Sound1 System Sound Shuffler Form1, Picture1 Picture3 coEvents Label1 &Event: Label2 Current Sound: laSound Label1 Shuffle &Files: lbFiles chEnabled Shuffling E&nabled Command1 &Add File Command1 &Remove File Command1 &Play File Command1 &Set Current Command1 Shu&ffle Command1 E&xit CMDialog1 CommonDialog NewFlag Form_Loadf Screen MousePointer WindowState giNumEventsx temp6 gEventsArray coEvents ListIndex AutoRedraw TRUEA ShadeFormk Sound1 FALSE MakeBevel Picture3 coEvents_ClickP UpdateFiles PassedString gSize GetPrivateProfileStringV chEnabled Valueq Command1_Click Index CMDialog1V DefaultExt DialogTitle~ FileName! Filtert FilterIndex Flags OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST OFN_NOCHANGEDIR gsInitDir InitDir Action FName FTitle FileTitle IniApp1 WritePrivateProfileString lbFilesF MsgType MB_ICONASTERISK Title sMsgBox fMsgBox MB_ICONQUESTION LastNdx NextNdxA KillIniKey sndPlaySound Shuffle8 WinKey GetProfileString CurrentSound laSound Caption MakeFileCurrent ListCount GetIniSections Null$ Sections Counter chEnabled_Click PlayWav lbFiles_DblClick Event WriteProfileString Form_Load coEvents_Click Enabled" Shuffle.ini" Command1_Click Add File Select Sound File" Sound (*.wav)|*.wav" Shuffle.ini" Remove a filef Select a sound file to remove" System Sound Shuffler" Are you sure you want to remove System Sound Shuffler" Shuffle.ini" Play selected file Select a sound file to play" System Sound Shuffler"$ Set CurrentE Randomizet Sounds [None] UpdateFiles Get sound files for this event First get current sound for this event Sounds [None] Now get list of shuffle files for this event Shuffle.ini" there aren't any files Files are separated by nulls so parse them Shuffle.ini" chEnabled_Click Enabled" Shuffle.ini" lbFiles_DblClick Select a sound file to play" System Sound Shuffler"$ MakeFileCurrent Select a sound file to make current" System Sound Shuffler"$ Sounds