Landau Landau & Associates Demo wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp Form1 TopicIcon wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp Label1 Landau && Associates Times New Roman Overview Overview TopicIcon wwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwww wwwwww YYYYYP pYYYYYY YYYYYY YYYYYY pYYYYYY YYYYYY YYYYYY YYYYY wwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwww wwwwww YYYYYP pYYYYYY YYYYYY YYYYYY pYYYYYY YYYYYY YYYYYY YYYYY Title Introduction Services Services TopicIcon wwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwww wwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwww wwwwww Display Text1 Applications Applications TopicIcon wwwwww wwwwww Training Training TopicIcon People Biographies TopicIcon ExitButton Exit System Label2 For a summary of information, click on the icon to the right of the topic, hold down the left mouse button, drag the icon to the text box on the right, and release mouse button. For additional info, click the button to the left of the icon. &File FileCmd &Save ... FileCmd Save &As ... FileCmd FileCmd &Print ... FileCmd FileCmd E&xit &Edit EditCmd EditCmd &Copy EditCmd &Paste &View ViewCmd &Overview ... ViewCmd &Services ... ViewCmd &Applications ... ViewCmd &Training ... ViewCmd Biographies ... RunCmd &Calculator RunCmd &Notepad &Help HelpCmd &Using Help HelpCmd HelpCmd &About ... @ Form_Load Textc AddInfo LandauText OverViewTextn ServicesTextb ApplicationsText TrainingText. BiographiesText$ Display Detail Display_DragDrop Source7 Index Titlet Caption Overview Default Services Applicationsg Training People! ExitButton_ClickR Overview_Click ClearDetailList+ DetailList ListIndex? DetailDisplayr DetailTopic< OverviewTopic Services_Click ServicesTopic Applications_Clickz ApplicationsTopic ClearListButton Value Training_Click TrainingTopic People_Click BiographiesTopic FileCmd_Click1 FileFilterType MhFileFilterType[ GetFileType& MhGetFileType FullPathName FileName OldFileName Description Maskc FilterIndexX InitFileName FormCaptionI InitDir DefaultExtensionc HowManyFilters Flags OFN_SHOWHELP OFN_NOCHANGEDIRW OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT MhCtrlHwnd FileCmd; MhGetSaveFileNameM MhGetFileTitle MhEcode SelText ViewCmd_Click RunCmd_Click IsWindow CalcHWnd RetVal GetFocus ShowWindow BringWindowTotop NoteHWnd EditCmd_Click ClipBoard Screen4 ActiveControl HelpCmd_Click Result WinHelp Landau HELP_INDEX DummyVal About Form_Load For additional information, press the associated button or contact ... Landau & Associates" 28 Bradford Lane Basking Ridge, NJ 07920" Tel: 908-766-5717" Fax: 908-766-2343" This application is an example of a Windows" program which, using current state of the art development tools, was relatively easy" and quick to develop. Infact, the entire design and development process was completed in less than one day. Landau & Associates, formed in 1987, is dedicated to the philosophy that the " effective use of today's technology leads to significant improvements in business results. We design, develop and implement systems that lead to enhanced revenues and reduced expenses. " The emergence of the Personal Computing market has led to an explosion of sophisticated software applications that transform inexpensive desktop computing " into a wide variety of business tools. Today, the average business has a host of " desktop computers that have more number crunching power than most Mainframe Computers had several decades ago. Unfortunately, users exploit only a fraction of " this power." Landau & Associates understand the importance of providing a full range of " services to its clients: * Technology Assessment * System Specifications * Software Design * Software Development" * System Documentation" * Operational Conversion" * System Integration and Implementation * Training" * Ongoing Support We have developed desktop computing systems which address business needs " ranging from Fixed Income Trading to Inventory Control. Our team has a proven " record of solving all types of business and organizational problems by integrating " today's advanced hardware and software technologies. Our data processing experience includes expertise in PCs, Workstations, Mainframes, and Networks. The firm's software expertise includes, but is not " limited to, Microsoft Windows, UNIX, C, C++, APL, SyBase, FORTRAN, " VBasic, Excel, Word for Windows, DBase IV, Clipper, MS-DOS, etc. Landau & Associates has been designated a Microsoft Consulting Relations " Partner. Landau & Associates provide a wide range of services. They include ... Technology Assessment" System Specfications Software Design" System Development Operational Conversion System Integration and Implementation" Training Ongoing Support" A sample of recent applications include the following ..." Real Time Financial Swap Trading/Hedging System" Client Presentation System Liability Management System" Asset Based Swap System" Financial Allocation System" Profit and Loss Analysis System" LDC Debt Trading/Analysis System P&L SWAP Reconciliation System LDC Graphical Analysis System" Landau & Assoicates offers a number of focused and customized training courses. They include ... Introduction to Excel" Excel Basics for Lotus 1-2-3 Users Productive Financial Modeling in Excel Automating Tasks in Excel" Excel Macros for Lotus 1-2-3 Users Applications Development in Excel" We will also custom design a course for your specific needs. The staff of Landau & Associates includes ..." Michael Landau - President Suzie Akers - Senior Consultant" Brad Crysel - Senior Consultant" Stephen Jasko - Senior Consultant" Jean Hagmann - Systems Support Display_DragDrop Landau Icon Landau && Associates Overview Overview Services Services Applications Applications Training Training Biographies Biographies" ExitButton_Click Overview_Click Overview Introduction History of Landau & Associates Philosophy of the Firm Hardware Expertise Operating System Expertise Software Expertise Services_Click Services Introduction Technology Assessment" System Specifications" Software Design" Software Development System Documentation Operational Conversion System Integration and Implementaion Training Ongoing Support" Applications_Click Applications Introduction Real Time Financial Swap Trading/Hedging System" Client Presentation System Liability Management System" Asset Based Swap System" Financial Allocation System" Profit and Loss Analysis System" LDC Debt Trading/Analysis System P&L SWAP Reconciliation System LDC Graphical Analysis System" ClearDetailList Training_Click Training Course Listing ... Introduction to Excel" Excel Basics for Lotus 1-2-3 Users Productive Financial Modeling in Excel Automating Tasks in Excel" Excel Macros for Lotus 1-2-3 Users Applications Development in Excel" People_Click Biographies" Introduction Michael Landau - President Suzie Akers - Senior Consultant" Brad Crysel - Senior Consultant" Stephen Jasko - Senior Consultant" Jean Hagmann - Systems Support FileCmd_Click Save and Save As ...s SaveRecord Open FileName For Binary Access Write As 1t Put 1, , RecOut Close 1 Saving - " Text Files (*.TXT) *.TXT" All Files (*.*)" Use "ABS Files" Save As" For initialization dir, we'll use our program's directory GetFileType.HWnd = MhCtrlHwnd(FileCmd(2)) FullPathName = MhGetSaveFileName$(GetFileType, FileFilterType(1)) FileName = MhGetFileTitle$(FullPathName)e Saving - " Select Case MhEcode() Case 0 Case -3 You can open only one file dialog at a time! Error" Case Else MsgBox "Error" + Str$(MhEcode()) + " occurred.", 0, "Error" End Select Print The following text would have been sent to you printer ... Printer Output Exitl ViewCmd_Click Overview Services Applicationse Trainingi Biographies RunCmd_Click Calc.EXE Notepad.EXE" EditCmd_Click Copy selected text to Clipboard. Delete selected text. Copy Copy selected text to Clipboard. Paste Place text from Clipboard into active control. HelpCmd_Click Index winhelp.hlp" About ...