ۥ-x@ -  j jj j j j j x B    4R ~ j   Crystal Reports Technical Document Subject: SQL SERVER / SYBASE Q + E Date: July 29, 93 Versions: 2.0 Professional Description: Must have a datasource name to access SQL SERVER. Datasource names are added by editing QEX.INI file. An Example QEX.INI file is supplied by us and installed if one is not found in the WINDOWS directory. This QEX.INI file is used by the driver libraries and shouldn't need editing. W3DBLIB should be locatable (Time stamp should be noted). A copy of this file should be found in the SQLSERVER\BIN\ directory (on a default install). Add this directory to your path or copy W3DBLIB.DLL to your windows\system directory Remarks: Do not want to find a QESS.DLL. This may be found due to other products such as Excel. Ensure PDSSYBAS.DLL is located in the Crystal Reports directory and the the Q + E libraries are locatable. Make sure all of the above have a 2.01am time stamp. W3DBLIB.DLL must be dated May 1992 or later. Communcation errors are associated with the W3DBLIB.DLL. CRPE.DLL CRW.EXE 2.01am 2.01am PDSSYBAS.DLL 2.01am QEX.INI QELIB.DLL 2.01am QEUTIL.DLL 2.01am QLSS.DLL (Must not find QESS.DLL) 2.01am W3DBLIB.DLL (Not shipped) SQLQE.DOC  $"%.Zgt{  !Aw-/'#QS "HSUWv{}0*0*0*0*0* 0* 5B  BTimes New Roman Symbol&Arial5Courier New 1CourierTT T"h%ee2+~SQL Server / Sybase Q + ETechnical Support DocumentSYBASE SQLSERVER Q+EORACLEAllan D. McMordie Gurdeep Birdi