. $49.99. Quickstart Access 2 for Windows Learn how to create your first database, build a form for easy data entry, query your database for specific information, design and modify reports, and use macros. 295 pages. ISBN: 1-56529-681-8. $21.95. Easy Access 2 for Windows Shows the essentials in full color. Rated by publisher for beginners. Jeffry L. Byrne. ISBN: 1-56529-714-8. $19.99. QuickStart Technologies 1500 Quail St., 6th Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660-2738 800-326-1044 Fax: 714-476-7576 Video Based Access Training Our three-unit training series teaches users fundamental database concepts and how to apply those concepts to designing tables, queries, forms and reports. Classroom-style training is also available on or off site. $69.95 each The Redmond Alliance 5862 Bolsa Ave Bldg 103 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 800-326-1044 Training, Consulting & Integration The Redmond Alliance offers training & consulting services to organizations who are developing solutions with Microsoft Access, Project, Excel, Word, and SQL. Both Microsoft University courses and application integration services are available. Random House Electronic Publishing 201 East 50th Street New York, NY 10022 800-733-3000 Fax: 800-659-2436 Microsoft Access 2.0 Handbook Using a small business (called Wine to Go, an imaginary chain of wine stores), Douglas Hergert shows you how a business might actually use Access to manage its business. Covers Access Basic. ISBN: 0-679-75465-2. 508 pages. Sams Publishing Prentice Hall Computer Publishing 11711 North College Avenue, Suite 140 Carmel, Indiana 46032 800-428-5331 317-573-2500 Fax: 317-573-2583 Access 2 Developer's Guide. Second Edition Covers OLE 2.0, OLE automation, and new OLE custom controls. Features in-depth coverage of Access Basic programming and the new Data Access Object. Details use of Access Developer's Toolkit to create runtime applications. Access 2 Unleashed Book quickly takes the beginner to the expert level. Provides information on all the essentials, plus advanced topics like programming with Access Basic. Rated by publisher as intermediate/advanced. 900 pages. ISBN: 0-672-30494-5. $34.95. SHL Systemhouse 313 Boston Post Road West Marlboro, MA 07152 508-485-9990 Fax: 508-481-8996 Access Training and Development Application development and training for first time users and programmers. Special summer pricing $99 per person per day for all publicly held classes. Sybex Computer Books 2021 Challenger Drive Alameda, CA 94501 USA 800-227-2346 510-523-8233 Fax: 510-523-2373 Understanding Microsoft Access 2, special edition <> This book is Alan Simpson's two-in-one Access Handbook, combining product coverage and application development. A fast review of the basics leads to more advanced capabilities as: sort, alphabetize, search, print, create queries, forms, and reports, how to graph data and how to create macros. Next, instructions explain how to create MOM, the Mail Order Manager, how to handle switchboards, dialog boxes, menus, macros and how to develop their own applications. Rated by publisher for all levels. 1100 pages. ISBN: 0-7821-1466-0. $29.99. Microsoft Access 2 Instant Reference Concise entries cover data base fundamentals and virtually every Access feature and command with plent of tips, hints, notes, and warnings from author James E. Powell. ISBN: 0-7821-1469-5. 300 pages. $9.99. Systems Design Corporation 5994 S. Prince St. #200 Littleton, CO 80120 800-848-7742 Fax: 303-730-0162 Training System Design offers Microsoft Authorized hands-on Access Training. Courses include: Beginning Microsoft Access, Intermediate Microsoft Access, Advanced Microsoft Access, and Programming in Microsoft Access. $495-$795. Ventana Press P.O. Box 2468 Chapel Hill, NC 27515 919-942-0220 Fax: 919-942-1140 The Visual Guide to Microsoft Access 2.0 <> The Visual Guide to Microsoft Access rejects text-heavy talk for a presentation as visually based as Windows itself. Covers Wizards, drag-and-drop design, design mode, macro management, and the basics of Access Basic. Publisher rates user level at Beginner to Intermediate. 630 pages. Disk included. Released in June 1994. ISBN: 1-56604-070-1. $29.95. ViaGrafix 5 South Vann St. Pryor, OK 74361 800-842-4723 Fax: 918-825-6744 Learning Access 2.0, Introduction This video explains Access basics. learn about object buttons and navigation controls. Also learn about creating databases, adjusting field properties, using primary keys and comparison operators. $49.95. Available in mid March 94. Learning Access 2.0, Intermediate This video explains more features of Access. Learn about the FormWizard, combo boxes and security options. Also learn about reports, macros, report fundamentals and unbound text boxes. $49.95. Available in late March 94. Learning Access 2.0, Advanced Learn about advanced features of Access. This video explains Visual Basic programming for applications and creating and running macros. You'll also learn about arrays and creating data types. $49.95. Available in early April '94. VidSoft PO Box 526 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 800-529-7638 Access 1.1 Video Training Program Includes video tapes, manual and disks with all source code and examples. Covers all aspects of Access 1.1. For beginners and experienced users. $499. Available March 1, 1994. Combining Visual Basic 3.0 and Access 1.1 Includes video tapes, manual and disks with all source code and examples. Covers all aspects of combining Visual Basic 3.0 and Access 1.1. For beginners and experienced users. $499. Available March 1, 1994. John Wiley & Sons 605 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10158-0012 800-CALL-WILEY Canada: 800-263-1599 212-850-6630 Fax: 212-850-6088 Windcrest (TAB Books) Blue Ridge Summit PA 17294-0850 Tel: 800-233-1128 Fax: 717-794-2103 Windows Information Network for Developers 200 Public Square, Suite 26-4600 Cleveland, OH 44114-2301 Voice: 216-861-0467 Modem: 216-694-5734 (8-1-N) Developer's BBS A new BBS dedicated solely to supporting Microsoft's Visual Basic, Access, C++, and SQL-Server by offering: freeware, shareware, demo programs, tips and tricks. Complete electronic mail system for questions, answers, discussions and comments. VB/Online sells every book on Visual Basic programming and all VB commercial software programs. (14.4K baud, 8/1/N) $39.50 yearly. Available 24-hrs a day. WorkGroup Solutions 2366 Eastlake Avenue E., Suite 325 Seattle, WA 98102 800-469-9377 Fax: 206-726-9278 CompuServe: 72600,3450 Training Seminars Microsoft Access Client Server Applications with SQL Server. Specialists in Microsoft Access Time Accounting, EIS Systems, Sales Management Systems, and Process Manufacturing Systems. Ziff Davis Press 5903 Christie Avenue Emeryville, CA 94608 510-601-2000 Fax: 510-601-2099 PC Learning Labs Teaches Microsoft Access 2.0 Hands-on instruction book. ISBN: 1-56276-225-7. $22.95 includes disk. How to use Microsoft Access (make Microsoft Access 2 work for you) An illustrated guide to how to use Microsoft Access. (Part of the "how it works" series). Full of illustrations. ISBN: 1-56276-223-0. $17.95. March 21, 1994 Visual Basic Programmers Journal page \* arabic u}jl"Ab8Z} H J  6 "NKuzXZt?W-/?<X| & < K !!"J"##$$:%<%($(((5*"((U5*F****,/,2,X,,,i.n.q..///#011t2v2335:58888;;;>>>>????F@b@,ARAAA&CMC}EEF GHHI9IIKfKTLnL~NNODOOOPPQQdSS,T.TUVV/W1W ZLZ    PLZZZ']5]]]^___`` b>4>K>Y>l>>>???F@b@,A.ARAhA|AAAA&CMC}EEF GHHHHHHI9IGKIKfK}KKKKLLALTLĿ~~~~~~~~0TLnL|N~NNNNNNODOOPPQdSS.TUVV1W ZLZZ']5]]^__`` bH!  < 4 6GI 6 65 Tms Rmn `Symbol HelvTimes Helvetica3B4!"p VBBK06.DOCVB and Access books and stuff Fawcette Technical PublicationsVisual Basic ProgrammerJournal