Form1 Cards Form1 Picture1 Picture1 Picture1 Label1 Pot ($) Picture1 TurnCard Turn Card &File FileNew &New Game FileExit E&xit HelpAbout &About Form_Click CreateHK VKCode Mask] hWndL MyCode KillHK( hHotKey @ Form_Load Form_KeyDown KeyCode Shift' Form1 HotKey Form_Unload Cancel List1 Addline HotKey1 HotKey2 ShiftF9g Shift_F9 Ctrl_T Ctrl_D ShiftMask CtrlMask AltMasky SCA_F102 VK_F7: UserVK VK_F9 Shift_F Iconv FormIcon Picture Key_F7 KEY_F8Q Key_F9 Key_F10F CRLFL TextE WindowState GetSpade Form_LostFocus Form_KeyPressU KeyAsciig Form_GotFocus Picture1_Click, Picture1 ClipBoard> Index Cards. Form_Paint Tempr Picture2 Picture1_Paint Paint Command1_Click Visible Row. Width GameMenu_Click] CardSpace Level1 Piles HeightN OptionMenu_Click GetCardd NextCard GameNew_ClickZ Picture1_DragDrop, Source Picture1_GotFocusl Picture1_KeyDown Picture1_KeyUp Picture1_MouseDown7 Button Picture1_LinkOpenS GameExit_Click Compact CurrentRow Form2 CurrentCol table SameSuit SameValue FileNew ShowErrorN must/ towards DisplayErrorH OptionErrors_Clickb CheckedV OptionErros OptionErrors; Picture1_DblClick WriteProfileString lpApplicationName lpKeyName lpString# DisplayErrorse GetProfileInt lpAppName nDefaultg GamesWonI GamesLostu Appnamem GameRecord_Click Compressed OptionsCompressed_Click OptionCompressed OptionsCompressed HelpAbout_Click Form3 ShuffleCards' UpdateIni NewGame8 WonForm OptionsErrors_Click OptionsErrors SameCardValue3 ValidMove Command1 Enabled GameUndo_Click UndoSavew Undoer UndoPiles UndoNextCard ThenUnload: UndoneW AdditH HelpIndex_Clickl CardVersion Deal_Click Shuffle_ClickV CardNo GetCardBackQ Shuffle Click Captionv Bet_Change Bet_LostFocus TurnCard_Click CheckForWin NumPot NumBet MsgBoxResponse FileExit ExitSub Flagj FileExit_Click FileNew_Click; EqualSuit EquilSuit ValC1 CardValue Picture3 FALSE List1_Click FillList1 ListCount DealInOrder_Click Form_Load HelpAbout_Click Form3.Show 11 Deal_Click TurnCard_Click Cannot turn card without a bet You cannot bet more than you have" You Win -- This Time Lost Again Sucker" Sorry You have lost your shirt, Do you wish to Play again (Yes/No) The house has taken all your money, and thrown you out -- GoodBye" CheckForWin FileExit_Click FileNew_Click