ۥ-1@ -=(!&j&jj&j&j&j&j&x&J&&&& & &&&B*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*',',',',',','J'4~'J'j&J'J'Crystal Reports Technical Document Subject: Runtime Requirements for Crystal Reports 2.0(Pro) Date: July 27, 1993 Versions: 2.0(Pro) Situation: As a registered user of Crystal Reports, you are allowed to distribute a runtime version of the Crystal Reports print engine with your applications at no charge. The following is an overview of runtime requirements: Solution: For all applications The following files must be included on a distribution disk, regardless of the application it accompanies: CRPE.DLL interface to the print engine COMMDLG.DLL help with printer selection, etc. CRXLATE.DLL include this file only if you are going to use the ToWords(x) or ToWords(x,#places) functions in your reports. Database specific requirements The following files are necessary for their respective databases. If your application will not be reporting on one or more of these databases then you need not include the files for the databases that will not be used: Paradox PDBPDX.DLL Crystal's Paradox DLL PXENGWIN.DLL Borland's Paradox DLL Modifications Required: A [Paradox] section in the WIN.INI file. This is created by running the PXENGWIN.EXE provided dBASE, xBase (dBase III, IV and Foxpro) PDBXBSE.DLL dBASE's DLL (all flavors) Btrieve PDBBTRV.DLL Crystal's Btrieve DLL PDCTBTRV.DLL Crystal's Btrieve DLL WBTRCALL.DLL Novell's Btrieve DLL WBTRVDEF.DLL Novell's Btrieve DLL ObjectVision PDIROV.DLL Required if you created the report by pointing to an ObjectVision OVD file NOTE: Please check your development tool's manual to see if there are additional tool specific requirements. SyBase/SQL Server QELIB.DLL Pioneer's Database Library QEUTIL.DLL Pioneer's Database Library QLSS.DLL Pioneer's Database Library DBNMP3.DLL Sybase/SQL Server's Database Library PDSSYBAS.DLL Crystal's Sybase/SQL Server DLL ODBC ODBC.DLL Microsoft's ODBC DLL ODBCINST.DLL Microsoft's ODBC Install DLL ODBC.INI Microsoft's ODBC INI ODBCINST.INI Microsoft's ODBC Install INI PDSODBC.DLL Crystal's ODBC DLL If you are using ODBC with SQL Server, the following are also required: CTL3D.DLL Microsoft's Control 3D DLL SQLSRVR.DLL ODBC SQL Server's DLL SQLSETUP.DLL ODBC SQL Server's Setup DLL DBNMP3.DLL Sybase/SQL Server's Database Library If you are using ODBC with Oracle, the following are also required: File Description ORASETUP.DLL Oracle's setup DLL SQORA.DLL Oracle's ODBC DLL NetWare SQL QELIB.DLL Pioneer's Database Library QEUTIL.DLL Pioneer's Database Library QLXQL.DLL Pioneer's Database Library PDSNETW.DLL Crystal's Netware SQL DLL Gupta QELIB.DLL Pioneer's Database Library QEUTIL.DLL Pioneer's Database Library QLGUP.DLL Pioneer's Database Library PDSGUPTA.DLL Crystal's Gupta DLL Oracle QELIB.DLL Pioneer Database Library QEUTIL.DLL Pioneer Database Library QLORA.DLL Pioneer Database Library PDSORACL.DLL Crystal's Oracle DLL If you are including a Compiled Report on the distribution diskette; include the following files: CRRUN.EXE compiled reports program .RPT your report file .MKX compiled report resources .EXE compiled report executable where is your report name NOTE: Please ensure that the .RPT, .MKX, and .EXE files are stored in the same directory. If your report contains a formula which uses one of the User Defined Functions ( a function listed in the formula editor 'Additional Functions' section ), the associated .DLL file must be included on the distribution diskette. If the function is one of the Crystal Reports' sample User Defined Functions, include the UFLSAMPL1.DLL file. The following file must be included on a distribution disk if your reports are using the ToWords function: CRXLATE.DLL ToWords function WHERE TO INSTALL THE VARIOUS FILES CRPE files All of the print engine files should be placed in the same directory. It is required that you place these CRPE and database DLL files someplace where Windows can find them. When Windows tries to load the CRPE.DLL it will look first in the current directory, then in the \WINDOWS\ directory, then in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory, and finally in the PATH. Report files The location you select for report files depends on what you have specified in your application. It is recommended that you use the report name with no path when you specify a report to print in your PEPrintReport or PEOpenPrintJob calls. If you have no path specified in your call you can install your runtime application in any directory on the user's machine. For example: PEOpenPrintJob ("test.rpt") (No path specified) When the call is made, the print engine will look in the current directory for the report file. If CRPE doesn't find the report file in the current directory, it will look for it in the Windows directory, then inthe Windows system directory, and finally in the path. This means that you can place the report files in the same directory as your application and your application can be installed in any directory you like. As long as the application keeps that directory as the current directory, it will find the report files. Otherwise if the path is specified: For example: PEOpenPrintJob ("c:\testdir\test.rpt") The CRPE will look only in that directory for the report. Database Files We recommend that you set the database location to be "Same as Report". This will tell the CRPE print engine to look in the same directory as the report file for the database files. Again, if it does not find the database files in this directory, CRPE will look for the database files in the Windows directory, then in the Windows system directory, and finally in the path. RUNTIME SOFTWARE AND SAMPLE APPLICATION LICENSE Permission is granted to the original purchaser of this Runtime package under Crystal's copyright to reproduce and distribute exact copies of the Runtime software, and to modify, reproduce and distribute the sample applications, made from the original disks in this package (or a set of backup copies made directly from them), provided that: Such copies are distributed with and for the purpose of executing specific-purpose application programs written using an authorized copy of Crystal Reports. The user will remain solely responsible to anyone receiving such copies for any support, service, upgrades or technical or other assistance, and such recipients will have no right to contact Crystal for such services or assistance. The runtime program will not be altered, disassembled, decompiled or reverse-engineered. Crystal provides no warranty at all other than the Limited Warranty provided in this package to the original purchaser. The purchaser will indemnify and hold Crystal harmless from and against any claims or liabilities arising out of its use, reproduction or distribution and the use by the recipients of the copies made hereunder. The permission granted herein is solely for the purpose of using the Runtime program and custom applications to execute specific-purpose application programs written using an authorized copy of Crystal Reports, and the user is not authorized to include the Runtime program or custom applications in any general-purpose, report writing and/or database querying product, or in any product that is otherwise generally competitive with Crystal Reports. If you wish to distribute copies of the Runtime software or custom application on other terms, please contact Crystal Services directly. NOTE: Please check the manual for your development tools to see if there are additional tool--specific requirements. 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