ۥ-x@ - & o oo o o o o }  B   4E  o   Crystal Reports Technical Document Subject: Password error message on Paradox 4.0 File. Date: July 27, 1993 Versions: Quik Reports 1.0, CRW VB 2.0 Situation: The Paradox 4.0 file (2.0 file format) is not supported in the versions mentioned above and is being treated as a 3.5 file with password protection. The Microsoft Access engine does not support version 4.0 at this time and therefore neither does Crystal Reports for Visual Basic. Quik Reports 1.0 was release prior to the release of paradox 4.0 and paradox for Windows. Our other versions of Crysal Reports however use a different access method and therefore can access these files. Remarks: Paradox 3.5 uses the 2.0 file format. Paradox 4.0 uses the 3.0 file format. Paradox 4 Windows uses the 3.0 file format. PSWDPDOX.DOC )*,#   ,HJ%'Nu0*0*0*0* 0*  B :: BTimes New Roman Symbol&Arial5Courier New 1Couriereee"h[ede[e#Password Error Message, Paradox 4.0Technical Support DocumentPassword Paradox Error"Password protected error messages.Allan D. McMordie Gurdeep Birdi