ۥ-x@ -5 H        # 7Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z \ \ \ \ \ \ z 4 z z z Crystal Reports Technical Document Subject: User Defined Size in Print Setup Date: August 19, 1993 Versions: all Situation: Some printers will allow the user to select User Defined Size when in Print Setup. Solution: The page size that will appear on the CRW screen is dependent on the settings in Control Panel - Printers. Select your particular printer and Setup. For Paper Size: specify User Defined Size A dialog box will appear where you can specify the size and units you require. When you return to CRW, run Select Printer again to see the updated size. UDSIZE.DOC 4E^i  \^i-}Ŀ!!!!  ! T! !!$2F +"^MO^ ^7Times New Roman Symbol&Arial5Courier NewH"h1؅ie&User Defined Page Size - Printer SetupTechnical Support DocumentPrinter page size userAllan D. McMordie Gurdeep Birdi