VB021EX &VISUAL BASICS #22 - Custom Message Box Form2+ Label1 Message Text: Text1 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Text2 Picture1 Label3 Message Box Width: Label2 Icon: Check1 Modal with OK Button Command1 Command2 Command3 Show Message Command4 VScroll1_Change Form_ClickT CustomMsg Message< IconNumber MsgTitle BoxWidth BtnEnabled MsgForm WindowStateN Visible Caption width PicIcon PictureX LblMsg` Alignment ScaleWidth Resultf WrapText height BorderStyle HOffSet scaleheight btnOk> VGAWIDTH6 VGAHEIGHT MB_ICONSTOP MB_ICONQUESTION MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_ICONINFORMATION MB_ICONHOTTIP Command3_Clickn Text1 OKBtn Check1a Value Check1_Click MODAL MODELESS Form_Load Command2_Click Picture1 Command1_Click Form_Unload Cancel Text3 Text2 Command4_Click NORMAL Command3_Click Test Message Form_Load Command2_Click Command1_Click Form_Unload Command4_Click