Greeting OGMESSAGE wwwwwwp Form1 Picture1 wwwwwwp Label1 OH GEE MESSAGE sendcmd &Send Message mailchk_tim File1_Click File1_PathChangeF Timer1_Timer= Form_Click @ Form_Load nofile5 username exitsub& form1 windowstate file1 numfiles# listcountQ fnames fname3 listd inmail TRUEY false exitfor form2 nomail strval getout badwords Command1_Click winid maildir namefile greeting viewform ogsend mailchk_tim_TimerK sendcmd_Click endsub ndsub Label1_Click@ setup_rtn setupflag viewmsg Form_Paint centerwnd Form_Load mailchk_tim_Timer viewform.SetFocus The user has no mail so we get here this code iss done most of the time.. OGMAIL - unexpected error sendcmd_Click Form_Paint