Here is the DLL, DiskInfo.DLL. It contains one function, also called DiskInfo. The declaration is as follows:- Declare Function DiskInfo Lib "DiskInfo.DLL" (ByVal DriveNum%, ByVal DriveInfo%) As Long DriveNum% is the drive that you want the figures for: 0=Default Drive, 1=drive A, 2=B, 3=C etc. DriveInfo% is the information you want: 1 = Free Space, 2 = Total Space, 3 = Total Clusters, 4 = Available Clusters, 5 = Sectors per Cluster, 6 = Bytes per Sector. If you pass an incorrect DriveNum%, the function returns -1, if there is an error related to DriveInfo% it returns -2. Otherwise it returns either a number (of clusters/sectors) or a number of Bytes. ********** I have added another two functions, to return the free system resources and the free memory. Declare Function GetFreeMem Lib "DiskInfo.DLL" () As Long ' returns the amount of free system memory in bytes Declare Function GetFreeRes Lib "DiskInfo.DLL" ( ByVal InfoType% ) As Integer ' returns a number between 0-100, which is the percentage of free 'resources of the type specified in InfoType%. 0 = System Resources, '1 = GDI Resources, 2 = User Resources. It will return -1 if you 'specify an incorrect type. I have included a tiny VB app called DiskInf which very quickly demonstrates the three functions. Ian Taylor 100025,557