ۥ-1@ -3          # Be e e e i i i i i k k k k k k  4 v Crystal Reports Technical Document Subject: Unable to load report. Date: July 30, 93 Versions: VB, CRW 2.0 Pro Description: If you can load and run the report in the report designer but not when running an application in Visual Basic check the following. Make sure that the report's datafile locations are correct when runing the VB application. If they are not set for same as report. They will probably need changing via the datafile() properties. Ensure that you have all the DLLs and only one set of them . (I reccommend placing in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ directory.) Make sure that you don't have or use the custom control or DLL's from the VB3 Pro version. Make sure that you have a VB.INI in your Windows directory which includes all of the installable ISAMS listed below: VB.INI(only a portion of) [Installable ISAMs] Btrieve=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\btrv110.dll FoxPro 2.0=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\pdx110.dll FoxPro 2.5=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\pdx110.dll dBASE III=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\xbs110.dll dBASE IV=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\xbs110.dll Paradox 3.X=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\pdx110.dll (Xbase=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\XBS110.dll) This line is optional [dBase ISAM] Deleted=On Specify a full path in your VBX under under the Reportfilename property If you are using a UFL in the Pro version then you must make sure that the UFL dll can be located by windows when running your application. Remarks: If none of the above solve the problem please provide me with more details as to what you are doing . CANTLOAD.DOC     VX/10Z%24} 0*0*h0*0*h0*0*0* .!$2B +"MOBTimes New Roman Symbol&Arial5Courier New 1Courier1"h`E`EvUnable to load reportTechnical Support Documentunable load reportAllan D. McMordieAllan D. McMordie