DispDBInfo Form1, DatabaseName dbf name Record_count label1 Records Field_Count Label2 Fields Last_Update Label3 Last update Record_Size Label5 Record size Memo_Ptr Label6 Memo file DBF_Type Label7 DBF type Text1 Command1 Text2_Change Command1_Click DispDBInfo Record_count_Change8 Field_Count_ChangeJ Form_Click Form_LinkClose? Form_LinkError LinkErr Form_LinkExecute@ CmdStr Cancel` Form_LinkOpenU Form_Load CenterWindow DispDBInfpo Head_Size_Change Command1 DisplayHeader ProcessMsg Screen MousePointer HOURGLASS LoadDisplay DEFAULT7 PrintMsgN Modal' Caption DBFName GetNumRecs' DBFHandleJ Recsw Record_Count Field_Count Decimal GetUpdate1 UpDate dBdate Last_Update DBF_Type} DBFVer GetHeadSize HeadSize Head_Size GetRecSize RecSize Record_Size GetMemoPtr Memo_Ptrp Handle Fields DEFHANDLE Fname Label6_Click StatusDBF Status DBFType DBTPtr NumRecs NumFlds RecLen ecLen DatabaseName_Click DBF_Type_Change DatabaseName FileName Command1_Click Form_Load displays the database structure of a databasep change mouse load the form load 0 DBF info into form show form4 restore mouse LoadDisplay Loads the DBDisplay form with all data from header of database Handle. Database detail"