Form1 Form11 Image1 Image1 Label1 Label1 MS Sans Serif Image1 CloseMain_Click Form_Load< CloseMain Visible Image1_Click popup CloseSub3 Image1 Height+ CloseSub_Click CaptionX Form2 Loadr mnuClose Form1 mnuMain ACTIVE_TITLE_BAR TITLE_BAR_TEXT{ Label1 ForeColor BackColor Label1_Click Widthq ScaleWidth^ Alignment FontName FontSize Screen TwipsPerPixelX TwipsPerPixelY Form_Resize Form_Click WindowStateh Image1_DblClick shown Image1_MouseDown Indexv Button Shift Picture Form_KeyPress keyAscii Form_GotFocus5 SavedHeight SavedTop Image1_MouseUpA MouseX MouseY resizing KeyPreview( Form_KeyUpK KeyCode ALT_MASK KEY_F4 KEY_SPACE Value required to re-adjust form height after caption is added or removed required to re-adjust form toph evaluates mouse coordinates to determine if popup should pop up. Form_KeyUp this sub allows the user to access the system menu by keying Alt+Space, or to close the form by keying Alt+F4.. Form_Load This project is in response to a question posed by another MSBASICS forum member: "How can I create a nonmovable window which still has a control box, title bar and minimize button?" This project demonstrates the creation of a form which cannote be moved by the user, even though it has a control menu and title bar. This is achieved by simulating the control menu and title bar with an image and a label. I didn't address the minimize button since that can be faked with a bitmap. I simply added thez minimize option to the popup menu. There are two forms in this project; Form1 is visible with no menu,a while the invisible Form2 contains a menu for popup use by Form1.u Form_Load sets up the visible form, which contains Image1 to hold the control menu bitmap, and label1, whichn simulates the title bar. When the user clicks Image1, a e popup menu is shown using a menu from the hidden Form2.. After Form1 is minimized there is no control menu which appears when the icon is clicked, but a double-click still restores it. THIS IS A BIG KLUGE JOB and I don't guarantee that it's the best solution. I merely got bitten by the 'figure it out if you can' bug. I hope this is helpful and informative, at the least. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! Barry Seymour Marquette Computer Consultantse CIS 70413,3405u setup Form1... position Image1 position, setup Label1 System centered Unmovable Form Demo form-level var form-level varm don't show it.t Form_Resize form was just restored. Clear it's caption and ensure it's correctly sized and positioned. (Required because form height & Top change when caption is removed)c Image1_Click Yields the popup menun Image1_DblClick closes the program