Installation instructions: Must Actions: 1 - Copy Muscle.Vbx to either the windows directory or windows\system 2 - Copy Inotepad.Hlp to the windows directory 3 - Copy Inotepad.exe to the directory of your choice In addition: The code for the programs is provided in INPCODE.ZIP The program and code is placed in the Public Domain and may be used by any CompuServe Visual Basic Forum members either as is or modified. This upload is made as a repayment of all the assistance I have received from various other Forum members. I have found this program in combination with QDHELP (Shareware in WINSDK Forum, Lib 16) a good way to write help files. The help file for this program was written in this manner. The INOTEPAD.INI file I used, thus including the macros I created for use with QDHELP, are contained in the file IPADQDHP.INI. If you want to try this, copy this file to \windows\inotepad.ini. (Note: this ini requires you to be running under Windows 3.1) If you find any problems or bugs in the program I would be happy to do what I can do to either explain or fix. Also, if you have any suggestions, I would consider adding them to a later version. You will notice in the code I am currently writing a FileHEader to the start of the INI file. I am planning to add the capability to save multiple setups. You will not be able to run this program within Visual Basic environemnt unless you also own MicroHelp Muscle. Iif the function is available in Muscle then I don't used an API call. The documentation on Muscle is far more extensive including many examples, than what I have on API usage. It is easy to identify the Muscle function, they all start with "Mh". I used it to access the Common Dialog just so I would not have to distribute the Common Dialog VBX AND I find the MicroHelp interface more direct. Gordon Compuserve 72567,3416