MainForm NoGhost TestApp Form15 Label1 FileMenu &File ExitChoice E&xit ConfigureMenu &Configuration EnableChoice &Enable Processing SizingOption &Sizeable @ Form_Loadd RegNoGhost? UnRegNoGhost ErrCode Form1 Form_Unload CancelY SizingMode OnOff AllowSizing AllowMoving EnableChoice_Click EnableChoice, Checked SizingOption_Click SizingOption ExitChoice_Click MainForm AboutChoice_Click AboutForm LabelWidth" LabelMult Form_Resize Label1 Width5 ScaleWidth Label1_Click lblStringN lblMult Caption Form_MouseDown: Button` Shift WindowState Visible sample} program control works Blaum Copyright Sapphire Technologies Registrationb noghost.dll EnableChoice_Click ExitChoice_Click Form_Load NoGhost is a tool which allows Visual Basic applications to respond to Cascade and Tile messages properly. It also behaves properly when the Visual Basic application is minimized and does not detract from the Cascading or Tiling of other applications. NoGhost is programmer configurable to allow or disallow sizing of the Visual Basic application's window. Try this sample program to get an idea how the control works. Turning off the Enable Processing option will show you how Visual Basic applications normally behave. NoGhost only requires 5K of memory and one simple call to a DLL function. By Greg Blaum - CIS: 71212,1763 Copyright 1993 NoGhost is FREEWARE, suggestions or questions are welcome Form_Resize Form_Unload SizingOption_Click