GetFileBox Form1* FileSpec Command1 Label3 File &Name Command2 Cancel Label1 &Files: Files Label2 &Directories: FALSE ErrorStatus LoadDir- AnyForm0 hDlg lpPathSpec nIDListBox nIDStaticPath wFiletype, dummy DlgDirList/ itemsg ListBox Form_Click Form_Load^ WinWidtht Screen Width WinHieght Heightx FileBox Files_ClickC FileSpec_ChangeB ListFile ListFiles ListDrives ListPath` Text" FileSpec Label1_ClickI Label2_ClickL FormHandle Command2_Click UpDate Caption Form1 NewLoadDir DirBox2 File_Box Dir_Box< List_Box DriveAndDir FilesOnly DrivesAndDir Command1_Clickh Cursor HourGlass Default MousePointer FileSpec_KeyPress KeyAscii: UpDateForm NewFileSpecW Dirs_Click Dirs_DblClick ChangeTo+ Drive ErrorHandler Files_DblClicky Files StripPath Direc OldDriveW CUrDriveO OldPath% Chdirve nDriveL nPath8 nFile existsb Exist F_Exist FileName ErrHandZ ExitExisty f_spec Files_KeyPress Files_KeyDown KeyCode Shift FileSpec_LostFocus Files_MouseUp ButtonO Files_KeyUp File_Mask Dirs_KeyDown ProcessDir DirItem Dirs_KeyPressk Dirs_MouseUp Files_Onlye GetMask Dirs_KeyUp Form_GotFocus GetFileBox ThisDir ThisDir1 ThisDir2 ThisDir3 Path_Click] Form_LostFocusn Form_LinkOpen Cancel= Form_LinkExecute CmdStr~ Form_LinkError LinkErr Form_LinkClose Form_KeyUp Form_KeyPress Form_KeyDown Form_DragOver Source State Files_GotFocus Form_Paint Form_Resize Code for Visual Basic 1.0 and Windows 3.0e (C)1991 Marquis Computing. All Rights Reserved.. File Dialog box manager. Uses Windows system calls to increase speed and give a dialog box that dosen't have "visual basic" stamped all over it! --- these constants are used by GetFileBox formx Form_Load Center form --- Center forme --- load the files box --- display current path LoadDir Loads a listbox with a variety of disk file items. Usually the array of items are file(s), dir(s) or drive(s). Uses a windows system call for enhanced speed and versatility.v On entry ListBox: the number of the list box (i.e., 1,2 etc.) Mask$ : a file specification mask (i.e., *.DBF, ?.DAT, *.SY?) Item : an integer which represents the type of item to load into the list box where: = read/write files only = read-only files = hidden filesd = system filesd &H10 = sub dirs &H20 = archiveo &H4000 = driveso &H8000 = force ONLY those items meeting Mask$ and Item% criteria to be loaded.h NOTE: Items may be OR'd to combine -- for example to load system filesf and drives ONLY, you would set up Item% as follows: Item% = &H4 Or &H4000 Or &H8000 on exit The list box is filled with contents specified (if any found)- --- get windows handle of form --- ASCIIZ file spec --- assign list box number --- no static path id --- assign itemM --- call windows Command2_Click Command1_Click FileSpec_KeyPress UpDateForm Updates a form based on new filespec Dirs_DblClick ChangeTo drive- Files_DblClick Files_KeyDown Files_MouseUp Files_KeyUp Dirs_KeyDown ProcessDir drivet directory Dirs_MouseUp GetMask Dirs_KeyUp Files_KeyPress Dirs_KeyPress Form_Resize --- load the files box --- load the dir/drive box