This is a program for Displaying Affirmations within Windows. There is not much reason for explaining the program other than give it a whirl if you like what you see send cash$ I can really use it for recovering my lost sleep hours in writing this program. Send 25$ smackers to: Hailaeos Troy 2300 Rock Springs Drive #1081 Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 I will then send you either on 3.5 or 1.2 your choice a registered version with you name forever encoded in the program. *NOTE the file VBRUN100.dll must reside in your SYSTEM directory under windows. If you are using a differnt drive ie. Drive D: or a different directory name other than C:\WINDOWS I suggest that you copy this file manually instead of running the install program. Also the main program AFFIRM.exe will be copied over to the directory C:\AFFIRM . The file self. must reside in the current directory where affirm.exe resides and nowhere else. Again if you do not want to do this move it manually to where you want to move this file. Once you have installed the program on your hard disk to run it you can use the run command from the file menu. Or you can create an Icon for the program by adding to program to one of your current goups. I will not go through the words to walk you through in doing this since if you use windows you must be able to do this most basic task if not you will be lost for ever in novice land. (or just as a friend) If you have an comments or suggestions you can reach me at the above address or phone 1-702-256-6447. Hailaeos Troy