PrSel Select a printer... Form1% BT_Setup &Setup BT_Cancel Cancel BT_OK PList Label1 &Printers: Picture1_Click GetProfileString AppName KeyName Default Form_Click Device newpos Driver DeviceMode form1 PrDev GetDefPrDev PrDefault DefPrD GetDefDefPr GetDefDevPr @ Form_Load IniFile GetPrivateProfileStringP PList_Click alldevs count cpos2 eptr> devlen PDevso BT_OK_Click devcnt devload cptr. dptrb PrintPDevs PDevsCnth entry PList PList_DblClick listcount| listindexU BT_Setup_ClickL WinIni PrSel GetDefPr DevApp devline DefApp DefKey PrDevs SetDefPr OutDev WritePrivateProfileString< PrSel_Load Label1_Click Do_OK BT_Cancel_Click CallPSetupp BT_Cancel_Click BT_OK_Click BT_Setup_Click No printer drivers available in the Windows WIN.INI file. Error: No printer device selected. Error: Do_OK No printer drivers available in the Windows WIN.INI file. Error: No printer device selected. Error: At this point, we know a printer's been selected, so save it out to the .INI file. Form_Load The prime directive to this Sub is to parse the list of devices in a .INI file, and display them in the PList listbox.. The running count of printer devices parsedc This "points" to the beginning of a name to be parsed. This "points" to the end of a name to be parsed. Debug.Print " Debug.Print PrDefault.Device- Debug.Print PDevs(i%).Device- Debug.Print PrDefault.Device = PDevs(i%).Device Debug.Print PrDefault.Driver Debug.Print PDevs(i%).Driver Debug.Print PrDefault.Driver = PDevs(i%).Driver Debug.Print PrDefault.Porte Debug.Print PDevs(i%).Porte Debug.Print PrDefault.Port = PDevs(i%).Port For z% = 1 To Len(PrDefault.Port) Debug.Print Asc(Mid$(PrDefault.Port, z%, 1)); Next z% Debug.Print For z% = 1 To Len(PDevs(i%).Port) Debug.Print Asc(Mid$(PDevs(i%).Port, z%, 1)); Next z% Debug.Print GetDefPr This "points" to the beginning of a name to be parsed. This "points" to the end of a name to be parsed. Debug.Print " -*Begin* Debug.Print PrDefault.Device Debug.Print PrDefault.Driver Debug.Print PrDefault.Port PList_DblClick