Form1 Form1 Form1% ButtonExit TaggedCtl Show All Tags ButtonSet ButtonGet ValueIn KeyIn Label2 Tagged Control Label3 Value Label6 Enter key Label1 !Test Of Tag Environment Subsystem MS Sans Serif Form_Click @ Form_Load^ SetFormTagString Form1 theKeyS theValue GetFormTagString GetAndPrint UserInput_Change UserInput_KeyPress KeyAscii theText UserInput KeyIn_Change KeyIn_KeyPress KeyInq ValueIn SetCtlTagString TaggedCtl TaggedCtl_Click GetCtlTagString ValueIn_Change ValueIn_KeyPress ButtonExit_Click ButtonSet_Click ButtonGet_Click ButtonExit_Click ButtonGet_Click ButtonSet_Click Form_Load FormName Form1 MyName Tom Dacon My Full Name Thomas A. Dacon WithQuotes "with enclosing quotes" formname myname my full name WITHQUOTES TaggedCtl_Click ValueIn_KeyPress User entered something in the value field., Enter keye