Included: -------------------------------------------------------------- PPORIENT.DLL - provides a means to find out and change the windows default printer orientation - copy to \windows\system directory ... declare below all on one line Declare Function PPOrient Lib "PPORIENT.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal Orient As Integer) As Integer ... Orient parameter = 0 ... returns current orientation = 1 ... set to PORTRAIT ... returns orientation before this call ( 1 or 2) = 2 ... set to LANDSCAPE ... returns orientation before this call ( 1 or 2) = 3 ... toggles ... if was PORTRAIT, changes to LANDSCAPE and vice versa ... returns orientation before this call ( 1 or 2) ... good return codes = 1 ... printer was PORTRAIT 2 ... printer was LANDSCAPE ... error return codes = 8 ... bad Orient parameter = 9 ... error accessing default printer info example calls: was% = PPOrient(hWnd, 2) ... changes to landscape MsgBox Str$(PPOrient(hWnd, 0)), 0, "Orientation" ... displays current orientation -------------------------------------------------------------- P_L_DLL.MAK ... visual basic (2.0) .FRM example of use -------------------------------------------------------------- PORTLAND.EXE ... program to load in windows startup group ... stays iconized ... shows current printer orientation (P or L) ... double click to change orientation from P to L or vice versa PPORT.EXE ... program to load in windows startup group ... stays iconized ... double click to set orientation to Portrait PLAND.EXE ... program to load in windows startup group ... stays iconized ... double click to set orientation to Landscape Hope these are helpful. There are others(see WINP1.1 in basic forum, WINPRTLS coming soon). If they prove useful, please send a $10 check to PAUL POELLINGER 2019 Round Lake Drive Houston, TX 77077 to help me justify deducting software upgrades on my taxes. Let me know if you have any trouble or suggestions. Paul Poellinger Compuserve 70732,3576