ۥ-1@ -(%3#0$0$$0$0$0$0$020J|0,000000031de1e1e1e1e1e1e1e1g1g1g11c2c234D3@2$022Crystal Service BBS - Users Hint Guide Overview The Crystal Services BBS system ( CSBBS )is an easy way to get files and technical advice from Crystal Services. CSBBS operates 2 Telebit 3000 modems supporting 300, 1200, 2400, 9600 V32,and 14.4K V32.bis baud rates. V42 & V42.bis error correction and compression are also supported. For the best performance, call CSBBS using 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. Color screens are available if your modem program supports ANSI terminal emulation. What you need To connect to CSBBS you will need: A Modem - at least 300 baud. A Terminal Program - usually comes with the modem. A Telephone line - Almost everyone has one..... Modem Of course make sure that you modem is plugged in to the computer and the phone line. If it is an internal modem, make sure that it doesn't conflict with any Serial Ports on your computer. Terminal Program Configure the terminal program for your modem. Set the Communication options to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Set the Terminal Emulation to ANSI or VT-100 Telephone Line Make sure you no one picks up the phone while the modem is connected to CSBBS. If you have Call Alert or similar service, disable it before you call CSBBS. Calling Crystal Services BBS for the first time SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h Call Crystal Services BBS using your terminal program - (604) 681-9516 SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h If your modem & terminal program are setup correctly, you should get a Connect or Busy message. If you get a busy signal, all lines are being used, so try again later. Most terminal programs will continue to redial until you are connected. SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h Once connected, you will see a short logo screen and a prompt for your name. SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h Type in your name - First and Last - and hit enter SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h A screen will then appear informing you that you are not in the BBS records, which you are not. You will be asked to confirm that you entered your name correctly. If you did, enter Y otherwise enter N. SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h You will then get a New User Welcome screen and be asked for your : SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h City and State/Province - Fill it in, e.g. Vancouver, BC. and hit enter SYMBOL 183 \f "Symbol" \s 10 \h Phone Number - Fill it in, e.g. (604) 681-9516, and hit enter You will then be prompted to answer the following questions: Question: Choose a password to use on future calls.. Enter a password, and write it down somewhere so you can remember it. Question: Does your system support ANSI screen controls ? Enter a ? at this prompt for help on what ANSI is and if you can use it. Question: Use MaxEd full screen editor ? ( Only if you said Y to ANSI) Enter a ? at this prompt for help on what MaxEd is and if you can use it. Question: Use IBM-PC Characters ? Enter a ? at this prompt to see if you system can support IBM-PC Characters. The ability to use them depends on your terminal software, NOT the brand of computer you have. Question: Use Hot Keys ? Enter a ? at this prompt to see what hot keys are, and if you want them. If you have never used a BBS before, enter N for no. You are now registered - You will be shown a screen of hints for using the system, and prompted to press enter to continue. You will then be asked a few more questions so that Tech Support can contact you if necessary. Bulletin Screen If there are new bulletins since you have last been on, you will be put into the Bulletin system. Enter the number of the bulletin to read, or hit enter to go on. Check for Mail After logging on, you will be asked if you want to check for new mail. Who is On A list of current users on the system will be displayed. Using CSBBS CSBBS is divided into 3 sections, MAIN, FILES, and MESSAGES. Main Section/Menu From the Main Menu you can enter the other sections, change you preferences, run an off-line mail reader, get the bulletin listings, and enter a technical question. File Section/Menu From the File section/menu you can send and receive files, and locate files on our system. Message Section/Menu From the Message section, you can read messages, check for messages for you, and enter new messages and replies. How To Enter a Message 1. Login to the CSBBS 2. From the Main Menu enter E to enter a message 3. Pick an area from the list for your message to go. 4. Send the message TO one of the following GEN CRYSTAL - General TECH CRYSTAL - Technical Support SM CRYSTAL - Sales & Marketing SYSOP - BBS System Operator (SYSOP) Do Not Send the message to individual tech support staff, AND DO NOT SEND Technical Messages to the SYSOP. Entering the Incorrect name WILL cause a delay in replies. Reading Messages 1. Login to the CSBBS 2. From the Main Menu enter M for the message section 3. From the Message Menu enter A to change message area 4. Enter the appropriate message area number 5. Enter S to search for mail for you 6. Any mail for you will be displayed for reading on the screen Send a File to CSBBS Before you send the file(s), please compress it/them using either PKZip or LHArc. The PKZip and LHArc programs are available at many BBS systems and shareware vendors. 1. Login to the CSBBS 2. From the Main Menu enter F for the files section 3. From the File Menu enter U for Upload 4. Pick a protocol from the list - Zmodem is the best - Your terminal program must support the protocol you select. 5. Depending on the protocol you choose you may then be asked to give the name of the file you are going to send. 6. CSBBS is now ready to receive. Start the upload of the file using your terminal software. It is different for each program, but is often the Page Up key. 7. After you have sent the file, you will be asked for a description. In the description, please enter who it is for and who you are. For example, "File for Bob Techman from Fred Usery" Get a File from CSBBS 1. Login to the BBS 2. From the Main menu enter F for the files section. 3. If you don't know the name of the file, use the L,F, and A commands to browse through the file lists. 4. Enter D for download 5. Pick a protocol from the list ( Zmodem is the best ). Your terminal program MUST support the protocol you choose. 6. Enter the name of the file(s) to download. 7. Hit enter to start the download 8. Start your terminal programs Download feature. Usually Page-Down Common Problems and Solutions Problem: I am getting double of every letter. Solution: Turn off the "Local Echo" of your Terminal Program. Problem: Intermixed with text I occasionally get funny symbols and numbers. Solution: You have told the BBS to use ANSI graphics, and your terminal program does not support it, or you don't have it enabled. Problem: In the Menu Screens, I get numbers surrounding the choices. Solution: You have told the BBS to use IBM-Characters, and your terminal program does not support it, it is "stripping the 8th bit", or you are not calling using 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. Problem: I have a 9600 baud modem, but your BBS only lets me connect at 2400. Solution: CSBBS only supports 9600 baud and 14.4kBaud modems that use the V.32 and V.32bis standards. If you have an older USR Robotics HST, or a HAYES 9600, you can only use your high speed with other modems of the same brand. Problem: The BBS will not let me log in just before midnight PST. Solution: CSBBS must go down at 12:00 am Pacific Standard Time to due file maintenance. For a few min. before midnight, no callers will be allowed. If you are on the BBS as an event approaches, you will have your remaining time reduced. CSBBS will check to see if there is enough time for uploads or downloads before letting them proceed. Problem: In the middle of a session on CSBBS, a whole bunch of garbage letters started spilling all over my screen. OR My download/upload was canceled and the BBS hung me up!! Solution: Most likely, someone in your residence picked up a telephone that is on the same line as your modem - They got a nasty modem screech in their ear, but you lost your connection. OR You have Call Alert that lets you know when someone else is calling you. Modems hate that..... Disable the Call Alert, or tell your friends not to call you.... Problem: It has taken 4 days to get my reply from tech support!! Solution: You probably didn't read the important message that told you who to address the message to. You probably ( incorrectly ) sent it to ANYONE, HELPME, ALL, SYSOP, or the name of the technical support person you dealt with. Messages must be sent TO : GEN CRYSTAL - General TECH CRYSTAL - Technical Support SM CRYSTAL - Sales & Marketing SYSOP - BBS System Operator (SYSOP) swtw HONEY BMP `AVMSHEARTSHLP `Ab2Crystal Service BBS - Users Hint Guide Overview The Crystal Services BBS system ( CSBBS )is an easy way to get files and tecBI s34,-LM    N O n o \ d f n  \m$ny/E9M ! ! #(V?F(/`g !##(%;%<%=%@%~ @BI  M#qs*, N   Z \  d f # C{}\m$lny%% %h%h%K%%%{%%M-/ER[1h79OEoWAe=?Y&(w^`ǿ%`%`% `%``%;h%h%h%K%{%%@ !h"m""##U#?$^$$$$&%(%?%%%h% `%`%V`%`%`F  #(% 3#1 #%%%@%?%3 1Courier Symbol&ArialTimes New Roman'G>vg9 Y #99999999HP LaserJet IIDLPT1:HPPCLApple LaserWriter PlusX VD[ od,XZZerF ^U DJDJ| 6 7 ##;%i <% =%\km&%"h؅؅@ BBS Help #2Heather MacKenzieHeather MacKenzie