ۥ-x@ - Y    " " " " . 8 " B B    4  Crystal Reports Technical Document Subject: CRVB - Link fields are NONE - Memos don't print Date: September 21, 1993 Versions: VB Situation: 1. When selecting the Link To field in Crystal Reports for Visual Basic, the only choice is "NONE". 2. When memo (or any) fields display erratically in Crystal Reports for Visual Basic. Solution: Download VBFIX.ZIP from our BBS. It contains three updated DLLs that replace those already in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Our BBS phone number is (604)681-9516, and the settings are 9600N81. An additional solution to problem one is described on page 140 of the VB Professional Features Book 2 (Data Access Guide). Remarks: If you are unable to connect to our BBS or are an international customer and have a slow modem, contact us to arrange getting the files to you via CompuServe or mail. {file name}   #1   %'10* 0* h 0* h 0* h  h!-TECHDOC;B 4$pMOpp BTimes New Roman Symbol&Arial5Courier New 1CourierWW W "h EE[CRVB - No Indexes - No MemosTechnical Support DocumentCRVB, link, memo, indexfThis document directs people to get VBFIX.ZIP to solve problems with Crystal Reports for Visual Basic.Duncan Vincent Armitage Allan Moore