README.TXT This program was developed in conjunction with an article written by Stan Levine of Automated Design Systems. The articl originally appeared in the July/August issue of the Microsoft Networking Journal from The Cobb Group. For a sample issue of the journal, call The Cobb Group at (800) 223-8720. If you have any questions or comments about the program or interfacing LAN Manager with Visual Basic, please call me or send e-mail. Tim Landgrave Editor in Chief, Microsoft Networking Journal Voice (800) 223-8720 FAX (502) 491-4201 MCI Mail ID - TLandgrave Compuserve - 71760,12 QWatch Contents: global.bas VB global module global.txt text version of global.bas queues.frm VB queues form queues.bmp bitmap of queues window queues.txt text version of code in queues.frm qwatch.frm VB qwatch form qwatch.bmp bitmap of qwatch window qwatch.txt text versino of code in qwatch.frm qwatch.mak VB make file for qwatch qwatch.exe VB executable of qwatch vb1.bmp bitmap of VB development environment with qwatch