Code.Print (TM) for Visual Basic Version 2.20 Updated: December 1992 QUICK START: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Copy program files: Copy CPVB.EXE, CPSET.EXE, and CPVB.HLP to the same directory (C:\VB or C:\CPVB) If you have a previous version of Code.Print delete the old CPVB.EXE and CPVB.INI files or move them to another directory. 2. Run CPSET.EXE Code.Print won't function until you run the setup program CPSET.EXE. Because CPSET.EXE generates the initial CPVB.INI file CPSET.EXE MUST be run from the same directory as the CPVB.EXE file. You have to run CPSET.EXE one time only. 3. Create Program Item You will have to create your own Program Item (and Program Group if you want) for Code.Print. The main executable file is CPVB.EXE. 4. Run CPVB.EXE (Code.Print) All user documentation is contained in the Windows on-line help file CPVB.HLP. Be sure this file is in the same directory as CPVB.EXE. You can access help from the main menu of Code.Print. 5. Prepare Visual Basic files for Code.Print Code.Print processes Visual Basic 2.0 forms and modules that are saved in ASCII format. (Check the Save As Text box in the Save File As... dialog box.) Code.Print can also process TXT files created using the Save Text command. Files saved in binary format in both VB 1.0 and VB 2.0 cannot be processed by Code.Print. FILE LIST: ------------------------------------------------------------------- The file PACKING.LST contains a complete list of all files you should have in this package. OTHER FILES REQUIRED BY CODE.PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Code.Print for Visual Basic requires the Visual Basic runtime dynamic link library, VBRUN200.DLL and CMDIALOG.VBX. Be sure they are in your \WINDOWS subdirectory. CMDIALOG.VBX is included with this distribution package. To conserve space and avoid needless duplication and added download time, VBRUN200.DLL is NOT included with this distribution package. VBRUN200.DLL should be available from the vendor or BBS where you obtained Code.Print. This program requires Windows 3.1. NETWORKS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Code.Print for Visual Basic maintains the file CPVB.INI to store configuration information. If you are installing Code.Print for Visual Basic onto a network drive, be sure anyone using Code.Print can write to that directory. Printing to a network may require you to set the Code.Print "Print While Processing" check box to off. This makes Code.Print generate the output as a single multi-page print job. If "Print While Processing" is checked, each page is generated as a separate document and thus will be treated by the network as a separate print job. You may need to adjust the timeout setting on the print server. The Code.Print output stream is not continuous and causes some networks to believe the document is finished prematurely. If adjusting the timeout has no effect, redirect the output to a file or use a spooler program to collect the output before sending it to the network. DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------- Code.Print for Visual Basic is an easy to use program. All of the functions contained in Code.Print for Visual Basic are documented in the Windows on-line help system. There is no user manual. LICENSE AND REGISTRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration information is available from the startup screen menu in in the file REGISTER.DOC. CREDIT CARD ORDERS: Caladonia Systems accepts Visa and MasterCard orders. How to call us: Toll free in U.S. and Canada (800) 488-5008 Local Washingtion and outside U.S./Canada (206) 285-8130 FAX (206) 285-5935 All credit card orders are shipped immediately on receipt. PRINTERS, FONTS, DRIVERS, ETC... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Code.Print for Visual Basic is designed to use the printer fonts and drivers that are available in your current Windows environment. Printing speed will depend on what fonts and drivers you are using. It is best to experiment. Some fonts can be slower than others. Code.Print will display a message "Waiting for Printer..." while the printer driver is processing page and font data. Since processing has been passed from the program to your printer driver, Code.Print will not respond immediately to a cancelation request while the "Waiting for Printer..." message is displayed. NOTE! Code.Print does not work with the Generic / Text Only Printer Driver. This driver does not respond to any font or style operations and generates an error condition on every attempt to change the printer object. Code.Print will try to gracefully back out of this situation but will probably crash and dump the program. This driver is guaranteed NOT TO WORK. If you are using a dot matrix printer and want fast output, use the high speed fonts available in many dot matrix drivers. COMMENTS, ORDERS, INFORMATION, ETC. Code.Print for Visual Basic is a Shareware product of Caladonia Systems, Inc. You can contact us via the methods below: Mail: Caladonia Systems, Inc. 522 West Mercer Place, Suite 303 Seattle, WA 98119-4474 Tech Support, Information, Voice Mail: (206) 285-8130 FAX: (206) 285-5935 CompuServe: 70711,3300 As our business grows some of our numbers are likely to change. If any of these numbers are discontinued you can contact us via the ASP. ASP Executive Director 545 Grover Road Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 U.S.A. Or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP Executive Director 72050,1433. You may also FAX your request to the ASP Executive Director at 616-788-2765. Commments, questions, and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Code.Print is a Trademark of Caladonia Systems, Inc. Code.Print for Visual Basic (c) Copyright 1992 All Rights Reserved. Visual Basic is a Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a Trademark of Microsoft Corporation.