ۥ-1@ -T  0Brrrrrrrrrtttttt4 Crystal Reports Technical Document Subject: Print Engine Function Summary Date: November 11, 1993 Versions: 2.0(Std), 2.0(Pro) Situation: You want a brief summary of the Crystal Reports Print Engine API. Solution: Print Engine Function Summary Engine Management PEPrintReport Print the report. PEOpenEngine Load print engine. PECloseEngine Close print engine. PEGetVersion Check engine version number. Print Job Management PEOpenPrintJob Prepare to print a report. PEClosePrintJob Close the print job. PEStartPrintJob Print the report. PEGetJobStatus Evaluate the status of a print job. Print Window Management PEGetWindowHandle Get the print window handle. PEPrintWindow Causes contents of print window to print. PECloseWindow Close the print window. Print Destinations PESelectPrinter Select a printer other than the default printer. PEOutputToPrinter Prepare to direct output to selected printer. PEOutputToWindow Prepare to direct output to print window. PEOutputToFile Prepare to direct output to a file. Sorting PEGetNSortFields Find the number of sort files in the report. PEGetNthSortField Get one of the sort fields. PESetNthSortField Set one of the sort fields. PEDeleteNthSortField Remove the specified sort field from the sort order. PEGetNGroupSortFields Find the number of group sort fields in the report. PEGetNthGroupSortField Get one of the group sort fields. PESetNthGroupSortField Set one of the group sort fields. PEDeleteNthGroupSortField Remove the specified sort field from the sort order. Formulas PEGetFormula Get a named formula. PESetFormula Set the contents of a named formula. PEGetSelectionFormula Get record selection formula. PESetSelectionFormula Set new record selection formula. PEGetGroupSelectionFormula Get group selection formula. PESetGroupSelectionFormula Set new group selection formula. Database Management PEGetNFiles Get the number of databases used in a report. PEGetNthFileName Get the name of a database used in a report. PESetNthFileName Point the report to the new location of the database. Error Management PEGetErrorCode Get status code of most recent PE function call. PEGetErrorText Inquire on the error text. Miscellaneous PEGetHandleString Get the text handle string. SelfRegister Register all available PE functions in Object Vision. Additional PE Functions for Professional Version Print Format Management PEGetReportTitle Get title that appears on title bar of print window. PESetReportTitle Set title to appear on title bar of print window. PESetMargins Set the printer margins to the values specified. PESetPrintOptions Set a variety of printing options for the print job specified. PESetSectionFormat Set specialized formatting options for an entire section. PESetMinimumSectionHeight Set the minimum height for a report section. PESetLineHeight Set the line height for all lines in a given report section. PESetFont Set the font for selected report section(s). PESetNDetailCopies Print multiple copies of the Details section of the report. Server Management PELogOnServer Log on to the specified server. PELogOffServer Log off of the specified server. Table Management PEGetNTables Get the number of tables in the report. PEGetNthTableType Get the type of a table. PEGetNthTableLogOnInfo Get the log on information of a table. PESetNthTableLogOnInfo Set the log on information of a table. PEGetNthTableLocation Get the location of a table. PESetNthTableLocation Set the location of a table. PETestNthTableConnectivity Test if table settings are valid. Miscellaneous PESetGroupCondition Change the group condition for a group section. Remarks: Complete descriptions of the functions, as well as general information on using the Print Engine to run reports from an application can be found in Section 10 of the Crystal Reports 2.0 manual, and Section 3 of the Crystal Reports 2.0 Pro manual. 8888stW`bUWb46LzNSHzQH2 G   ' k $ & ( * \ ^ w  K : /aR?AP`'`'`'_`'`'!-TECHDOC;B 4$4  BTimes New Roman Symbol&Arial5Courier New 1Courier ,"hZۅՂEԂEBD:\WINDOWS\WORD\TDTEMPLT.DOTPrint Engine Function SummaryCRPE Function Summary CRPE; PE; APIDuncan ArmitageAllan D. McMordie