ۥ-x@ $- $ $$ $ $ $ $ 2 D @ +  $ ii4.is$ Sub MAIN 'REM WFW ver 2.0 macro to select an address for PrintEnvelope v 2.30 If SelType() = 2 Then 'REM An address is highlighted, copy it to the clipboard EditCopy 'REM Copy address to the Clipboard Else 'REM Search for address text Dim dlg As ToolsCreateEnvelope GetCurValues dlg AddressText$ = dlg.EnvAddress EditGoTo .Destination = "\StartOfDoc" EditFind .Find = AddressText$ EditCopy 'REM Copy address to the Clipboard End If If Not MsgBox(Selection$(), "PrintEnvelope", 33) Then Goto AllDone On Error Goto NotActiveYet 'REM PrintEnvelope is not loaded AppActivate "PrintEnvelope", 1 SendKeys "%" 'REM The next two lines Restore PrintEnvelope SendKeys "{enter 2}" Goto AllDone NotActiveYet: ChDir "c:\envelope" 'REM Needed if PrintEnvelope not in your path. Change or 'eliminate as required. Shell "envelope.exe /p" 'REM Use any combination of the startup switches here 'p: paste, q:quick print, e:exit when done ChDir "c:\winword\docs" 'REM Reset the directory for documents in WinWord file open. 'Change or eliminate as required. AllDone: On Error Goto 0 End Sub '******************************************************************************************** ' Examine the following three lines and make changes as necessary '******************************************************************************************** FFRP3PPF ^GF tFt~u=v;F~0vv^WvFP^GW^Sub MAIN 'REM WFW ver 2.0 macro to select an address for PrintEnvelope v 2.30 If SelType() = 2 Then 'REM An address is f(YKSU8N\^m,\d!!#F  L}!!!!!!+Times RSymbol "HelveticaTimesIBM4019 Laser PrinterLPT1:IBM4019IBM4019 Laser Printer @*FIBM4019 Laser Printer0000000000000000000000000003 **pN fk"hpTEEiPrintEnvelope macro)Macro to run PrintEnvelope from WFW v.2.0Scott Maurer Scott Maurer