Form2 Typing Macros wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwwwp Form2- Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 pastebut Paste CpBrd to Macro Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 okbut Save Macros Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 / cancelbut Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label1 Label2 Macro Text Size: macrosizelabel mactext Form_Click Label1 cancelbut_Click Form2 OKBut_Click Macrosd text* pastebut_Click Text1] SelText ClipBoard macselected MACS_Change index Check5 messageU caption @ Form_Load Height Width Form_Resizez cbhWnd GetFocusO TextLimit retVal SendMessage EM_LIMITTEXT Label1_Click; Form1 SaveIniData, MACS_GotFocus MacroSizeLabel Windowstatef Result{ MhPuKillK Puhandle MakePuMenusD Titlen MacText ActionFlag False True< Macrotext mactext_Change Label2_Click Macs_LostFocus[ MacText_LostFocus MACS_KeyDown KeyCodex Shift MACROl macrosizelabel_Click Form_Unload Cancel Form_LostFocus ScreenWidth Screen MACS_KeyPress keyascii cancelbut_Click OKBut_Click Error, could not kill PU Menu" pastebut_Click You must selected a macro before Pasting the Clipboard This will set Macro " equal to what is on the Clipboard" CLipBoard Paste" Enter Macro title, maximum is 30 characters" MACRO TITLE" ClipBoard contains more than 2K Bytes, only the first 2K Bytes will be captured" Form_Load Form_Resize MACS_GotFocus Label1_Click mactext_Change Macs_LostFocus MacText_LostFocus Form_Unload Form_LostFocus MACS_KeyPress