BrowseNDX Demo GetKEY Form1, Label1 Enter key data to find Frame1 &Key Control Check1 &Exact Check2 &Proximate Text2 Text1 Label2 Index record no. Label3 Key found Text3 Text4 Command1 E&xit Label4 time to get key: DispTime Text5 Form_Click Form_LinkClose@ Form_LinkErrorg LinkErr Form_LinkExecute! CmdStr Cancel Form_LinkOpen Form_Loadb Form_LostFocus GetIndexHeader/ form1 Form_DblClick GetPage Index< NDXHEader RootPage FindKey Record Text17 Command1_Click Text2_Change Text2_KeyPress KeyAscii Text2 IndexFile OpenIndexy Text1_Change IndexIndex List1_ClickJ kEYvAL AddKey KeyFound Level GetKEY Text3m CloseIndex DebugNDX CloseNDX Status fGetKey NDXHandle BrowseNDX InTime OuTime DispTime" Form_Click Text2_KeyPress best match Command1_Click